100字范文 > 矸石处理 gangue treatment英语短句 例句大全

矸石处理 gangue treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-04 21:11:41


矸石处理 gangue treatment英语短句 例句大全

矸石处理,gangue treatment

1)gangue treatment矸石处理

2)underground disposal of waste矸石井下处理

3)take off the gangue清理矸石


5)Control of gangue dump矸石山治理


1.Research on cost accounting method of vegetation protection and ecosystem recovery in diggings--Case study of Coal waste piles,Didao Forest farm,Jixi Diggings,Heilongjiang矿区生态恢复治理成本测算方法初探——以黑龙江省鸡西煤矿区滴道林场矸石山治理为例

2.A Research on the Revegetation Solving the Gangue Hills in Chongqing;植被恢复在矸石山灾害治理中的作用

3.Study on Spontaneous Combustion Mechanism and Prevention Technology of Coal Gangue;煤矸石山自然发火机理及防治技术研究

4.Study on the Mechanism of Leachate of Waste Rock Hill in Fuxin Coal Mining Area for Groundwater Pollution and Its Countermeasures;阜新矿区矸石山淋滤液对地下水体污染机理与治理对策研究

5.Talk About Pollutim Prevention and Use of Qianqiu Coal Nine Gangue Hill千秋煤矿煤矸石山的污染防治与利用

6.Spontaneous combustion mechanism analysis and experiment of gangue hill in Xinli coal mine新立煤矿矸石山自燃机理分析与实验

7.Study on Mathematical Model of Spontaneous Combustion and Its Prevention and Harness Technology of Coal Gangue Dump;煤矸石山自然发火数学模型及防治技术研究

8.Phenomenon of overall increasing of temperature in fiery coal gangue heap and its theoretical explanation矸石山自燃整体升温现象及其理论解释

9.Study on the Physical and Chemical Properties Which is the Different Types of Gangue after Vegetation and Reconstruction;对不同类型煤矸石山及植被重建后理化性状的调查研究

10.In this paper, the application of a new spraying foam used in desulfurization of gangue heat and power plant flue gas is introduced.介绍了一种新型喷淋泡沫塔在煤矸石热电厂烟气治理中的应用。

11.Nonlinear plasticity limit analysis upper bound method of gangue hill stability矸石山稳定性非线性极限分析上限法

12.Coal Gangue Dumps Impact on the Environment in the District of Fengfeng;峰峰矿区煤矸石山对环境的污染分析

13.Soil Improved Effect of Vegetation Restoration in Coal Waste Piles;植被恢复下矸石山土壤改良效益研究

14.Adaptive Plant Selecting in Yangquan 280 Coal Gangue Pile;阳泉280煤矸石山适宜植物选择研究

15.The Study of the Mine Gangue Hygiene Fills to Cover up Indirectly Economic Performance矿山矸石卫生填埋间接经济效益研究

16.Feasibility Analysis on Afforestation of Coal Rejects Dumping Hill in Panji No.1 Mine of Huainan Coal Mining Group淮南潘一矿煤矸石山绿化可行性分析

17.Study on Tolerance Screening of Woody Vegetation Restoring Species to High-Temperature煤矸石山耐高温植被恢复种筛选研究

18.Field tests on coal wastes in Chongqing重庆矿区矸石山体特性现场试验研究


underground disposal of waste矸石井下处理

3)take off the gangue清理矸石


5)Control of gangue dump矸石山治理

6)gangue,waste rock矸子,矸石


