100字范文 > 矸石山 gangue hill英语短句 例句大全

矸石山 gangue hill英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-27 07:22:42


矸石山 gangue hill英语短句 例句大全

矸石山,gangue hill

1)gangue hill矸石山

1.Plastic upper bound theory reliability analysis of coalgangue hills;煤矿区矸石山塑性极限可靠度分析

2.Characteristics of rainfall infiltration and stability ofgangue hills in Chongqing mountainous area重庆山区矸石山降雨入渗特性及其稳定性研究

3.Cause ofgangue hill landslide in Weijiagou Coal Mine,Chongqing City韦家沟煤矿矸石山滑坡成因分析


1.Nonlinear plasticity limit analysis upper bound method of gangue hill stability矸石山稳定性非线性极限分析上限法

2.Coal Gangue Dumps Impact on the Environment in the District of Fengfeng;峰峰矿区煤矸石山对环境的污染分析

3.A Research on the Revegetation Solving the Gangue Hills in Chongqing;植被恢复在矸石山灾害治理中的作用

4.Soil Improved Effect of Vegetation Restoration in Coal Waste Piles;植被恢复下矸石山土壤改良效益研究

5.Adaptive Plant Selecting in Yangquan 280 Coal Gangue Pile;阳泉280煤矸石山适宜植物选择研究

6.Talk About Pollutim Prevention and Use of Qianqiu Coal Nine Gangue Hill千秋煤矿煤矸石山的污染防治与利用

7.Feasibility Analysis on Afforestation of Coal Rejects Dumping Hill in Panji No.1 Mine of Huainan Coal Mining Group淮南潘一矿煤矸石山绿化可行性分析

8.Study on Tolerance Screening of Woody Vegetation Restoring Species to High-Temperature煤矸石山耐高温植被恢复种筛选研究

9.Spontaneous combustion mechanism analysis and experiment of gangue hill in Xinli coal mine新立煤矿矸石山自燃机理分析与实验

10.Field tests on coal wastes in Chongqing重庆矿区矸石山体特性现场试验研究

11.Application of explosion prevention and grouting fire extinguishing tube in spontaneous combustion coal gangue piles自燃煤矸石山防爆注浆灭火管的应用

12.Characteristics of rainfall infiltration and stability of gangue hills in Chongqing mountainous area重庆山区矸石山降雨入渗特性及其稳定性研究

13.Accumulation Form and Stability Analysis of Waste Dump in Chongqing Area;重庆地区矸石山堆积形态及稳定性分析研究

14.Study on the Characteristics of Habitat Succession and Its Evaluation of Gangue Pile from Fuxin Mining Area;阜新矿区煤矸石山生境演变特征及其评价研究

15.Study on Spontaneous Combustion Mechanism and Prevention Technology of Coal Gangue;煤矸石山自然发火机理及防治技术研究

16.The Study on the Environment Effect Improvement of Forestation in Coal Wasting Piles;绿化造林改善矸石山生态环境效应的研究

17.Study on Mathematical Model of Spontaneous Combustion and Its Prevention and Harness Technology of Coal Gangue Dump;煤矸石山自然发火数学模型及防治技术研究

18.Issues to be noticed for environmental restoration in coal waste piles恢复矸石山生态环境应注意的几个问题


coal waste piles矸石山

1.Research on cost accounting method of vegetation protection and ecosystem recovery in diggings——Case study of Coal waste piles,Didao Forest farm,Jixi Diggings,Heilongjiang矿区生态恢复治理成本测算方法初探——以黑龙江省鸡西煤矿区滴道林场矸石山治理为例

2.This text takes thecoal waste piles of Jixi as an example,investigating and statistical analyzing the existing vegetation on thecoal waste piles.以鸡西市煤矿矸石山为例,对矸石山现有植被进行了大量调查、统计分析,并根据调查、分析结果,探讨了采取模拟自然的方法进行矸石山植被恢复设计。

3.The early-warning system ofcoal waste piles spontaneous combustion studied in this paper was composed of data collection system,wireless data transmission system and monitoring early-warning system.研究的矸石山自燃监测预警系统由数据采集系统、无线数据传输系统和监测预警系统构成,可以通过对矸石温度的在线监测,依据温度场特征预测矸石的自燃趋势,判断自燃区域位置,有实用、先进、简单易行、便于维护的特点,具有较高的应用价值。

3)waste dump矸石山

1.Effect of thewaste dump on environmental in Wuda mining area Inner Mongolia;内蒙古乌达矿区矸石山对生态环境的影响

2.This paper analyses the broken axis problem of head sheave onwaste dumpcommonly existed in inverse draw type haulage system ofwaste dump,and puts foward im-provement ways.分析了倒拉式矸石山运输普遍存在的排矸架天轮断轴问题,提出了改进措施。

3.Vegetation and soil condition onwaste dump in Fuxin mining area were investigated.文章对阜新矿区矸石山的植被、土壤情况进行了调查,对植物的种类及土壤的理化性质进行了分析,结果表明:阜新矿区矸石山堆积8~15 a内植物种类比较稀少,总盖度为37%;矸石山绝大部分是由粉砂岩堆积而成,其次为砾岩和页岩,它们成土过程缓慢;8~15 a矸石表层土壤很薄,仅为2~10 cm,但具备绿化的养分条件。

4)waste rock hill矸石山

1.The soil permeability characteristics ofwaste rock hill is studied.选取典型矸石山阜新孙家湾地区,对阴坡阳坡土壤入渗资料进行分析,探讨了孙家湾矸石山土壤的渗透特性及规律。

2.Therefore, altering the small landform inwaste rock hill partly, shorting the length of slope, recovering vegetations quickly, raising .因此 ,改变矸石山局部小地形、缩短坡长、快速恢复植被、提高土壤入渗是减少水土流失的有效途径。

3.Thewaste rock hill in Xinqiu in Fuxin coal miming area is studied for the pollution of groundwater.针对阜新矿区新邱南部矸石山对地下水污染实际情况,分析了矸石山渗滤液在含水层中运移的规律,建立了渗滤液在地下水系统中运移的耦合动力学仿真模型,利用该模型对渗滤液在地下水中迁移行为进行仿真分析,预测了污染物浓度的分布范围及随时空变化趋势。

5)waste hill矸石山

1.Investigation and Analysis on Plant Resumption inwaste hill in Fuxin;阜新地区矸石山植被恢复的调查与分析

2.According to MPI(Modified Index of Reclaimed Soil Productivity),reclaimed soil productivity ofwaste hill in Fuxin was evaluated.应用MPI模型(复垦土壤生产力指数的修正模型)对阜新矿区矸石山复垦土地生产力进行了评价,结果表明,MPI模型在评价矸石山土壤复垦质量时,考虑了影响土壤生产力的因子间相关性和时空变异性,适用于矸石山复垦土壤生产力质量评价。

3.Harnessing programme for fluid ofwaste hill of Sangshuping coal mine,hancheng coal Bureau is intruduced.介绍了韩城矿务局桑树坪矿矸石山矸石流的治理方案,对施工工艺及质量标准进行了分析,文后总结了使用效果及体

6)coal gangue dump煤矸石山

1.Water dynamics of the 280coal gangue dumps in Yangquan City, Shanxi Province was preliminarily studied by the analyses of physical properties, water infiltration characteristics, and water content of the weathered gangue.以山西省阳泉市280煤矸石山为研究对象,通过对煤矸石物理性质、水分入渗特性和水分含量的分析,初步研究了煤矸石山风化堆积物水分的动态特征。

2.In this paper, borrowing ideas from the research method of the spontaneous combustion mathematical model of goaf, applying to the hydrodynamic theory of porous medium, the spontaneous combustion mathematical model ofcoal gangue dump is set up.本文借鉴了采空区自然发火数学模型的研究方法,以多孔介质流体动力学理论为指导,建立了煤矸石山自然发火数学模型,从数学上描述了矸石山自燃的动态演变过程,为自燃矸石山的防治措施提供了理论依据。


