100字范文 > 财政制度 financial system英语短句 例句大全

财政制度 financial system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-22 07:36:56


财政制度 financial system英语短句 例句大全

财政制度,financial system

1)financial system财政制度

1.Financial System,Economic Growth and Transition of China from 1978 to 2002: Theory and Evidence;中国1978~2002年的财政制度、经济增长与转轨:理论与事实

2.The problems and amelioration directions of legal system,financial system, key ecological projects, eco-tax system and market exchange mode was summarized.按照法律法规、政府手段、市场机制的体系对中国现行的生态补偿机制与政策进行了系统的评估,总结了中国生态补偿机制和政策在法律法规体系、财政制度、重大生态建设工程、生态税费制度和市场交易模式等方面存在的问题和改进方向。

3.During this period,the evolvement offinancial system varied.财政制度变迁有了多种走向。


1.Financial System to Fiscal Policy财政制度与财政政策(外国)

2.Evolvement of the Financial System in the Six Dynasties and the Origin of the Financial System of Sui and Tang Dynasties;六朝财政制度变迁与隋唐财政制度渊源略论

3.On Constructing the Financial System of Education within the Framework of public Finance;如何构建公共财政框架下的教育财政制度

4.International Comparison of Educational Public Finance and the Improvement for Chinese Educational Public Finance System教育财政的国际比较与中国教育财政制度完善

5.On Reconstruction OfGovernment Budget System On Request Of Public Finance System;按公共财政制度的要求重建我国政府预算制度

6.To Arrange the Income According to the Expenditure:the Selection of Financial Management s Idea;公共财政制度下理财思想的选择:量出为入

7.Study on the Financial System Innovation for Enlarging Active Financial Policy Effect in China;扩大我国积极财政政策效果的财政制度创新研究

8.Stabilize and perfect the financial contract system巩固完善财政包干制度

9.Deepening the Regime Reform of Financial Expenditure and Optimizing Its Structure;深化财政支出制度改革优化财政支出结构

10.A Study of the Fiscal Transfer Payment System under Province Level;省以下政府间财政转移支付制度研究

11.For Perfection of the Chinese Intergovernmental Financil Transference System;论完善我国政府间财政转移支付制度

12.Analysis on the Effect of the Finance Policies of China During the Period of System Variance;制度变迁中的我国财政政策效应分析

13.Analysis of Fiscal Risk in China:Structure, Efficiency and Policy;我国财政风险分析:体制、效率、政策角度

14.Financial Policy in the Reform of Social Security System;社会保障制度改革中的财政政策选择

15.Administrative Meanings ofFiscal Expenditure System Reform;试论财政支出制度改革的行政学意义

16.Set up the System of Government Procurement and Strengthen Finance Regulation Function;建立政府采购制度强化财政调控职能

17.The Research about Rulers of the Separation between Rural Finance and Financal System;农村财务与财政体制分立的制度设计研究

18.An Effect Analysis on our Financial Policy in the System Transition and Proposal on Steady Financial Policy;制度变迁中的我国财政政策效应分析及对稳健性财政政策的建议


Fiscal System财政制度

1.There are two reasons for income redistribution s inefficiency in current fiscal system.现行财政制度的收入再分配职能效果不佳,原因在于两点,一是收入分配秩序的不规范,使累进性税收难以发挥缩小收入差距的作用;二是收入再分配过程中存在"逆向调节"问题,即低收入者所获转移性收入比高收入者所获转移性收入少,从而收入再分配扩大了收入差距。

2.However,the unsuitable fiscal system and the fiscal management of the local government bring about heavy burden on peasants.但是我国不合理的财政制度和地方政府不当的财政管理制度是农民负担过重的深层原因,只有改革和完善我国的财政制度,并改革地方政府的收支管理和监督制度,才能从根本上解决农民负担过重问题,为农村以至整个国家的长治久安奠定坚实的基础。

3.Fiscal system is the basic institution of the state.财政制度是一国制度安排中的元制度,不同的财政制度有不同的财政收入来源和具体形式,并导致不同的产权和人权制度安排,从而使分工利益沿不同的路径进行分配,最终决定了不同的长期经济发展绩效。

3)Finance System财政制度

4)water financing institute水利财政制度

5)Construction of the financial system财政制度构建

6)financial allocation system财政拨款制度

1.Among the various factors influencing the quality of universities talents cultivation,the deficiency of current educationfinancial allocation system is an important aspect and not be neglected.现行高等教育财政拨款制度是影响我国高校人才培养质量的因素之一,拨款制度应该与学校办学水平、社会声誉等相结合,激励高校把人才培养质量作为工作中心。


