100字范文 > 国际投资仲裁 International Investment Arbitration英语短句 例句大全

国际投资仲裁 International Investment Arbitration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-15 19:05:17


国际投资仲裁 International Investment Arbitration英语短句 例句大全

国际投资仲裁,International Investment Arbitration

1)International Investment Arbitration国际投资仲裁

1.In recent years,an enormous increase of international investment arbitration not only challenges the sovereignty of host states,but also exposes the legitimacy problems of arbitration arising out of the defects of the design of existing investment treaties.近年来,国际投资仲裁案件迅猛增加,不仅使东道国主权面临挑战,也引起出现有投资条约的诸多设计缺陷所导致的仲裁合法性危机。

2.In more and more international investment arbitrations,the state has to incur international obligations to protect public interests that are concerned with environment,cultural and natural heritages and human rights other than investment.国际投资仲裁案件中已涉及到国家在环境、人类自然与文化遗产保护和人权等方面以维护公共利益为目的的非投资国际义务。

3.ECT is the first multilateral treaty in international energy sector,which empowers investor to pull directly the contracting party that violated ECT obligations into international investment arbitration.ECT是国际能源领域第一个授权投资者直接针对缔约国违反条约义务提请国际投资仲裁的多边条约,其投资仲裁条款完全排除ICSID机制三大法宝的适用,取而代之的是投资者对抗东道国的强制仲裁权、随时仲裁权和国际法排他适用权。


1.Fulfillment of Non-investment International Obligations in International Investment Arbitrations论国际投资仲裁中非投资国际义务的适用进路

2.The Significancy of the Public Interest Principle to International Investment Arbitration;公共利益原则对国际投资仲裁制度的意义

3.The Balance of Public Interest and Private Interest in International Investment Arbitration论国际投资仲裁中公共利益和私人利益的平衡

4.On Establishing an Appellate Mechanism of International Investment Arbitration建立国际投资仲裁的上诉机制问题析评

5.Reflections on New Developments of Foreign Investors Resort to International Investment Arbitration Mechanism--From Perspectives of International Law Implementation Mechanism and South-North Issue;外国投资者利用国际投资仲裁机制新发展反思——国际法实施机制与南北矛盾的双重视角

6.Arbitration Rules [ICSID]仲裁规则 [解决投资争端国际中心 ]

7.arbitrator [ICSID]仲裁人[解决投资争端国际中心]

8.award [ICSID]仲裁赔款[解决投资争端国际中心]

9.Study on the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes Arbitration Mechanism解决投资争议国际中心仲裁机制研究

10.administered arbitration system [ICSID]执行的仲裁制度[解决投资争端国际中心]

11.Research on Amicus Curiae Brief in Investor-State Arbitration under NAFTA;国际投资争端仲裁中的法庭之友制度研究

12.Arbitral Tribunal [ICSID; MIGA]仲裁法庭[解决投资争端国际中心;多边投资担保机构]

13.Challenges to international arbitration practices and the latest development of American international investment treaties;国际仲裁实践的挑战与美国国际投资协定的晚近发展

14.Clauses on Jurisdiction of International Arbitration in Bilateral Investment Protection Agreements;双边投资保护协定中国际仲裁庭管辖权条款初步研究

15.Cour Internationale d"Arbitrage de la CCI国际商会国际仲裁院

16.Domestic bidders-Arbitration is conducted under Chinese rules.国内投标人按中国仲裁法进行仲裁。

17.International Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association美国仲裁协会国际仲裁规则

18.International Council for Commercial Arbitration国际商业仲裁理事会(商业仲裁理事会)


Investor-state Arbitration投资仲裁

3)international arbitration国际仲裁

1.After Chinese entry into WTO and Chinese engineering market s opening to foreign countries,it will increase gradually to settle construction disputes with the way ofinternational arbitration.随着中国加入WTO以及中国建筑市场逐步对外开放,采用国际仲裁方式解决施工争议将逐渐增多,熟悉国际仲裁是对外开放以及与国际接轨的需要。

2.On the whole,China uses diplomatic methods instead ofinternational arbitration and the International Court to settle international disputes.中国解决国际争端大体上运用外交方法,而没有利用国际仲裁和国际法院去解决重大的国际争端。

3.Many scholars hold thatinternational arbitration is derived from Anglo American practices since 1800 and has little affiliation with the times before 1648.许多学者认为 ,国际仲裁制度的发展主要是 19世纪以后英美等国实践的产物 ,与近代以前的活动没有太多的联系 ,而实际情况并不完全如此。

4)Investor-State Dispute Arbitration投资者——国家仲裁机制

5)court of arbitration国际仲裁院

6)international arbitration law国际仲裁法


