100字范文 > 商业保险 Commercial insurance英语短句 例句大全

商业保险 Commercial insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-15 03:04:13


商业保险 Commercial insurance英语短句 例句大全

商业保险,Commercial insurance

1)Commercial insurance商业保险

1.Discussing the Corporation Social Responsibility of Commercial Insurance in Establishing a Harmonious Society;论商业保险在构建和谐社会中的企业社会责任

parative research on fishing vessel commercial insurance clauses of China and United Kingdom;中英渔船商业保险条款的比较

3.The Legal System Research on China s Commercial Insurance Regulation;我国商业保险监管法律制度研究


1.Usage of the Compulsive Insurance in the Village Business Insurance;论强制保险在农村商业保险中的运用

2.Association of Insurance and Risk Managers in Industry and Commerce工商业保险和风险经理协会

3.Current Situation of Commercial Insurance and the National Insurance in China;商业保险及我国民族保险业现状及问题

4.On the Development of Guizhou Commercial Insurance Industry from the Perspective of the Second Revision of Insurance Law;从《保险法》第二次修改看贵州商业保险业发展

5.Our country " insurance law " the legal form that formulary insurance company is management organization of commercial insurance business.我国《保险法》规定的保险公司是商业保险业务经营组织的法定形式。

6.The Role of Commercial Insurance in Pension Insurance System论商业保险在养老保障体系中的定位

7.A Research on the Coordinated Development of Social and Commercial Insurance of Our Country;我国社会保险、商业保险的协调发展研究

8.On Application of Commercial Insurance in Corporate Motivation System;企业激励机制中的商业保险运用研究

mercial blanket fidelity bond insurance商业总括忠诚保证保险

10.A New Field for Insurance Development: Commercial Bank Operational Risk Insurance;商业银行操作风险保险——保险发展新领域

11.in business, insurance, computers, journalism, etc从事商业、 保险业、 计算机业、 新闻业等

12.A person or firm engaged in the insurance business.保险商,保险公司从事担保业务的人员或公司

13.export insurance covers 80% of commercial risk出口保险抵偿商业风险的

14.Research on Risk Problems in Insurance Company and Commercial Bank;保险公司和商业银行的风险问题研究

15.The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance;商业医疗保险中的道德风险控制研究

16.The Integration of Bank and Insurance in Modern China and Chinese Business Insurance;近代中国的“银险一体化”与华商保险业

17.The Research on the Moral Hazard Control of Commercial Medical Insurance in China我国商业医疗保险道德风险控制研究

18.On the Moral Risks of the Commercial Life Insurance--Compared with Social Pension Insurance;论商业寿险的道德风险——兼与社会养老保险比较


business insurance商业保险

1.By the method of multi-regression, this article analyses the determinant factors in Chinesebusiness insurance demand on the basis of the data of 1985-1999 and the present development ofbusiness insurance markets in China.本文结合我国商业保险市场的发展情况,在1985~1999年的数据基础上,借助于多元回归方法,对我国商业保险需求的决定因素进行了尝试性的分析, 并讨论了影响我国商业保险需求的其他因素。

2.Social insurance andbusiness insurance are two different risk-operating systems,while they have some connections.社会保险和商业保险是两个不同的风险经营体系,但是二者之间仍然存在着一定的关系。

3)Chinese Insurance Industry华商保险业

1.Development and Delay: The Historic Observation of the Developing Course ofChinese Insurance Industry in Modern China (1865-1945);成长与迟滞:近代中国华商保险业发展历程的历史考察(1865-1945)

4)the Foreign Insurance Industry外商保险业

5)Commercial endpwment insurance商业养老险保险

6)commercial health insurance商业医疗保险

1.The current situation ofcommercial health insurance in China and development strategies;我国商业医疗保险的现状及发展策略

2.A Research on the Risk Controlling of Commercial Health Insurance in China;中国商业医疗保险风险控制研究

3.Policy,economic development and function ofcommercial health insurance make it possible to developcommercial health insurance.商业医疗保险是医疗保险制度的重要组成部分 ,发展商业医疗保险可缓解人口老龄化对基本医疗保险资金的压力 ,政府的政策、经济的发展及商业医疗保险本身的内在经济功能也使发展商业医疗保险成为可能。


