100字范文 > 中医药教育 education of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医药教育 education of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-12 10:16:46


中医药教育 education of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医药教育,education of Chinese medicine

1)education of Chinese medicine中医药教育

1.A global criterion oneducation of Chinese medicine should be established to guarantee the inside quality of internationalization of Chinese medicine education.为保证中医药国际化发展的内在质量,有必要建立起全球中医药教育基本标准。

2.Highereducation of Chinese medicine should suit the needs of global economy and internationalization of education.中国高等中医药教育要适应经济全球化和教育国际化的形式,充分利用自身的优势和特色,根据国际标准与规则,制定境外办学目标与方针,对于境外办学中办学方式、学历承认、教材、师资、远程教育等问题进行深入研究。

3.These are finally reflected in people\"s requirement on medical modes and health care,thus exerting certain influence on theeducation of Chinese medicine.健康意识不断提升又必然影响人们对健康内涵的理解、健康思想的接受、健康行为的形成、健康要求的提高等方面,这些影响最终体现在人们对医疗模式和生活保健要求等方面,进而对中医药教育产生一定的影响。


1.The Developed Situation about Domestic-overseas Chinese Traditional Medicine Education and Current Analysis on Tianjin Chinese Traditional Medicine Education国内外中医药教育发展现状与天津中医药教育发展分析

2.On the ways of realizing the modernization of the traditional chinese medicine higher education;论高等中医药教育现代化的实现路径

3.Educational Plan of TCM to Reply the Accession to WTO;应对加入WTO的高等中医药教育策略

4.Thinking about the Globalized Economy and Higher Education of TCM;经济全球化与高等中医药教育的思考

5.Normalized Research on Formulation of International Standard concerning Chinese Medicine Education中医药教育国际标准制定规范化研究

6.Thinking on the Reform of Chinese Medicine Education System in Macroscopical Perspective.关于中医药教育体制改革的宏观思考

7.Reforming Practice in Clinical Practice for Training TCMBrains for National Regions;民族地区中医药教育临床教学改革实践

8.Improving all-round educational and teaching quality system and exploring new means for development of Chinese medicine education;全面提升教育教学质量体系 探索中医药教育发展新途径

9.Discussion of long length of higher learning of Chinese medicine;高等中医药教育长学制结构模式的探讨

10.Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and TCM Education in Shanghai in the Modern Times上海中医药大学与上海近代中医教育

11.The Recipe to Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Is Adjusting Medical Education;发扬中医药学要从医学教育中找良方

12.Construct the stage in Teaching of Chinese Traditional Medicine,Chinese Herb medicine museum构建中医药学教育的平台——中药标本馆

13.On the construction of lifelong education system of Chinese medicine in net society网络社会中医药终身教育体系的构建

14.Ensuring and monitoring teaching quality under the apprentice system of Chin ese medicine中医药师承制教育质量的保障和监督

15.Considerations over the establishment of international higher learning correspondence courses;开办国际高等中医药函授教育的思考

16.Economy globalization and quality education for TCM students;经济全球化与中医药学生的素质教育

17.Speed up TCM Higher Educational Reform and Promote TCM Internationalization加快高等教育改革,推进中医药国际化

18.The suggestions on offering TCM education in medical colleges and nursing colleges of U.S.A对美国医学、护理院校进行中医药学教育的建议


Chinese medicine education中医药教育

1.Improving all-round educational and teaching quality system and exploring new means for development ofChinese medicine education;全面提升教育教学质量体系 探索中医药教育发展新途径

2.However,some problems concerningChinese medicine education arise with this trend,making increasingly more specialists in the field realize the immediate urgency and strategic significance to formulate relevant international standard.近年来,"中医药热"在世界各地的兴起,给中医药教育的发展创造了很好的环境,但一些不容忽视的问题也逐渐显现,越来越多的中医药教育专家意识到制定中医药教育行业国际标准的紧迫性和战略意义。

3)TCM education中医药教育

4)Medium Chinese medicine education中等中医药教育

5)higher education of Chinese medicine高等中医药教育

1.Some experience in exploration ontohigher education of Chinese medicine;浅谈对高等中医药教育探索的几点体会

2.Research on operation mode of teaching administration ofhigher education of Chinese medicine;高等中医药教育教学管理运作模式的研究

3.With the development ofhigher education of Chinese medicine, colleges and universities of Chinese medicine have developed from single subject to multi-subjects mode.随着高等中医药教育事业的发展,高等中医药院校由单一中医中药学科向多学科跨越式发展,中医药院校应处理好中医药学科与非中医药类学科的关系。

6)Chinese medicine education system中医药教育体系


