100字范文 > 文明施工 civilized construction英语短句 例句大全

文明施工 civilized construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 06:10:24


文明施工 civilized construction英语短句 例句大全

文明施工,civilized construction

1)civilized construction文明施工

1.Safety control in project monitoring and on-sitecivilized construction control;工程监理中的安全控制和现场文明施工控制

2.Through several-years practice,we provide new idea of safe production and management,which could be used for reference for the safe andcivilized construction of hydropower stations.景洪水电站在工程建设过程中推行了安全文明施工设施标准化工作。

3.It is of great importance for the companies to makecivilized construction if a company wants to make a figure in the project.为能安全、优质、高效地完成南水北调工程,做好文明施工是非常重要的。


1.Discussion on Safe and Civilized Construction Management for Power Construction Enterprise;论电力施工企业的安全文明施工管理

2.Management of the Expense Spent on Safe and Civilized Constriction Measures;论建设工程安全文明施工措施费用管理

3.Study on the Security Civilization Construction Measure Expense Calculation浅析建筑工程安全文明施工措施费的计取

4.Discussion about Extraction,Use and Management of Safety Security and Civilization Measures Expenses of Construction Enterprise浅谈建筑施工企业安全防护、文明施工措施费的提取、使用和管理

5.Civilized construction and environmental protection management of Liu-Qian freeway六潜高速公路中的文明施工及环境保护管理

6.The tentative discussion about the establishment and improvement of the guaranteed system and operation mechanism of on-site safety production of construction enterprise;试论建筑施工企业施工现场安全生产和文明施工的保证体系及其运行机制的建立和完善

7.Concept of Harmonious Innovation Throughout Company Civilized Construction如何把和谐创新的理念贯穿于公司的文明施工中

8.Launch Morality-Cultivating Project to Improve Students Comprehensive Quality;实施文明修身工程 提高大学生综合素质

9.Verified by practice the said pile is a perfect pile as it is easy and quick in construction.实践证明该桩不仅施工简便,工期短,且施工文明,它是一种较理想的桩型。

10.Implementing Green Project Advocating Green Civilization--Profound Transformation of Green Revolution Practice in Dongfang City;实施绿色工程 倡导绿色文明——东方市绿色革命实践的深刻变革

11.Revision of "Model Contract for Port & Waterway Engineering Construction Supervision;《水运工程施工监理合同范本》修订说明

12.human problem of industrial civilization工业文明中的人的问题

13.The use of torture must disgust any civilized person.施用酷刑必为文明社会的人所不齿.

14.Scientific and democratic management for a safe and civilized campus;实施科学民主管理 创建安全文明校园

15.Carrying out the Strategy of Legal and Moral Administration of Country, Promoting Civilian’s Quality;实施以德治国战略 提升市民文明素质

16.showed that the introduction of the Working Time Directive,表明《工作时间法令》的实施,

17.Cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house.裂缝和漏水表明房子的施工质量不好。

18.Clearly Define Project Manager s Responsibility,Standardize Construction Project Management;明确项目经理职责 规范施工项目管理


civil construction文明施工

1.Countermeasures forcivil construction and management;谈文明施工管理的对策及措施

2.Construction site management andcivil construction施工现场管理与文明施工

3.This paper points out that safe production andcivil construction is an effective way to protect urban whole environment,and discusses its actual strategies and benefits.指出了安全生产文明施工是保障城市整个环境的有效途径以及安全生产文明施工的具体要求及其可以带来的效

3)civilization construction文明施工

1.Arranging the plant pipelines facility according to traditional process design can not meet the demand ofcivilization construction of power plants.厂区管线设施按常规流程设计,已不能满足电厂建设文明施工的要求,根据火力发电厂的工艺管线种类以及布置要求,从设计流程入手,对300 MW和600 MW机组的管线设施布置进行研究,提出厂区管线设施规划布置的接口及设计的具体要求,以达到指导工艺设计、细化施工设计、满足现场施工提前出图的目的。

4)measure expense for civilized construction文明施工措施费

5)civilized construction supervision/management文明施工监理

6)safe and civilized construction安全文明施工

1.How to well done thesafe and civilized construction of government-owned project如何做好市政工程安全文明施工


