100字范文 > 综采放顶煤工作面 fully mechanized top coal caving face英语短句 例句大全

综采放顶煤工作面 fully mechanized top coal caving face英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-15 05:49:29


综采放顶煤工作面 fully mechanized top coal caving face英语短句 例句大全

综采放顶煤工作面,fully mechanized top coal caving face

1)fully mechanized top coal caving face综采放顶煤工作面

1.Based on the analysis of surrounding rock movement of an old roof collapsed roadway parallel to afully mechanized top coal caving face, the new technique of filling this kind of roadway with the material with high water content was put forward.基于对综采放顶煤工作面高冒空巷围岩活动规律的分析 ,采用高水速凝材料充填高冒空巷 。


1.Application of High-pressure Water Injection in Coal Seam at Fully Mechanized Caving Face煤层高压注水在综采放顶煤工作面的应用

2.On the Valid Way of Preventing Dust Ash on Synthetical Coal Face;谈综采放顶煤工作面综合防尘的有效途径

3.Making Trial of Forward Supporting Hydraulic Support for Fully Mechanized Coal Caving超前支护式液压支架在综采放顶煤工作面的试用

4.Application of the Light Breaking Props on the Comprehensive Mechanized Mining Faces in Malan Coalmine轻型放顶煤支架在马兰矿综采工作面的应用

5.Study on Reliability of the Man-Machine-Environment System of Top-Coal Caving Fully-Mechanized Face;放顶煤综采工作面人—机—环境系统可靠性研究

6.Study on Top-Coal Caving and Drawing Capability and Roof Control in Hard Coal and Hard Roof Short Sub-Level Caving Fully Mechanized Face“两硬”短工作面综放开采顶煤冒放性及顶板控制技术研究

7.Practice on Mining Method Changing from Top Coal Caving Mining to Top Slice Mining工作面由放顶煤开采改为顶分层开采的实践

8.Increasing Rate of Coal Mining with Improving Coal Caving Technology at Fully Mechanized Face改进综放工作面放煤工艺提高回采率

9.Practice of "Two Wining and One Caving" Technique on Blasting and Top-coal Caving Working Face“两采一放”工艺在炮采放顶煤工作面的实践

10.Research on Law of the Presentation of the Mine Pressure with caving-working-face炮采放顶煤工作面矿压显现规律研究

11.Evaluation of Top Coal Caving Characteristics for 1604 Fully Mechanized Caving Face of Lutian Coal Mine路天煤矿1604综放工作面顶煤冒放性评价

12.Brief analysis of the issues needing to be paid attention when forced caving of full-mechanized mining face of coal mine浅析煤矿综采工作面强制放顶时应注意的几个问题

prehensive Gas Control Technology for Simple Caving Mining Face简易放顶煤工作面瓦斯综合治理技术

14.Study on Laws of Rock Pressure Appearance at Blasting Caving Coal Face in Hezhuang Coal Mine何庄煤矿炮采放顶煤工作面矿压显现规律研究

15.Roof breaking law along top-coal caving face综放开采沿工作面倾向顶板垮落规律

16.Application of the non-coal column recovery technology in fully mechanized top coal caving mining face无煤柱开采技术在综放工作面的应用

17.Study on the ground administration of mechanized top coal caving in heavy pitching seam大倾角煤层综放工作面采场管理研究

18.Technology and Control of First Roof Caving at Fully Mechanized Coal Face with Hard and Massive Overlying Strata厚层坚硬顶板综采工作面初次放顶技术管理


fully mechanized coal face with top-coal drawing放顶煤综采工作面

1.Application of water-spraying dust control technique for thefully mechanized coal face with top-coal drawing;喷雾降尘技术在放顶煤综采工作面的应用

3)mechanized top-coal caving face综放采煤工作面

1.Gas treatment technology ofmechanized top-coal caving face综放采煤工作面瓦斯治理技术

4)blasting coal face with sublevel caving炮采放顶煤工作面

5)fully-mechanized top-coal caving mining综采放顶煤面

1.Based on theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the stability of surrounding rock of roadway driving along next goaf forfully-mechanized top-coal caving mining was studied.用理论分析和数值计算方法研究了综采放顶煤面沿空巷道的围岩稳定性,分析了影响掘巷位置的几个因素─—老顶岩层垮落特征、直接顶和煤体变形特点及采空侧支承压力分布规律,提出了沿空巷道的合理位置。

6)top coal caving on fully-mechanized working face综采放顶煤工艺

1.3 coal seam and its hydrogeological conditions, and points out that thetop coal caving on fully-mechanized working face has overcame some problems such as the difficult movement of the breaker because the heavy pressure of the main tunnel, the serious wall caving on the working face, and the working face\"s passing through fault, etc.阐述了太原西峪煤矿的生产技术现状,分析了3号煤煤层赋存情况及水文地质情况,指出综采放顶煤工艺克服了主巷压力大、破碎机行走困难、工作面煤壁片帮严重、工作面过断层等难题,提高了技术装备水平,为创建安全高效矿井奠定了技术基础。


