100字范文 > 商业医疗保险 commercial medical insurance英语短句 例句大全

商业医疗保险 commercial medical insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-01 07:50:03


商业医疗保险 commercial medical insurance英语短句 例句大全

商业医疗保险,commercial medical insurance

1)commercial medical insurance商业医疗保险

1.Significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Security System;商业医疗保险在医疗保障体系中的作用研究

2.Article analysized the various problems existing in the development of Chinese currentcommercial medical insurance, as well as the good fortune facing.分析了当前我国商业医疗保险发展存在的各种问题,以及发展商业医疗保险面临的良好机遇,并就其进一步发展问题从战略的高度进行了研究和探讨。

3.?On the analysis and research, this thesis puts forward a set of new schemes for ourcommercial medical insurance.在分析研究的基础上,提出了一套全新的商业医疗保险的发展方案。


1.Social Medical Insurance and Medical Insurance Business on the Integration of Complementary;社会医疗保险与商业医疗保险的融合互补研究

2.The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance;商业医疗保险中的道德风险控制研究

3.The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance in China我国商业医疗保险道德风险控制研究

4.Significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Security System;商业医疗保险在医疗保障体系中的作用研究

5.The Position of Business Medical Insurance in the Multi-pillar Medical Insurance System;多层次医疗保障体系中的商业医疗保险的定位

6.Significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Insurance;商业医疗保险在社会医疗保险体系中的作用研究

7.Positioning and Orientation of the Commercial Medical Insurance in the Post-Medical Reform Era后医改时代商业医疗保险的定位与出路

8.The Analysis of the Commercial Medical Insurance Market of Our Country and Risks Control;我国商业医疗保险市场分析与风险控制

9.Social Health Insurance and Medical Insurance Business Interaction Study--To Reinsurance Way to Achieve Perspective社会医疗保险与商业医疗保险的互动研究——以再保险为实现途径的视角

10.Toward the Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Monopolized Authorized Hospital in Medical Care Insurance;商业医疗保险中垄断型定点医院的动态激励机制设计

11.Study on the Question of China s Commercial Medical Insurance Market in the Asymmetric Information;中国商业医疗保险市场中道德风险与逆向选择问题的研究

12.Study on the Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard of Commercial Medical Insurance Market;商业医疗保险领域的逆向选择和道德风险问题研究

13.The Analysis of the Asymmetric of Information in Chinese Insurance Market in Iight of the Game Theory;博弈论视角下我国商业医疗保险市场的信息不对称分析

14.Current situation and policy ideas of rational function of the commercial medical insurance;商业医疗保险的现状分析及其合理定位的政策构想

15.The Feasibility Analysis of Introduction of Commercial Medical Insurance into Community Management of Chronic Diseases社区慢性病管理引入商业医疗保险的可行性分析

16.On the Influence of the Reform of Social Medical Insurance upon the Development of Commercial Health Insurance;社会医疗保险改革对商业健康保险发展的影响

17.On the role of commercial health insurance in the new medical care system论商业健康保险在新医疗保障体系中的地位

18.Discussion on the Reform of Commercial Insurance Involved in the New Rural Cooperative Medical Care;商业保险参与新型农村合作医疗改革探析


commercial health insurance商业医疗保险

1.The current situation ofcommercial health insurance in China and development strategies;我国商业医疗保险的现状及发展策略

2.A Research on the Risk Controlling of Commercial Health Insurance in China;中国商业医疗保险风险控制研究

3.Policy,economic development and function ofcommercial health insurance make it possible to developcommercial health insurance.商业医疗保险是医疗保险制度的重要组成部分 ,发展商业医疗保险可缓解人口老龄化对基本医疗保险资金的压力 ,政府的政策、经济的发展及商业医疗保险本身的内在经济功能也使发展商业医疗保险成为可能。

3)business medical insurance商业医疗保险

1.This paper discusses thebusiness medical insurance from four perspectives;its definition,the necessity to develop,the currant problems and the causes,and its perspective,and illustrates the opportunities and challenges thebusiness medical insurance will face in the future.商业医疗保险是多层次医疗保障体系的重要组成部分。

4)Commercial supplementary medical insurance商业补充医疗保险

5)commercial complementary medical insurance商业补充医疗险

6)Medical insurance major医疗保险专业


什么是普通医疗保险? 普通医疗保险给被保险人提供治疗疾病时相关的一般性医疗费用。主要包括门诊费用、医药费用、检查费用等。这种保险保费成本较低,比较适用于一般社会公众。由于医药费用和检查费用的支出控制有一定的难度,所以,这种保单一般具有免赔额和费用分担规定,保险人支付免赔额以上部分的一定百分比,保险费用则每年规定一次。每次疾病所发生的费用累计超过保险金额时,保险人不再负责任。
