100字范文 > 金融制度 financial system英语短句 例句大全

金融制度 financial system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-07 19:13:40


金融制度 financial system英语短句 例句大全

金融制度,financial system

1)financial system金融制度

1.Analysis on supply and demand offinancial system;我国民间金融制度的供求分析

2.Some theoretical thoughts and proposals about the innovatiom offinancial system;金融制度创新的理论思考与政策主张

3.In the 20th century Americanfinancial system is experiencing mixture Separated and comprehensive bank-oriented.Basirg on it the author predicts in the 21th century,our country s banking system will go to comprehensive bank-oriented from separated bank-oriented20世纪,美国的金融制度走过了“混业──分离──全能”的历程。


1.financial system金融体系,金融制度

2.On Financial Restraint and Financial System Innovation of Rural Finance in Our Country;论我国农村金融抑制与金融制度创新

3.Innovate the Rural Financial System and Establish a Modern Financial System创新农村金融体制 建立现代金融制度

4.Financial Gap,Non-regular Finance and Rural Financial System Vicissitude金融缺口、非正规金融与农村金融制度变迁

5.Talking about Regulation Between the Financial System and the Financial Structure and the Economic System;论金融制度与金融体制及经济制度的关系

6.Financial Safety Network And Stability of China s Financial System;金融安全网与我国金融制度的稳定性

7.A Study in the Relationship Between Financial System, Government and Financial Risks;金融制度、政府与金融风险的关系研究

8.Delegated Investment Theory,Financial Crises and Financial Institution Structure;代理投资、金融危机与金融制度结构

9.On the Reform of Financial System Under the Circumstances of Financial Globalization;论金融全球化条件下的金融制度改革

10.international monetary and financial system国际货币和金融制度

11.Financial System and Monetary Policy金融制度与货币政策

12.Financial System Innovation and Market-type Financing System in the West Region;金融制度创新与西部市场化融资体制

13.Reforms of Rural Financial System in China in the Institutional Paradigm;制度范式下的中国农村金融制度变革

14.Financial Institutions Arrangement and Financial Crisis: Its Implication to China;金融制度安排与金融危机:对中国的启示

15.The Informal Financial System Evolves under the Financial Symbiosis;金融共生背景下的非正式金融制度演进

16.Financial freedom supported by moderate financial monitoring;金融自由化必须辅以适度的金融管制

17.On the Legal Regulation in the Financial Crisis金融海啸下的金融调控法律制度研究

18.Financial Integration and Financial Regulation: Financial Holding Companies and Financial Supervision System in Taiwan;金融整合与金融监管——台湾地区金融控股公司与金融监理制度


financial institution金融制度

1.Corruption based on Entry Fees and Financial Institution;基于入门费的腐败行为与金融制度研究

2.Building Double Rural Financial System Based on Paradox of Financial Institution Transition;金融制度变迁悖论下的双重四元农村金融体系构建

3.Therefore,restructuring the financial property right regime according to market-oriented principle will be the key to the reform of China sfinancial institution in next stage.因此,按照市场原则对中国的金融产权安排进行重构就成为我国下一步金融制度建设的核心问题。

3)financial institutions金融制度

1.The Chinese Financial Institutions Competitiveness and Its Empirical Analysis;中国金融制度竞争力及其实证研究

2.Institutions、Institutions Change and China Financial Institutions Change Studyjing;制度、制度变迁与我国金融制度变迁研究

3.The main function offinancial institutions,which are to solve this incentive problem,is to provide appropriate incentives for their members through establishing an e ffective incentive structure and alleviating the information asymmetry.金融活动的核心问题是激励问题,为了解决这一问题而产生的金融制度,其主要功能就是通过确定一个有效的激励结构,帮助克服信息不对称问题,从而为制度所涉及的各个成员提供有效的激励。

4)institution finance制度金融

1.Non-institution finance,as we generally call it private finance,it widely existed in China and greatly supports the development of Chinas private-owned economy.非制度金融,即一般所称的民间金融,它在中国广泛存在,并在支持中国民营经济的发展中起着重要作用。

5)non-institution finance非制度金融

1.But in the long run,non-institution finance was ignored,interpersonal and social community trust wasnt being attached much importance to.非制度金融,即一般所称的民间金融,它在中国广泛存在,并在支持中国民营经济的发展中起着重要作用。

6)System of Financial Regulation金融管制制度


