100字范文 > 可控成本 controllable cost英语短句 例句大全

可控成本 controllable cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 08:48:19


可控成本 controllable cost英语短句 例句大全

可控成本,controllable cost

1)controllable cost可控成本

1.This paper analyses thecontrollable cost of electric power construction unit to find out the essential reasons for the economic loss,thus puts forward some methods to enhance the cost control and management and increase the production benefit.通过电力施工企业项目可控成本的分析,寻找造成亏损的根本性原因,为电力施工企业加强工程项目成本管理与控制,提高生产效益提供有效手段。

2.The article briefly introduces the general structure of oil field special motorcade production cost,controllable costs budget and the simple measures of cost control.文章简要介绍了油田特种车队生产成本的一般构成,以及可控成本的预算和成本控制的简便方法。


1.Research about Available Cost Management Information System of Electric Power Company;供电公司可控成本管理信息系统项目开发管理研究

2.Controllable Appreciated Cost Management--A new way of cost management;可控增值成本管理——一种新的成本管理办法

3.The Guarantee for Sustainable Development-the Enterprise s Environmental Cost Control;可持续发展的保障——企业环境成本控制

4.On the Application of Contracting out System of Controllable Responsibility Cost to Project Management;可控责任成本承包制在项目管理中的运用

5.Low Cost Visual Humidity and Temperature Control System Based on ARM基于ARM的低成本可视化的温湿度自动控制系统

6.Guaranteed cost H_∞ robust reliable control for uncertain time-varying delayed systems against actuator failure不确定时变时滞系统的保成本H_∞鲁棒可靠控制

7.These systems provide information about the unit cost of manufacturing a product and are designed to assist management"s efforts to control costs.成本会计系统可以及时提供单位产品的成本,并能协助管理当局对成本进行控制。

8.The job order cost sheets provide unit cost information and can be used by management for such purposes as product pricing and cost control.批次成本计算表可以为管理当局提供单位成本信息以利于产品定价和成本控制等。

9.Cost Analysis Established on the Enterprises in Formationization Cost Approach Between the Controllability and Property;企业信息化下的成本分析——关于以成本可控性分析代替成本性态分析的研究

10.Students can collaboratively author a document using a version control tool, and can annotate their edits.学生使用版本控制器可合作写成一篇文档并可以作批注。

11.Make Clear the Thought of the Cost Control and Set up the Target of the Cost Control明确成本控制思想 确立成本控制目标

12.Mass Cost Control Method--a New Idea for Logistics Cost Control;物流成本控制新思路--规模成本控制法

13.Make Clear the Thought of the Cost Control and Set up the Target of the Cost Control;明确成本控制思想 确立成本控制目标

14.Operation Cost Control to the Improvement of Traditionally Cost Control;作业成本控制对传统成本控制的改进

15.It may discover the ways to controlling the information cost to look for the feature of the factor capital by entering the cost theory system.进入成本理论系统寻找要素资本的特征和性质,可以发现信息成本的控制途径和方法。

16.cut your production costs...可降低生产成本……

17.Controllable income is the excess of contribution margin over fixed costs controlled by the profit center.所谓可控收益就是利润中心的边际贡献扣除利润中心可控制的各项固定成本后的余额。

18.ROI may not be fully controllable by the center manager due to the presence of committed costs.由于存在既定的共同成本,中心经理不可能完全控制ROI。


cost controllability成本可控性

1.Through analyzing of cost property and founding its limitations, the writer of this paper put forward the new studying approaching on the basis ofcost controllability.本文在对传统的成本性态分析方法的局限性进行研究的基础上,提出了更为有效的成本可控性分析方法,并以对比的方式对成本可控性分析方法的适用性进行了探讨。

3)noncontrollable cost非可控成本

4)programmed costs可控制成本

5)controllable responsibility cost可控责任成本

1.The contracting out system ofcontrollable responsibility cost is an effective administrative mode for striving for economic benefits and developing more living space.降低施工成本,实行项目可控责任成本承包制就是企 业谋求经济效益,拓展生存空间的一种有效管理模式。

6)controllable costs可控制成本(费用)


