100字范文 > 土木建筑 civil construction英语短句 例句大全

土木建筑 civil construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-18 04:07:10


土木建筑 civil construction英语短句 例句大全

土木建筑,civil construction

1)civil construction土木建筑

1.Application of carbon fiber composites in infrastructure andcivil construction;碳纤维复合材料在基础设施和土木建筑上的应用

2.The thinking about the reform of graphics serial courses ofcivil construction;关于土木建筑图学系列课程改革的思考

3.In this paper the application of carbon fiber composites(CFC) in infrastructure andcivil construction was introduced, including advantages of applying CFC, technologies for reinforcing and rehabilitation infrastructure and research and development plans as well as standards and codes for using CFC in infrastructure and civil constructio本文介绍碳纤维复合材料在基础设施和土木建筑上的应用 ,包括在基础设施和土木建筑上采用复合材料的优点 ,用碳纤维复合材料修复补强技术与应用 ,碳纤维复合材料应用在基础设施和土木建筑的研究推广计划和复合材料在基础设施和土木建筑上应用的标准和法


1.Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction土木建筑工程承包合同

2.Discussion on the Combined Teaching of Civil Engineering Architectural Graphics and Architectural CAD in Higher Professional and Technological Eudcation;高职《土木建筑制图》结合《建筑CAD》进行教学的探讨

3.Standard for technical level of constructors土木建筑工人技术等级标准

4.Study on Construction and Development Plne of Discipline Group of Civil Engineering and Architecture;土木建筑学科群的构建与发展规划研究

5.Several Key Problems of Civil Engineering and Achitecture CAD Teaching;土木建筑CAD绘图教学中的几个关键问题

6.The Present Situation of Experimental Teaching in Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Some Tentative Ideas for Reform;土木建筑系实验教学的现状与改革的设想

7.The thinking about the reform of graphics serial courses of civil construction;关于土木建筑图学系列课程改革的思考

8.building and civil engineering construction contractor建筑及土木工程承建商

9.Civil Engineering & Architecture Design office土(木)建(筑)设计事务所

10."aBC: abridged Building Classification for architects, Builders & Civil Engineers "建筑师、建筑商和土木工程师用节略式建筑分类法[英]

11.long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction.建筑用的细长的木头金属或混凝土。

12.Conditions of Contract (International) for Works of Civil Engineering Construction土木工程建筑(国际)合同条件

13.A Study on the Reform of the Course "Construction Material" in Civil Engineering;土木工程专业建筑材料课程改革探索

14.The teaching discussion on the building direction in civil engineering major土木工程专业房屋建筑方向教学探讨

15.Cement steel and timber are the most important construction materials used in civil engineering.水泥、材和木材是土建工程中最重要的建筑材料。

16.Building and Civil Engineering Industry Training Board [CITA]土木工程及建筑业训练委员会〔建造业训练局〕

17.To emphasize on the course of housing lay the foundation of civil engineering;重视房屋建筑学课程 打好土木工程专业的“建筑基础”

18.The practice and experience of architecture culture education enhancement of the civil engineering profession;加强土木工程专业建筑文化教育的实践和体会


civil engineering土木建筑

3)civil engineering and architecture土木-建筑

1.The recent research work on laser processing incivil engineering and architecture are analyzed and summarized, and its futureapplications are prospected.分析综述了近年来国内外土木-建筑领域激光加工技术的研究状况、适用范围、出现的问题和解决办法,指出和预测了该技术在这一行业的发展方向和应用前景。

4)civil construction土木建筑;民用建筑

5)building structure土木建筑结构

6)civil and building engineering土木与建筑领域


