100字范文 > 医疗器械管理 medical instrument management英语短句 例句大全

医疗器械管理 medical instrument management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-14 06:09:06


医疗器械管理 medical instrument management英语短句 例句大全

医疗器械管理,medical instrument management

1)medical instrument management医疗器械管理


1.Better Medical Devices Regulations for Better Health Care: Enlightenment for Medical Devices Regulatory Reform in China, from Experiences of the EU and the USA;欧美医疗器械管理经验及对中国医疗器械法规体系改革的启示

2.Application of Information Management System on Controlling the Validity of Medical Equipment医疗器械管理系统在医疗器械合法性控制中的应用

3.The Research on Logistics Management of Medical Device in One Hospital in Shanghai上海市某医院医疗器械物流管理研究

prehending the System for ISO13485 Medical Apparatus Quality Managment理解ISO13485医疗器械质量管理的体系

5.A New Subject For the Postmarket Surveitlance of Medical Devices-Medical Device Advers Event Reporting;医疗器械监督管理的新课题——医疗器械不良事件监测

6.Study on the Countermeasures of Standard Administration of Chinese Medical Devices;我国医疗器械规范化管理的对策研究

7.The Research of Regulation and Methodology for Clinical Evaluation of Medical Device;医疗器械临床评价管理与方法学研究

8.Discussion on Objective Management of Quality Policy of the Medical Device Company浅谈医疗器械企业质量方针目标管理

9.The Application of Product Lifecycle Management to the Medical Device Industry医疗器械的产品生命周期管理(PLM)

10.Discussions on the Regulatory Requirements for Medical Device Risk Management in China谈我国医疗器械风险管理的法规要求

11.Discussion of the Management Specifications of Medical Device Bidding in Hospital医院医疗器械招标管理技术规范的探讨

12.The Discussion about Procurement Managerial Technique Standard of Medical Equipment医院医疗器械采购技术管理规范的探讨

13.Discussion of the integrative management specifications for medical device in hospital医院医疗器械集中管理技术规范的探讨

14.The Discussion about Procurement Managerial Technique Standard of the Importation of Medical Equipment医院医疗器械进口采购技术管理规范的探讨

15.Study of the management for medical device application in hospital对于医院医疗器械使用管理规范的研究

16.Discussion of the management specifications for medical device application in hospital医院医疗器械使用管理技术规范的探讨

17.Discussion on Rule of Quality Managing Technology for Medical apparatus & equipment in hospital医院医疗器械质量管理技术规范的探讨

18.Discussion of Medical Equipment Data Information Management Technique Regulations in Hospital医院医疗器械数据信息管理技术规范的探讨


medical appliance retrospective management system医疗器械追溯管理系统

1.Methods By using a software package of themedical appliance retrospective management system,376 implantations involving use of medical appliances were performed in operating room and all the appliances were subjected to the whole-process management.目的探讨医疗器械追溯管理系统在手术室植入性医疗器械管理中的应用效果。

3)measure of medical instrument control医疗器械管理办法

4)Medical Devices Inventory Control System医疗器械库存管理系统

5)the risk management for medical devices医疗器械风险管理

1.the writer of the article introduces the medical device adverse events,analyses the present situation ofthe risk management for medical devices and probes into the counter measures to controlthe risk management for medical devices.医疗器械的风险管理是现代医院管理的薄弱环节之一,通过对医疗器械不良事件的介绍,分析了在用医疗器械风险管理的现状,提出了控制医疗器械风险的措施。

6)supervision and administration for medical devices医疗器械监管

1.Based on the deeper understanding of 《the Administrative Permission Law》, the paper summarizes a year s work done by the departments ofsupervision and administration for medical devices in regard to carrying out 《the law》 and the effect it has produced.从对“行政许可法”的再认识,在如何执行及执行成效等方面总结了国家医疗器械监管部门一年来的工作;并谈了一些体会和指出尚待解决的问题。

2.This paper reviews the work of supervision and administration in "SARS" times, pointing out that after "SARS" , thesupervision and administration for medical devices should be carried out as routine duties, more seriously and should be given enough help and assistance.本文回顾总结“非典” 时期医疗器械监管工作,指出在“非典’后,医疗器械监管更需严格日常监管和力求帮促到位,并提出一些建设性的意见。


