100字范文 > 击穿电压模型 Breakdown voltage model英语短句 例句大全

击穿电压模型 Breakdown voltage model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-07 07:51:02


击穿电压模型 Breakdown voltage model英语短句 例句大全

击穿电压模型,Breakdown voltage model

1)Breakdown voltage model击穿电压模型


1.Breakdown Voltage Model of Single Floating Field Ring Termination单个浮置场限环终端结构击穿电压模型

2.The Statistical Characteristics of Partial Discharges from Discharge Development to Insulation Breakdown in Discharge Fault Models of Power Transformers;变压器典型放电故障击穿过程中局部放电的统计特征

3.Study on Breakdown Voltage of Large Generator Ground Wall Insulation Based on BP Neural Networks;基于BP神经网络的大型发电机主绝缘击穿电压研究

4.Determination of electric strength at power frequence for capacitor paperGB/T12656-1990电容器纸工频击穿电压测定法

5.Method of test for breakdown voltage of cable paper at power frequenceGB/T3333-1982电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法

6.Breakdown Voltage and ESD Protection of RF-LDMOS;射频LDMOS的击穿电压与静电保护

7.The Calculation Model of Waveforms and Parameters of Impulse Voltage Generator and Simulation冲击电压发生器波形和参数的计算模型与仿真

8.Study of Improving the Breakdown Voltage of GaAs MESFET;提高GaAs MESFET击穿电压的研究

9.Breakdown characteristics of gas switch under nanosecond pulse voltage纳秒脉冲电压下气体开关的击穿特性

10.High-voltage Nanoseconds GaAs Photoconductive Switch and Its Breakdown Characteristic高压ns光电导开关及其击穿特性研究

11.Process Improvement to Enhance HV PMOS Drain Breakdown Voltage;提升高压PMOS漏极击穿电压的工艺改进方法

12.Partial Discharge Measurement and Analysis of Gap in Oil-Paper Insulation Model under Lightning Impulse Voltage雷电冲击电压下油纸绝缘气隙模型的局部放电测量与分析

13.Study of Restrike Overvoltage When Switching off Shunt Capacitors并联电容器分闸重击穿操作过电压研究

14.A high-voltage and high-current photoconductive semiconductor switch and its breakdown characteristics高压超大电流光电导开关及其击穿特性研究

15.Breakdown Research on EAST Tokamak;EAST模拟放电击穿阶段的仿真研究

16.Surge protectors. Type of surge protector can be specified.冲击电压保护器。可指定冲击电压保护器的类型。

17.Covered wires--Method for test of breakdown voltage by means of steel ballsGB/T1343.9-1984绕包线击穿电压试验方法钢珠法

18.Methods of test for enamelled wires--Breakdown voltage test by means of steelGB/T4074.19-1983漆包线试验方法击穿电压试验钢珠法


electrical discharge model电击穿模型

1.Micro-arc oxidation mechanism andelectrical discharge model;微弧氧化机理及电击穿模型

3)dielectric breakdown model介电击穿模型

4)breakdown voltage击穿电压

1.Preliminary application of BP neural network in predictingbreakdown voltage of large generator ground wall insulation;BP神经网络在大型发电机主绝缘击穿电压预测中的初步应用

2.Onbreakdown voltage test of transformer oil;关于变压器油击穿电压试验的几个问题

3.A test instrumentation based on microcomputer for the transformer dielectric oilbreakdown voltage;采用单片机的变压器绝缘油击穿电压测试仪

5)voltage breakdown电压击穿

6)breakdown model击穿模型

1.A unifiedbreakdown model of SOI RESURF device with uniform,step,or linear drift region doping profile is firstly proposed.提出了一个均匀、阶梯和线性掺杂漂移区SOI高压器件的统一击穿模型 。


