100字范文 > 深部条带开采 deep strip pillar mining英语短句 例句大全

深部条带开采 deep strip pillar mining英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-25 05:43:18


深部条带开采 deep strip pillar mining英语短句 例句大全

深部条带开采,deep strip pillar mining

1)deep strip pillar mining深部条带开采

1.Numerical simulation study on the relationship between mining height and subsidence factor indeep strip pillar mining;深部条带开采下沉系数与采厚关系的数值模拟

2.By integrating a pillar mining experiment which operates on one coal mine under the building,with the investigation and exploration of the methods of determination mining width indeep strip pillar mining,and comparing the submersion coefficient method and the pressure arches the predicted value method,the strip pillar mining parameter of the coal mine is obtained.在建筑物下开采深部压煤通常采用条带开采法控制地表移动变形量,条带开采工作面倾斜方向容易形成极不充分工作面,结合某煤矿建筑物下深部压煤条带开采试验,深入研究和探索深部条带开采采宽和留宽确定方法及其协调关系,并与下沉系数法、压力拱计算值法相比较,得出该煤矿条带开采的参数,试验结果表明,极不充分开采法确定开采宽度对于条带开采设计是十分有效的,能有效地控制地表移动和变形程度。


1.Predicted Research of Surface Movement in Deep Strip Mining深部条带开采地表移动预计研究的探讨

2.Surface Movement Laws of Deep Wide Strip-Pillar Mining Under Thick Alluvium巨厚松散层下深部宽条带开采地表移动规律

3.Study on ground movement and deformation of deep partial extraction along the dip in deepth深部倾向条带开采地表移动变形规律研究

4.Study on the Coal Pillar Stability of Deep and High Seam Strip-Partial Mining and Its Impact on the Village in Gucheng Coal Mine;古城煤矿深部厚煤层条带开采煤柱稳定性及对村庄的影响研究

5.The Technique Applied for Mining through Large-throw Fault Complex in Deep Mine深井大落差断层群带条件下的开采技术

6.Fundamental Research on Localization Hazard Monitoring Due to Three-underground Trip Mining“三下”条带开采局部化灾害监测基础研究

7.Geological Features and Evaluation of Mining Geological Conditions for Deep Coal Bed in Xingbei Coal Field;邢北煤田深部煤层地质特征与开采地质条件评价

8.Study on Stress State of Wide Strip Pillar in Gobs of Deep Mines深井采空区宽条带煤柱受力状态研究

9.Application of Stepwise Mining Technique in Exploiting Coal Under Buildings间续开采技术在建筑物下深部开采中的应用

10.Behavior Law of Mine Pressure in Roadways Under Conditions of Mining With Coal Pillars带煤柱开采条件下巷道矿压显现规律

11.Analysis on geological condition of coal seam mining with presser in ZhangCun Mine章村矿下组煤带压开采地质条件分析

12.Research on the Mining Effect from Mining Deep-Level Orebody in Jinchuan No.2 Mine金川二矿区深部矿体开采效应的研究

13.~(3D)Numerical Simulation Research on the Confirmation of Rational Mining and Pillar Width in Strip Mining条带开采合理采留宽确定的FLAC~(3D)数值模拟研究

14.Research on Strip Mining under Buildings of Donghuantuo Coal Mine South 1st District;东欢坨矿南一采区建筑物压煤条带开采研究

15.Key Technology About Deep Mining of Surface Mine with Inclined Coal Seam倾斜煤层深凹露天矿深部开采关键技术研究

16.Study on optimization of stope structure parameters due to disastrous complex group of mined area in deep mining灾害性群空区深部开采采场结构参数优化研究

17.Study on relations between rock burst,goaf area and ground stress in deep mining深部开采岩爆及采空区与地应力关系的研究

18.Numerical Study on Substitution Extraction in Coal Pillar of Strip Mining条带开采留设煤柱置换开采方法的数值模拟研究


deep mining above aquifer深部带压开采

3)deep mining深部开采

1.Hyperbolic functions method for analysis of rock mass displacement due todeep mining;深部开采岩体变形分析的双曲函数法

2.Development and pospect of geophysical technology indeep mining;煤矿深部开采中的地球物理技术现状及展望

3.Influence of the key strata indeep mining to mining subsidence;深部开采覆岩关键层对地表沉陷的影响

4)mining in deep-lying深部开采

1.In China,with coal resourcemining in deep-lying being developed,therefore,the main technology problems about prediction and control of surface subsidence are brought out.在深部开采条件下,结合深部地质灾害的特点,总结分析了目前深部开采存在的主要问题,提出了深部开采条件下应深入开展相关研究工作的意见和建议。

2.In the conditions ofmining in deep-lying,combining with the characteristics of surface subsidence,main problems of prediction and control are summed up and analyzed.在深部开采条件下,结合地表沉陷的特点,总结分析了预测与控制存在的主要问题,表现在其预测模型、参数以及保护煤柱的留设方法和参数等方面。

3.Based on analyzing problem of displacement angle of stratummining in deep-lying conditions at present,under a determination geology mining conditions,the changing principle of displacement angle of stratum is probed into,along with exploiting depth,thickness and coal inclination angle etc,and its calculation formula is established in deep-lying.在分析目前深部开采条件下岩层移动角确定存在问题的基础上,在一定的地质采矿条件下,探讨了岩层移动角随开采深度、开采厚度及煤层倾角等的变化规律,建立了深部开采条件下移动角的计算公式。

5)deep mine深部开采

1.The formation conditions,forecast and prevention of impact pressure indeep mine;深部开采冲击地压发生条件及预测和防治

2.According to underground metal mining technology development at home and abroad,this paper emphatically discusses the development tendency ofdeep mine,high efficiency mining,continuous and no waste mining and intelligent and digital mining.针对国内外地下金属矿山开采技术的发展,着重论述了深部开采,高效率采矿,连续化、无废化采矿,智能化、数字化矿山4个领域的发展趋势。

prehensive experiment and stability monitoring for soft and complex strata of high stress roadway indeep mine project;深部开采中巷道维护理论与浅部有十分明显的区别。

6)strip pillar mining条带开采

1.Prediction and evaluation on building damages ofstrip pillar mining under villages;村庄下条带开采对地表建筑的影响预测及评价

2.Determination of surface subsidence prediction parameters forstrip pillar mining条带开采地表沉陷预计参数的确定

3.Based on the specific geological and mining conditions and the status of Nanying buildings,the results show that it is feasible and reasonable to extract the coal reserves under village usingstrip pillar mining method in this coal mine,and thestrip pillar mining plans and their parameters were presented.根据铁生沟煤矿地质采矿条件及南营村建筑物现状,对开采技术进行了分析,南营村建筑物下压煤采用条带法开采在技术上可行、经济上合理,并给出了条带开采方案及其参数。


深部开采深部开采deep mining上,如弓长岭铁矿设计深度为一75Om,距地表深度达IOoom。根据中国、南非、加拿大、美国、印度等国的一些开采深度大于600一700m,以及深度大于10。。一2。。Om的矿山生产实践,深部开采将面临着改进岩层控制、井下工作环境、深部回采工艺等问题。岩层控制原岩应力观测结果表明,深度超过45。一5。。m时,水平应力分量如将增大,可能超过垂直应力分量内,即如/内>1。原岩应力值增大,地压增大,且其显现特点将与深度小于4oom的显现特点不同,变静压为动压。具体表现为巷道破坏或巷道和采场的围岩变形、矿柱失稳、特别是岩爆(冲击地压)显现频度及强烈程度增大,并表现出具有瞬间释放出大量能量的特点,使较长一段巷道破坏,并伴有震动与响声。震动不仅在井下可感受到,在地表亦能感受到,释放的能量相当里氏地震5级以上。释放能量小者可使巷道顶板岩石呈薄透镜状以很高速度弹出—弹射。不是所有深部开采矿山都会发生岩爆。发生岩爆是有条件的,根据发生岩爆矿山资料分析认为,岩爆是自然地质条件与采矿技术条件按一定方式组合而发生的。岩爆的等级与回采空间形状、规模、矿岩物理力学性质有关。一般可将能量释放率做为度量岩爆发生频度及程度的指标。南非黄金矿山岩爆发生频度与能量释放率之间的经验相关曲线见图,在这些矿山中,当由计算得到的能量释放率大于40MJ/m“时,岩爆就成为严重问题。但应指出,在世界其他地区,如加拿大通常发生岩爆时能量释放率远低于上述数值。 40厂一一一勺厂一一门一一一丁一一一30卜一一一于一一一+一一一斗一一一已l}{11!二20卜ee~一4一一.一斗一一一4创乙一~4—.,ee4 绷1 14洲产l{} ‘’“国二土坦0 20406080100 能量释放率ZM」·m“ 岩爆频度与能量释放率关系图深部地压对安全生产和经济效益产生极其不利的影响。在进行深部开采、设计开拓系统、采准布置以及选择采矿方法和回采工艺时,必须根据具体条件,研究解决岩层控制问题。Shenbu kolea-深部开采(deep mining)指深度大于600m的地下开采作业。开采深度大于Z000m时,为超深开采。全世界约有200座矿山处于深部开采范围,其中以南非居多,开采深度为100。一3000m,最深矿井为威特沃特斯兰德(witwatersrand)金矿的西部水平,深度达40。。m。中国金属矿山最深并为石咀子铜矿,最深阶段95Om(已闭坑);红透山铜矿开采水平为一467m,距地表为90om。
