100字范文 > 瑞士国际仲裁 Swiss international arbitration英语短句 例句大全

瑞士国际仲裁 Swiss international arbitration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-03 06:37:29


瑞士国际仲裁 Swiss international arbitration英语短句 例句大全

瑞士国际仲裁,Swiss international arbitration

1)Swiss international arbitration瑞士国际仲裁

1.Exclusion agreement in the legislation ofSwiss international arbitration is innovative, and fully embodies party autonomy and support to arbitration.瑞士国际仲裁立法中的排除协议是一个创新性的规定,充分体现了当事人意思自治和对仲裁的支持,但由于种种原因一直未在实践中得以实施,直到最近几年才出现瑞士联邦法院认可排除协议的迹象。

2)international arbitration国际仲裁

1.After Chinese entry into WTO and Chinese engineering market s opening to foreign countries,it will increase gradually to settle construction disputes with the way ofinternational arbitration.随着中国加入WTO以及中国建筑市场逐步对外开放,采用国际仲裁方式解决施工争议将逐渐增多,熟悉国际仲裁是对外开放以及与国际接轨的需要。

2.On the whole,China uses diplomatic methods instead ofinternational arbitration and the International Court to settle international disputes.中国解决国际争端大体上运用外交方法,而没有利用国际仲裁和国际法院去解决重大的国际争端。

3.Many scholars hold thatinternational arbitration is derived from Anglo American practices since 1800 and has little affiliation with the times before 1648.许多学者认为 ,国际仲裁制度的发展主要是 19世纪以后英美等国实践的产物 ,与近代以前的活动没有太多的联系 ,而实际情况并不完全如此。


1.Cour Internationale d"Arbitrage de la CCI国际商会国际仲裁院

2.International Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association美国仲裁协会国际仲裁规则

3.Arbitrators" Symposium of the London Court of International Arbitration伦敦国际仲裁法庭仲裁员专题讨论会

4.Arab Association for International Arbitration阿拉伯国际仲裁协会(仲裁协会)

5.London Court of International Arbitration英国伦敦国际仲裁院

6.Project de reglement pour la procedure arbitrale internationale国际仲裁程序条例草案

7.United Nations Reports of International Arbitral Awards联合国国际仲裁裁决报告

8.International Council for Commercial Arbitration国际商业仲裁理事会(商业仲裁理事会)

9.Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则

10.On the Amiable Composition in Internationl Commercial Arbitration;试论国际商事仲裁中的友好仲裁制度

11.Seminar on International Commercial Arbitration国际商业仲裁讨论会

12.International Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards《1958年纽约仲裁国际公约》

13.Model Law on International Commercial Arbitratio国际商业仲裁示范法

14.arbitration act仲裁法[国际法]调停

15.Arbitration Rules of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则

16.Delocalization of International Commercial Arbitration;论非内国仲裁对国际商事仲裁程序规则的影响

17.CAS arbitrition and its englightenments for China;国际体育仲裁院仲裁实践及其对我国的启示

18.On the Legal Effects of Seat of Arbitration in the International Sport Arbitration--especially on the Olympic Games Sports Arbitration;论仲裁地在国际体育仲裁中的法律意义——特别述及奥运会体育仲裁


international arbitration国际仲裁

1.After Chinese entry into WTO and Chinese engineering market s opening to foreign countries,it will increase gradually to settle construction disputes with the way ofinternational arbitration.随着中国加入WTO以及中国建筑市场逐步对外开放,采用国际仲裁方式解决施工争议将逐渐增多,熟悉国际仲裁是对外开放以及与国际接轨的需要。

2.On the whole,China uses diplomatic methods instead ofinternational arbitration and the International Court to settle international disputes.中国解决国际争端大体上运用外交方法,而没有利用国际仲裁和国际法院去解决重大的国际争端。

3.Many scholars hold thatinternational arbitration is derived from Anglo American practices since 1800 and has little affiliation with the times before 1648.许多学者认为 ,国际仲裁制度的发展主要是 19世纪以后英美等国实践的产物 ,与近代以前的活动没有太多的联系 ,而实际情况并不完全如此。

3)court of arbitration国际仲裁院

4)international arbitration law国际仲裁法

5)international business arbitration国际商事仲裁

1.On "Denationalization" ininternational business arbitration law;论国际商事仲裁程序法中的"非国内化"理论

2.Modern Lex Mercotoria,developed on the basis of lex merchant theory in Middle Ages,plays an increasingly important role in theinternational business arbitration.现人商人法的统一性、国际商事仲裁的便利性以及当事人的意思自治是现代商人法适用的理论基础,各国国内立法、国际公约是现代商人法适用的立法实践。

3.In traditionalinternational business arbitration,domestic law of the arbitrating place is the undisputable authority.在传统的国际商事仲裁中 ,仲裁地的国内法具有无可争辩的权威 ,但随着国际商事仲裁的发展 ,仲裁地法受到了“非国内化”的挑战 ,出现了仲裁程序脱离仲裁地法控制的趋势。

6)international commercial arbitration国际商事仲裁

1.New understanding of nature ofinternational commercial arbitration;国际商事仲裁的性质新解

2.Balancing of Efficiency and Justice:Appellate Mechanism Internal of International Commercial Arbitration;效率与公正之平衡:国际商事仲裁内部上诉机制

3.Analysis on the issue of application of Lex Mercatoria ininternational commercial arbitration;现代商人法在国际商事仲裁中的适用问题分析


