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医疗仪器 medical instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-15 19:13:52


医疗仪器 medical instrument英语短句 例句大全

医疗仪器,medical instrument

1)medical instrument医疗仪器

1.Idea innovation ofmedical instrument management and service;医疗仪器管理与维修理念的创新

2.Management and maintenance ofmedical instrument in level-ll hospital in peacekeeping operation;浅谈维和“二级医院”医疗仪器的管理与维修

3.The preventive maintenance(PM) ofmedical instruments means the periodical check and maintenance ofmedical instrument.医疗仪器预防性维护(PM)是指定期地对仪器进行检查和维护,发现和排除可能引起的故障隐患,使仪器处于良好的工作状态。


1.institute of medical instruments and apparatus医疗仪器及器械研究所

2.Management and Maintenance of Readiness Medical Equipment in Military Hospital军队医院战备医疗仪器的管理与维护

3.an instrument for examining the retina of the eye.检查眼睛视网膜的医疗仪器。

4.These two medical instruments work on the same principle.这两种医疗仪器的工作原理是一样的。

5.a long slender medical instrument for examining the interior of a bodily organ.检查体内组织的长的细的医疗仪器。

6.Market research on home medical device in Beijing;北京地区家庭医疗仪器市场调查报告

7.Design of network interface for Medical Instrumentation based on SPI bus基于SPI总线的医疗仪器网络接口设计

8.Research on Medical Online Exam System and Medical Instrument Expert System;医学考试系统和医疗仪器专家系统的研究

9.Discussion on the Commercial Examination Work for Hospitals to Import Medical Instruments;医院进口医疗仪器设备商检工作的探讨

10.How can a TCM doctor diagnose the illnesses without relying on medical instruments?中医医师又是怎样能够不用依赖医疗仪器便能诊断疾病?

11.Familiar with the Diagnostic instrument Supplier and producer.熟悉国内医疗仪器的供应商与生产厂商。

12.a medical instrument for dilating a bodily passage or cavity in order to examine the interior.扩大身体通路或腔以便检查内部的医疗仪器。

13.We look forward to your constant concern for China Med .希望您继续关注国际医疗仪器设备展览会。

14.The Research of Digital Medical Appliance Based on Embedded Computer System;基于嵌入式计算机系统的数字化医疗仪器研究

15.Study of a Transcutaneous Wireless Communication System用于植入式医疗仪器的无线通信系统研究

16.Feasibility Demonstration on Computerized Medical Equipment Charging Intellectualized System网络版医疗仪器收费智能管理系统的可行性论证

17.Robotics technology in the instrumentation of traditional Chinese medicine treatment机器人技术在中医诊疗仪器中的应用

18.Photonic Chinese medicine information therapeutic apparatus characterized by Laser medicine combined traditional Chinese medicine激光医学与传统中医相结合的光子中医信息治疗仪器


medical equipment医疗仪器

1.The discussion of Questions and Suggestions in the Bidding of Medical equipment;医疗仪器招标、投标过程中存在争议与建议的探讨

2.Objective To discuss the possibility of application of embedded system tomedical equipment.目的:讨论嵌入式系统在医疗仪器上应用的可能性。

3)medical instruments医疗仪器

1.Management ofmedical instruments in county hospitals;县级医院医疗仪器管理对策

2.Development Medical Instruments Measuring System based on Image Sensors;基于图像传感器的医疗仪器尺寸测量系统

3.The paper described some main features and design methods of state of the art intelligentmedical instruments and some new measurement techniques of biomedical engineering.本文介绍现代集成式智能医疗仪器的特点、设计方法及一些生物医学工程新测试技

4)medical apparatus医疗仪器

1.Application of human factor engineering inmedical apparatus;医疗仪器的人因工程学设计

2.Points out the technical conversion and challendge faced with in the aspects of the management and maintenance ofmedical apparatus and puts forward that the theoretical innovation of purchase and prerentive maintenance should be paid attention to and strengthened.本文从信息化、数字化医院建设的角度,提出了医院在医疗仪器的管理和维修方面所面临的技术转变与挑战,指出了在医疗仪器的采购和预防性维修方面,医院应重视和加强理论创新。

5)medical devices医疗仪器

1.This paper describes the generating conditions of electronic fields,magnetic fields and RF interference and the potential effects and hagards they may bring about on themedical devices.论述了电场、磁场、射频干扰产生的条件及对医疗仪器造成的影响与危害 ;排除干扰的基本原理与方法 ,为机房选址、布局及仪器使用维修提供参

2.For solving the problems ofmedical devices in displaying,data processing,storage capacity,the utilities of using networks to share data and hard to maintain the system,a way of virtual machine based on Labview are proposed,which combines HL7(healthy level7) protocol,using the processing power of PCs,to virtualized themedical devices and build a solution formedical devices system.为了解决传统医疗仪器在显示、数据处理、存储能力受限、无法有效利用网路进行数据共享以及维护繁琐等方面的问题,提出了基于Labview虚拟仪器技术,融合HL7(healthy level7)协议,利用PC强大的处理功能,实现医疗设备的虚拟化,建立虚拟医疗设备系统的方案。

6)medical instrument医疗仪器设备

1.Discusses how to reduce purchase cost and raise the usage rate of funds and the management of quality safety from the angle of reasonable usage of the funds in the management of purchasingmedical instruments and armarium.本文所探讨的是在医疗仪器设备采购管理中,从资金的合理使用角度出发,降低采购成本、减少现金流出、提高资金的使用效率。

2.We think,the automaticalized,digitalized,integrated and civilizedmedical instruments all need to use the purified-power supply.本文叙述了从普通稳压电源发展到净化电源的发展过程 ,认为自动化、数字化、集成化、信息化的医疗仪器设备配置净化电源是很有必要的 ,分析了共模和差模干扰及三相电压的不平衡等电能质量问题对各仪器设备及信息系统的影响和损坏 ,并对普通稳压电源与净化电源的技术指标做了对比 ,探讨了医疗仪器设备配置净化电源的必要性。


坦克夜间观察瞄准仪器(见坦克观察瞄准仪器)坦克夜间观察瞄准仪器(见坦克观察瞄准仪器)tank night observing and sighting instrumentstanke yelion guancha mia0Zhun yiqi坦克夜间观察瞄准仪器(t ank nightob-serving and sighting instruments)见坦克观察猫准仪器。
