100字范文 > 成本费用控制 cost control英语短句 例句大全

成本费用控制 cost control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-20 17:22:27


成本费用控制 cost control英语短句 例句大全

成本费用控制,cost control

1)cost control成本费用控制

1.The Cost Control of Real Estate Project;房地产开发项目的成本费用控制

2.It is very common that a hotel runs very well in appearance but far from satisfaction in fact,for which the author argues thatcost control and incentive system may be applied.表面经营非常红火、实际经济效益差强人意是众多酒店的通病 ,因而加强成本费用控制和实施奖惩制度就成为治病的良方。


1.Moreover, the model of controlling the total cost expense is given and the concrete measures of enhancing the control over it are approached in this paper.提出总成本费用控制模型,探讨加强总成本费用控制的具体措施.

2.Engineering Quality and The Control Cost and Expense in Artificial Bore Piles钻孔灌注桩工程质量与成本费用控制

3.Analysis to the Countermeasure of Building Item Cost Control;建筑工程项目成本费用控制对策分析

4.This paper gives a description of the engineering cost control of construction enterprises in the aspect of cost forecast and cost control.主要从成本费用预测和成本费用控制两方面着手,对施工企业工程造价的控制进行论述。

5.Measure for cost fare control of asphalt pavement compaction谈沥青路面压实施工成本费用控制的措施

6.To analyse the cost expenses and the cost controlled of development item of real estate房地产开发项目成本费用构成及成本控制

7.Control the cost strictly to gain the maximal marginal profits.·严格控制成本费用,使边际利润最大化。

8.Cost Fare Inner-controlling Difficulties and Their Solutions成本费用内部控制的难点及解决途径

9.IV. Perform the standard cost management and reduce the cost expense scientifically.四是要实行标准成本管理、科学控制成本费用。

10.Cost control, prevent waste ensuring retrieve and recycle.控制成本,杜绝浪费。确保物品的回收再利用。

11."Cost control, prevent waste ensuring retrieve and recycle."控制成本,杜绝浪费。确保物品的回收再利用。

12.Research on Internal Accounting Control of Road Construction Enterprises Cost and Expense;公路施工企业成本费用内部会计控制研究

13.Study on method of hospital cost accounting and control based on Intranet;基于Intranet的医院成本费用核算与控制的实现方法

14.Cost Control Based on Processing Cost Standards;基于工序费用标准的成本控制方法探索

15.On the Significance and Transition of Internal Control Elements of Cost in Private Enterprises民营企业成本费用内部控制要素重要性及变迁

16.Cost and Expense Analysis of the Internal Control Environment Based on Corporate Governance基于公司治理的成本费用内部控制环境分析

17.To effectively control and manage engineering expense to contribute favorable or zero manufacturing variations.有效地控制和管理工程费用,争取制造成本差异控制在零或节余.

18.Headache: Keeping costs under control at Disney"s movie division.头痛的事情:使制作成本控制在迪斯尼的电影部计划费用范围内。


controllable costs可控制成本(费用)


1.The Relation between the Compaction of Highway Bitumen Pavement and Cost;公路沥青路面压实度与成本费用的关系

2.The paper brings forward several measures to control the compaction of asphalt pavement constructioncost.对如何控制沥青路面压实施工成本费用提出几点措施。

3.It analyzes quality problems due to construction process of drill-pouring pile and various factors for increasedcost,which is based on construction experiences and academic evaluation method,and puts forward specific measures to control project quality andcost.根据多年的施工实践和理论值评价方法,分析了钻孔灌注桩工程施工中各工序引发质量事故与成本费用增加的各种因素,并提出提高工程质量,有效控制成本费用的具体措施。


1.This paper presents a mathemtical analysis of Coase theorem of property right anda revelation of that when the determination of property right is independent of thecosts, thedistribution of social resources is most reasonable; while the determinatioton of property rightdepends on the cost.对科斯产权定理给出了数理证明,揭示了当产权确定不需要成本费用时,则社会资源的配置是最优的;当产权确定需要成本费用时,则社会资源的配置不是最优,而且随成本不同其效益也不同。

5)cost expense成本费用

1.To analyse thecost expenses and the cost controlled of development item of real estate;房地产开发项目成本费用构成及成本控制

6)cost and expense成本费用

1.Cost and expense items,financial messages exhibited by them,and the way of improving glass fiber enterprise management depending oncost and expense data,especially their changes,are elaborated.介绍了成本费用的内容、成本费用反映的财务经济信息以及如何依靠成本费用资料为提高玻纤企业的管理水平服务,阐述成本费用指标的变化与提高玻纤企业管理水平的关系。


