100字范文 > 地铁环控通风 subway station environment controlling and ventilation英语短句 例句大全

地铁环控通风 subway station environment controlling and ventilation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-31 18:09:59


地铁环控通风 subway station environment controlling and ventilation英语短句 例句大全

地铁环控通风,subway station environment controlling and ventilation

1)subway station environment controlling and ventilation地铁环控通风

2)subway environment地铁环控

1.To validate fan can be adopted insubway environmental control system not only at rated frequency but also at frequency conversion conditions,frequency conversion performance research of reverse high-temperature axial fan in subway was conducted.对地铁用可逆转耐高温型轴流风机的变频性能进行研究,验证了风机不仅在工频工况下可以满足地铁通风工况的风量和风压,而且在变频工况下也能满足地铁环控系统的需要。


1.Energy-Saving of VAV Air-conditioning in Subway Environment Control System Based on Simulation地铁环控大系统变风量节能效果模拟

2.Hierarchical Control Theory and Establishing Subway BAS分层递阶控制理论与地铁环控系统构建

3.Research on Tianjin Metro ECS and FAS Closed-Loop Control Simulation天津地铁环控及火灾报警系统模拟闭环控制研究

4.Energy Saving Effect of the Environment Control System for Subway Air-Conditioning Based on the Variable Frequency Techology;地铁环控系统中应用变频技术的节能效果研究

5.The Research of the Application of Ice Storage Air Conditioning Technology in the Control of the Subway Environment;冰蓄冷空调技术在地铁环控中的应用研究

6.Energy-saving measures and effect preliminary study of city MTR environmental control system城市地铁环控系统节能措施与效果的初步研究

7.Study on the Saving Energy Project in the Air-condition and Ventilation of the Subway Environment Control System Using Frequency Conversion Fans;利用变频风机进行地铁环控空调通风的节能运行方案研究

8.Environment Control of Shayuan Metro Station in Guangzhou City广州地铁沙园站环控设计及特点分析

9.Energy Consumption Analysis of the Metro Environment Control Mode with and without Metro Platform Screen Doors;地铁屏蔽门、闭式和开式系统环控能耗分析研究

10.Study and Improvement of Tehran Metro Environment Control Software EnCs;德黑兰地铁环境控制软件EnCs的研究与改进

11.Establishment of Metro Environment Control Model and Revision of Neural Network地铁环境控制系统建模与神经网络修正

12.The research survey of the environmental vibration caused by the metro operation and its control地铁运营诱发的环境振动及控制对策研究现状

13.On-line Control Strategies for Environment Control System of Subway without Screen Door;无屏蔽门地铁的环控系统在线控制运行方法研究

14.Study on Deformation Control and Environmental Effect of Metro Pit Using Semi-reverse Construction Method;半逆作法条件下地铁基坑的变形控制及环境效应研究

15.The systematic analysis and regulation strategies ofthe industrial belt along Beijing-Kowloon railwayin Ganzhou Prefecture;赣州京九铁路沿线地区工业投资环境系统诊断与调控方略

16.The transform program of the 0.4KV switches real line monitor in Guangzhou Metro line3 and line4广州地铁三、四号线环控柜进线开关在线监测改造方案

17.Operations Control Centre [Mass Transit Railway]车务控制中心〔地下铁路〕

18.Central Control Room [Mass Transit Railway]中央控制室〔地下铁路〕


subway environment地铁环控

1.To validate fan can be adopted insubway environmental control system not only at rated frequency but also at frequency conversion conditions,frequency conversion performance research of reverse high-temperature axial fan in subway was conducted.对地铁用可逆转耐高温型轴流风机的变频性能进行研究,验证了风机不仅在工频工况下可以满足地铁通风工况的风量和风压,而且在变频工况下也能满足地铁环控系统的需要。

3)Metro Ventilation Energy Consumption地铁通风能耗

4)air-conditioning and ventilation systems in subway地铁通风空调

5)mass transit vent shaft地下铁路通风塔

6)subway ventilation system地铁通风系统


