100字范文 > 不规则综放工作面 irregular fully mechanized top coal caving mining face英语短句 例句大全

不规则综放工作面 irregular fully mechanized top coal caving mining face英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-09 09:25:11


不规则综放工作面 irregular fully mechanized top coal caving mining face英语短句 例句大全

不规则综放工作面,irregular fully mechanized top coal caving mining face

1)irregular fully mechanized top coal caving mining face不规则综放工作面


1.Practices on Irregular Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Along with Fault and No Coal Pillar沿断层无煤柱开采不规则综放工作面技术实践

2.Roof breaking law along top-coal caving face综放开采沿工作面倾向顶板垮落规律

3.The Research of Goaf Gas Emission Law about Hard Roof Comprehensive Mechanized Coal Mining Face;坚硬顶板综放工作面采空区瓦斯涌出规律研究

4.Observation of Surface Subsidence Induced by Full-mechanized Caving Mining in Xinglongzhuang Colliery兴隆庄矿综放工作面地表沉陷规律实测研究

5.The Gas Source and Its Emission Rule in Fully-mechanized Caving Face综放回采工作面瓦斯来源及涌出规律的分析

6.Increasing Rate of Coal Mining with Improving Coal Caving Technology at Fully Mechanized Face改进综放工作面放煤工艺提高回采率

7.Analysis on the safe efficient extraction in the irregular work face in DongPang mine东庞矿不规则工作面安全高效回采技术

8.inconvenient hours allowance不规则工作时间津贴

9.Gas comprehensive way technology for fully mechanized top high gassy coal caving mining face高瓦斯综放工作面瓦斯综合治理技术

10.Discussion on Comprehensive Prevention of Rock Burst on Roof Caving Working Face浅谈综放工作面冲击地压的综合防治

11.Study of High-gas Coal Mine Large Mining Height Top-coal Caving Face Intake Airflow Drift Deformation高瓦斯矿井大采高综放工作面进风巷道变形规律研究

12.Research on the Method of Draining the Gas on Roof Gallery of Full-Mechanized Caving Mining Face综放工作面尾巷排放瓦斯方式的探讨

13.Research on Coal-Rock Movement Law and Drawing Technology for Fully Mechanized Caving Face of Special Thick Coal Seam in the Anjialing No.2 Coal Mine;安家岭2号井工矿特厚煤层综放工作面煤岩活动规律及放煤工艺研究

14.The Great Inclination Angle Synthesis Puts the Working Surface Core Technique of Production Exploration大倾角综放工作面核心生产工艺探索

15.2 Subject to the operation needs the COMPANY may adopt irregular working hour system or calculate the working hours on synthetic basis.根据实际工作需要,本公司可能采用不规则时间工作制或依照综合标准计算工作时间。

16.Study on Shape Control Principle of Passing through Fault in Fully Mechanized Mining Face综采过断层工作面形态控制原则研究

17.Study on Key Technology of Heading of Fully Mechanized Caving Faces in Steeply Dipping Seam;大倾角综放工作面平巷综掘关键工艺技术研究

18.Study on Controlling Surrounding Rock of Roadway in Fully-mechanized Cave Face;综合放工作面空巷围岩控制理论研究


unregulated fully mechanized coal mining face不规则综采工作面

3)irregular face不规则工作面

1.699irregular face is devided into four small face,and is successfully mined.百善煤矿采用沿空留巷分区开采技术将669不规则工作面划分成4个小工作面,逐一成功回采。

4)irregular fully-mechanized face不规格综采工作面

5)fully mechanized caving face综放工作面

1.Analysis on the reliability of mining system offully mechanized caving face in complex geological conditions;复杂条件综放工作面生产系统可靠性分析

prehensive gas control in high production and high efficientfully mechanized caving face of Tangshan mine;唐山矿高产高效综放工作面瓦斯的综合治理

3.Dynamic numeric simulation of coal self-ignite in goaf infully mechanized caving face;综放工作面采空区煤自燃过程的动态数值模拟

6)fully mechanized top-coal caving face综放工作面

1.Mechanical characteristics offully mechanized top-coal caving face and surrounding rock stress shell;综放工作面及其围岩宏观应力壳力学特征

2.The reliability analysis of the velocity ratio of coal cutting to support moving infully mechanized top-coal caving face;综放工作面采支速度比的可靠性分析

3.Numerical simulation of distribution regularities of dust concentration infully mechanized top-coal caving face;综放工作面粉尘浓度分布规律的数值模拟


