100字范文 > 条带采煤法 pillar mining method英语短句 例句大全

条带采煤法 pillar mining method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-20 02:07:33


条带采煤法 pillar mining method英语短句 例句大全

条带采煤法,pillar mining method

1)pillar mining method条带采煤法

2)multi-coal seam strip mining多煤层条带开采

1.The law of surface movement formulti-coal seam strip mining;多煤层条带开采地表移动规律

2.Base on the simple supported beam theory in material mechanics,the relevant mechanical model is set up when the centers of the upper pillar and lower pillar are not in a vertical direction onmulti-coal seam strip mining.在材料力学简支梁理论基础上,建立了多煤层条带开采上下条带的煤柱完全不对齐时煤层间岩体的力学模型,分析并计算了各种地质和采矿因素(如采深、层间距、采出率等)对多煤层层间岩体稳定性的影响,研究了层间岩体应力的变化规律,并得出了层间距及下煤层采宽对保持煤层间岩体的稳定性有着重要作用的结论。


1.Evaluation method for pillar stability during strip mining in multiple coal seams多煤层条带开采煤柱稳定性评价方法研究

2.Study on the Surface Movement Law in Strip Mining of Inclined Multiple Coal Seams倾斜多煤层条带开采地表移动规律研究

3.Evaluation on 3~# coal mining with water pressure condition in Guhan coal mine古韩联营煤矿3~#煤层带水压开采条件评价

4.Study on the Coal Pillar Stability of Deep and High Seam Strip-Partial Mining and Its Impact on the Village in Gucheng Coal Mine;古城煤矿深部厚煤层条带开采煤柱稳定性及对村庄的影响研究

5.Research on the Rule of Surface Movement and Deformation Caused by Strip Mining in Steep Seam;急倾斜煤层条带开采地表移动与变形规律研究

6.Study of Deformation and Destruction Mechanics and Numerical Simulation on Ascending Strip Mining of Short Distance Coal Seams;近距离煤层条带上行开采煤岩层变形破坏机理及数值模拟研究

7.Research and Application of Coal Seam Strip Mining Method with the Huge Thick Soil Layer under Buildings;建筑群下特厚松散覆层煤层条带式开采方法的研究与应用

8.Water Prevention and Control Technology of Seam Mining Under Thin Floor Condition薄层底板条件下煤层开采防治水技术

9.Determination on Fracture Condition of Key Stratum Above Full Thick Seam Mining Face厚煤层整层开采采场上覆关键层断裂条件判定

10.Behavior Law of Mine Pressure in Roadways Under Conditions of Mining With Coal Pillars带煤柱开采条件下巷道矿压显现规律

11.Analysis on geological condition of coal seam mining with presser in ZhangCun Mine章村矿下组煤带压开采地质条件分析

12.Research on Strip Mining under Buildings of Donghuantuo Coal Mine South 1st District;东欢坨矿南一采区建筑物压煤条带开采研究

13.The Research on the Mining Techinic of the "Double Upburst" Higher Coal Seam Effected by Geological Conformation;地质构造影响带内双突特厚煤层开采技术研究

14.Numerical Simulation of the Strip Mining under Shen-Da Super-way;沈大高速公路下压煤条带开采的数值模拟

15.Study on Pillars Stability by Keeping Water in Strip Mining for Small and Medium-sized Mines in Northern Shanxi Province陕北中小矿井条带保水开采煤柱稳定性研究

16.Numerical Simulation and Calculation on Plastic Zone Width of Coal Pillar for Strip Mining条带开采煤柱塑性区宽度的数值模拟与计算

17.Probing into Mine Fire Prevention and Control Technology in Special Thick Coal Seam with Hard Rock and Hard Coal in Datong;“两硬”条件特厚煤层综放开采防灭火技术探讨

18.Simulation analysis of steep seam mining under rainfall condition降雨条件下急倾斜煤层开采的仿真分析


multi-coal seam strip mining多煤层条带开采

1.The law of surface movement formulti-coal seam strip mining;多煤层条带开采地表移动规律

2.Base on the simple supported beam theory in material mechanics,the relevant mechanical model is set up when the centers of the upper pillar and lower pillar are not in a vertical direction onmulti-coal seam strip mining.在材料力学简支梁理论基础上,建立了多煤层条带开采上下条带的煤柱完全不对齐时煤层间岩体的力学模型,分析并计算了各种地质和采矿因素(如采深、层间距、采出率等)对多煤层层间岩体稳定性的影响,研究了层间岩体应力的变化规律,并得出了层间距及下煤层采宽对保持煤层间岩体的稳定性有着重要作用的结论。

3)strip mining条带法开采

1.Study onstrip mining size under thick alluvium and thin bedrock;厚松散层薄基岩条带法开采采留尺度研究

4)strip coal pillar条带煤柱

1.The new technology of waste-filling replacement mining onstrip coal pillar;利用矸石充填置换开采条带煤柱的新技术

2.Whether thestrip coal pillar is stable or not is one of the key problems of strip-partial mining.应用突变理论建立了条带煤柱突变破坏失稳的尖点突变模型,导出了条带煤柱破坏失稳的充要条件表达式。

3.Its success or failure hinges on the long-term stability ofstrip coal pillar.条带开采是目前解决“三下”压煤的较为切合中国煤矿企业实际的方法之一 ,条带开采成败的关键是条带煤柱的长期稳定性。

5)banded coal条带状煤

6)strip pillar mining条带开采

1.Prediction and evaluation on building damages ofstrip pillar mining under villages;村庄下条带开采对地表建筑的影响预测及评价

2.Determination of surface subsidence prediction parameters forstrip pillar mining条带开采地表沉陷预计参数的确定

3.Based on the specific geological and mining conditions and the status of Nanying buildings,the results show that it is feasible and reasonable to extract the coal reserves under village usingstrip pillar mining method in this coal mine,and thestrip pillar mining plans and their parameters were presented.根据铁生沟煤矿地质采矿条件及南营村建筑物现状,对开采技术进行了分析,南营村建筑物下压煤采用条带法开采在技术上可行、经济上合理,并给出了条带开采方案及其参数。


