100字范文 > 煤矿矸石山提升机 waste rock dump mine winch英语短句 例句大全

煤矿矸石山提升机 waste rock dump mine winch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-24 09:54:02


煤矿矸石山提升机 waste rock dump mine winch英语短句 例句大全

煤矿矸石山提升机,waste rock dump mine winch

1)waste rock dump mine winch煤矿矸石山提升机


1.Application of SRD Controlled by Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID in Mine Winch of Waste Rock Dump模糊PID控制的SRD在煤矿矸石山提升机中的应用

2.Research of Transformation Increasing Capacity of Coal Refuse Dumping平煤天安八矿矸石山提升能力升级改造研究

3.Spontaneous combustion mechanism analysis and experiment of gangue hill in Xinli coal mine新立煤矿矸石山自燃机理分析与实验

4.Talk About Pollutim Prevention and Use of Qianqiu Coal Nine Gangue Hill千秋煤矿煤矸石山的污染防治与利用

5.Coal Gangue Dumps Impact on the Environment in the District of Fengfeng;峰峰矿区煤矸石山对环境的污染分析

6.Feasibility Analysis on Afforestation of Coal Rejects Dumping Hill in Panji No.1 Mine of Huainan Coal Mining Group淮南潘一矿煤矸石山绿化可行性分析

7.Vegetation Restoration Mechanism Study on Coal Waste Piles;煤矿矸石山植被恢复机理研究——以鸡西市滴道矿区和城子河矿区为例

8.Study on the Characteristics of Habitat Succession and Its Evaluation of Gangue Pile from Fuxin Mining Area;阜新矿区煤矸石山生境演变特征及其评价研究

9.Gangue Vertical Shaft Sinking Mechanization Equipment and Technology Application to Xintie Coal Mine新铁煤矿矸石立井凿井机械化装备与技术应用

10.Study on Spontaneous Combustion Mechanism and Prevention Technology of Coal Gangue;煤矸石山自然发火机理及防治技术研究

11.Research and Exploration on the Mode of Gangue Hill Ecological Restoration in Gujiao Xishan Coal Mine古交西山矿区煤矸石山生态修复模式研究与探讨

12.Application of movable belt conveyer for discharging gangue in Guqiao mine移动式矸石爬山带式输送机在顾桥矿的应用

13.Mathematical Model for Spontaneous Combustion of Waste Dump and Its Simulation Analysis in Xinjian Coal Mine新建煤矿矸石山自然发火的数学模型及其模拟分析

14.Review on Heavy Metal Pollution to Soil and Corn near Coal Waste Rock Dump in Jiaozuo Diggings焦作矿区煤矸石山周围土壤和玉米作物重金属污染研究

15.Study on Application of Coal Gangue for Railway Roadbed in Mining Area;煤矸石在矿区铁路路基中的应用研究

16.Study of the Gangue Characteristic and Comprehensive Utilization of Xin-Wen Mining Area;新汶矿区煤矸石特征及综合利用研究

17.Mineralogy Research of Gangue Resource of Datong Kaolin;大同高岭岩煤矸石资源的矿物学研究



coal waste piles煤矿矸石山

1.Study on the microclimate effect of forestation incoal waste piles;煤矿矸石山绿化造林的小气候效应

3)coal gangue dump煤矸石山

1.Water dynamics of the 280coal gangue dumps in Yangquan City, Shanxi Province was preliminarily studied by the analyses of physical properties, water infiltration characteristics, and water content of the weathered gangue.以山西省阳泉市280煤矸石山为研究对象,通过对煤矸石物理性质、水分入渗特性和水分含量的分析,初步研究了煤矸石山风化堆积物水分的动态特征。

2.In this paper, borrowing ideas from the research method of the spontaneous combustion mathematical model of goaf, applying to the hydrodynamic theory of porous medium, the spontaneous combustion mathematical model ofcoal gangue dump is set up.本文借鉴了采空区自然发火数学模型的研究方法,以多孔介质流体动力学理论为指导,建立了煤矸石山自然发火数学模型,从数学上描述了矸石山自燃的动态演变过程,为自燃矸石山的防治措施提供了理论依据。

4)coal gangue pile煤矸石山

1.Study on the wind velocity ofcoal gangue pile in growing season in Fuxin mining area,Liaoning Province;辽宁阜新煤矸石山生长季的风况研究

2.The authors take Sunjiawancoal gangue pile of Fuxin mine area as the research object,using the principal component analysis to fix on the weight of the indexes and summing the grades of each evaluation unit to calculate the comprehensive index,to evaluate vegetation restoration suitability in each site unit with different dumping years.以阜新矿区孙家湾煤矸石山为评价对象,运用主成分分析法确定权重,采取指数和法计算综合指数,对不同排矸年限的立地单元进行植被恢复适宜性评价,结果表明:经过多年风化样地的植被恢复适宜性高于风化年限较短的样地,阴坡的适宜性好于阳坡,与实际情况基本相符,为当地煤矸石山植被恢复的适宜性评价提供了一种方法和思路。

3.Vegetation restoration is one of available approach forcoal gangue pile fathering,the special soil condition ofcoal gangue pile such as high temperature,acidification, salinity etc.煤矸石山易自燃,对大气污染严重,破坏周边生态环境,而且侵占大量的土地。

5)coal waste piles煤矸石山

1.This paper studied the feasibility of the application of mycorrhizas in revegtatingcoal waste piles and explored the method and effectiveness of applying mycorrhizas to revegetatecoal waste piles in Dawukou coal processing plant of Taixi Coal Group,Ninxia.介绍了菌根生物技术在煤矸石山绿化中应用的可行性,并以干旱地区的宁夏太西集团有限责任公司大武口洗煤厂煤矸石山绿化为例,探讨了菌根生物技术应用的方法和效果。

2.The growth, population density, stand productivity, soil ecological effects of vegetation and their limiting factors were studied incoal waste piles after 9 years" growth.通过实地观测,对煤矸石山人工植物群落的生长规律、生产力水平和土壤理化特性的影响及其制约因素进行了研究。

6)gangue hill煤矸石山


