100字范文 > 积极人格 positive personality英语短句 例句大全

积极人格 positive personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-18 22:17:16


积极人格 positive personality英语短句 例句大全

积极人格,positive personality

1)positive personality积极人格

1.Sight of Positive Mental Health Education——New study on development in university students’positive personality积极心理健康教育视角——大学生积极人格发展探新

2.Positive psychology is the academic basis of this paper,we start from the main aim(boost up positive experience and emotion of student、cultivatepositive personality of student) of school culture,discuss the main approach and method of construction of school spiritua.本文以积极心理学为理论基础,针对当前校园文化建设的现状和出现的问题,从校园文化建设的主要目的(增强学生的积极体验和积极情绪、培养学生的积极人格)出发,在说明了中学校园文化建设的重要地位和基本概况之后,着重论述了校园精神文化建设的主要途径和方法。

3.As a new research approach,positive personality focuses on the lack of traditional personality research.积极人格研究是在积极心理学大背景下产生的,是针对以往传统人格研究中的不足而兴起的人格研究取向。


1.The Development of Positive Psychology on the Research of Positive Personality;积极人格:人格心理学研究的新取向

2.Positive Personality Research--A Brief Review of Personality Research in the Context of Positive Psychology积极人格研究——积极心理学背景下的人格研究简评

3.Ponder on Thanksgiving education;感恩教育对大学生形成积极人格机制

4.Sight of Positive Mental Health Education--New study on development in university students’ positive personality积极心理健康教育视角——大学生积极人格发展探新

5.A Case Study on the Positive Personality Characteristics in A Person with Visual Impairment;视障人士积极人格特征之个案研究报告

6.Study on College Students" Positive Character and Its Relationship with Well-being大学生积极人格特质及其与幸福感的关系研究

7.Pilot Study on the Relationship Model of Stress,Positive Personality and Mental Health应激、积极人格与心理健康关系模型的初步研究

8.A Study on Job Burnout of School Psychological Counselors and Its Relationship with Positive Personalities;学校心理咨询师工作倦怠现状及其与积极人格的关系

9.A Research on Design of Group Psychology Counseling Plan to Promote the Positive Personality Development of Students with Mental Retardation;促进智障学生积极人格发展的团体心理辅导方案设计研究

10.The Effect of Positive Emotion on Sound Personality;积极情绪对健康人格作用机制的探讨

11.Self-determination Theory:A Positive Perspective on Personaliy自我决定理论:一个积极的人格视角

12.Taoism s positive effect on personality education of current college student;道家思想对当代大学生人格教育的积极作用

13.The Adult Education Should Positively Develop Professional Training;成人教育要积极发展职业资格认证培训

14.On the Active Meaning of the Ideal Personality of Zhuangzi in Science Exploration;试论庄子理想人格在科学探索中的积极意义

15.On the teachers charms of personality in teaching;论教师的人格魅力在教学中的积极作用

16.Positive Psychology for Inspiration and Strategy about Personality Training of College Students积极心理学对高职学生人格培养的启示及策略

17.Positive Promotion on the Formation of Students" Dual Nature Personality by Teacher教师应积极促进学生“双性化”人格的形成

18.Relationships between Explicit Self-Esteem,Implicit Self-Esteem,Personality Traits and Positive Affect,Negative Affect in Undergraduates大学生外显自尊、内隐自尊、人格特质与积极情感、消极情感的关系


positive traits of personality积极人格特质

1.Positive psychology aims at making research on the developmental potentiality and virtues,and thus it proposes three kinds ofpositive traits of personality:the subjective happiness,the self-determination,and optimism.积极心理学致力于研究人的发展潜力和美德,它提出主观幸福感、自我决定性、乐观等三种主要的积极人格特质。

2.Moreover, positive psychology should study the impacts of capabilities and potentials, that is to say, study thepositive traits of personality.该文对四种积极人格特质做了具体分析,并在此基础上指出,增进个体的积极体验是培养积极人格的最有效途径。

3)the mind with positive personality人格积极心理

4)positive personality research积极人格研究

5)A Study on Positive Personality积极人格研究概述

6)the College Student Positive Character Scale《大学生积极人格量表》

1.Purpose:1、Preparat《the College Student Positive Character Scale》,2、Find out college students positive character status.目的:1、编制《大学生积极人格量表》。


