100字范文 > 通风防尘 ventilation and dust controlling英语短句 例句大全

通风防尘 ventilation and dust controlling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-04 17:05:16


通风防尘 ventilation and dust controlling英语短句 例句大全

通风防尘,ventilation and dust controlling

1)ventilation and dust controlling通风防尘

1.With the grey classification of the grey system theory, the administration of theventilation and dust controlling in a mine is evaluated.运用灰色系统理论中的灰色聚类法对矿山通风防尘管理工作进行了灰色评价,指出灰色聚类法是一种灵活方便,综合性强的评价方法。

2)dust and wind control防风固尘

3)dust protection tunnel防尘通道

4)ventilation and dusting通风除尘

1.In this paper the author introduces the features of theventilation and dusting of 10t arc furmace.介绍了 1 0t电弧炉通风除尘的特点 ,设计中应注意的几个问题以及施工监理中重点控制的几个方面 。


1.The Proceedings for the Sedimentation of Dust in Ventiduct;粉尘在通风除尘管道内沉积行为的研究

2.Economic evaluation of ventilation and dust-riding system in wood industry;木材工业通风除尘系统的经济性分析

3.Research and Application of Ventilation and Dust Collecting System for Fully Mechanized Gateway Heading Face综掘工作面通风除尘系统研发与应用

4.The Reconstruction of the Sintering Plants Ventilation System in a Lead and Zinc Smelt Plant某铅锌冶炼厂烧结车间通风除尘系统改造

5.Especially introduce the influenceof fan and hood used in the dust removal design.特别指出风机和风罩的选用和设计对通风除尘效果的影响,并通过具体改造项目加以说明。

6.Impurity and dust can be cleared up by dust collector cyclone.小杂质及灰尘可通过吸风风网清除。

7.Factors Influencing Dust Removal Efficiency of Cyclone Filter旋风除尘器除尘效率的影响因素分析

8.A new type tee joint reversed valve, which was used in negative pressure bag filter with opposite blow, is reported.本文介绍负压反吹风布袋除尘器中一种新型的三通换向阀.

9.Suction style means the fan is situated behind the bag-house,which works at negative pressure.吸入式风机位于除尘器之后,除尘器为负压工作。

10.Impact Factors on the Dust Collecting Efficiency of Multi-tubular Cyclone多管旋风除尘器热态除尘效率的影响因素

11.technique of industrial venti1ation and dustproofing工业通风与防尘技术

12.Practice of Reducing Filtering Air Pressure Difference of Fan Dedusting System减小鼓风机除尘系统滤风压差的实践

13.For Large dust removing fan system, fluid coupler is usually used to reduce the starting load and adjust the speed of the motor.大型除尘系统风机通常采用串液力耦合器的方式来实现风机电机的轻载启动和调速。

14.Method of measuring gas leakage of electrostatic precipitatorsGB/T10880-1989电除尘器漏风率测试方法

15.Experimental Study on Arc Board Guiding Gas Direction of Cyclonic Precipitator旋风除尘器弧形导向板技术实验研究

16.Renovation of ESP in the Process of Rich Oxygen Under-gate Blast Reduction富氧底吹鼓风还原系统高温电除尘器

17.Discussion on Air Suction Tpye Selection in Designing Card Machine Trash Removal System梳棉除尘设计中有关吸风形式的探讨

18.Experiment Study of the Measure of Resistance Reduction of Cyclone Dust Separator;关于旋风除尘器减阻措施的实验研究


dust and wind control防风固尘

3)dust protection tunnel防尘通道

4)ventilation and dusting通风除尘

1.In this paper the author introduces the features of theventilation and dusting of 10t arc furmace.介绍了 1 0t电弧炉通风除尘的特点 ,设计中应注意的几个问题以及施工监理中重点控制的几个方面 。

5)ventilation and dust removal通风除尘

1.Theventilation and dust removal in welding workshop are important protects for the labors.焊接车间的通风除尘是对作业人员非常重要的劳动保护措施之一。

6)walls for preventing the wind and restraining the dust防风抑尘墙

1.In this article,the dust pollution is effectively controlled by installation ofwalls for preventing the wind and restraining the dust around the stocking yard to decrease the wind speed consequently inside the stocking yard.本文通过采用在储煤场周围设置防风抑尘墙,降低储煤场内风速,从而实现有效控制储煤场无组织扬尘污染。


阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)AS iman tongfeng ganshibiao阿斯曼通风干湿表见通风干湿表。
