100字范文 > 胃肠起搏 Gastrointestinal pacing英语短句 例句大全

胃肠起搏 Gastrointestinal pacing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-10 08:33:26


胃肠起搏 Gastrointestinal pacing英语短句 例句大全

胃肠起搏,Gastrointestinal pacing

1)Gastrointestinal pacing胃肠起搏

1.Effect of Gastrointestinal Pacing on Irritable Bowel Syndrome;胃肠起搏治疗肠易激综合征疗效观察

2.Gastrointestinal pacing in functional gastrointestinal disease;胃肠起搏在胃肠功能性疾病中的应用

3.Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of non-medication that consists of gastrointestinal pacing and biologic feedback on chronic functional constipation.目的对慢性便秘进行分型,观察胃肠起搏、生物反馈等非药物性治疗对不同类型便秘的效果。

2)Gastrointestinal pacemaker胃肠起搏器

3)Surface gastrointestinal pacemaker体表胃肠起搏器

4)Gastrointestinal pacemaker cell tumor胃肠道起搏细胞肿瘤

5)Gastric Pacing胃起搏

1.Effects ofGastric Pacing on Nerves Containing 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Antral Myenteric Plexus of Rats;胃起搏对大鼠胃窦肌间神经丛5-羟色胺能神经的影响

2.Effects ofGastric Pacing on Gastric Myoelectrical Activity and the Plasma Level of Motilin in the Canine Model with Gastric Motor Disorders;胃起搏对胃动力紊乱犬胃肌电活动和血浆胃动素水平的影响

3.The relation of gastric emptying and plasm motilin level before and after gastric pacing in a canine model of gastroparesis;胃起搏前后胃瘫犬胃排空和血浆胃动素的关系


1.Treatment of gastric emptying disorder with surface gastric pacing in patients after gastrectomy体表胃起搏治疗胃部分切除术后胃排空障碍

2.Clinical Observation of Surface Gastric Pacing in treatment of Gastric motility disorders体表胃起搏治疗胃动力紊乱性疾病疗效观察

3.The Clinical Efficacy of Itopride, Gastric Pacing on Functional Dyspepsia and the Clinical Study of Correlation Factor;伊托必利、胃起搏治疗功能性消化不良及其相关因素的临床研究

4.Effect of HCN1 on the Pace Generation of the Gastrointestinal TractHCN1在胃肠道动力起搏中作用机制研究

5.Kinetogenic effects of Ecr on Cx43 changes in gastrointestinal tract白萝卜提取物对胃电起搏区缝隙连接的影响

6.Discussing the Pathogeny of GER and the Animal Experiment and Clinical Disquistion of the Gastric Bioelectrical Pace-maker Treatment;GER动物模型制作及胃生物电起搏治疗的临床研究

7.Animal and Human Studies of Surface Gastrointestinal Pacing for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders;体外胃肠电生理起搏治疗胃肠动力紊乱的动物试验和临床应用研究

8.fixed-rate pacemaker固定频率心脏起搏器

9.ventricular synchronous pacemaker心室同步心脏起搏器

10.programmable atrio-pacemaker可编程序心房起搏器

11.external fixed rate pacemaker体外固定频率起搏器

12.bipolar ventricular inhibited pacemaker双极心室抑制起搏器

13.The shopkeeper struggled with the thief.店主与那窃贼搏斗起来.

14.The shopkeeper struggled against the thief.店主与那窃贼搏斗起来。

15.ventricular inhibitory demand pacemaker心室抑制型按需起搏器

16.atrioventricular sequential pacemaker"房室顺序型心脏起搏器

17.breathing controlled pacemaker呼吸控制型心脏起搏器

18.(4) closely observing electrocardiographic monitoring to observe the function of pulsing and perception;术后严密心电监护,观察起搏器起搏、感知功能;


Gastrointestinal pacemaker胃肠起搏器

3)Surface gastrointestinal pacemaker体表胃肠起搏器

4)Gastrointestinal pacemaker cell tumor胃肠道起搏细胞肿瘤

5)Gastric Pacing胃起搏

1.Effects ofGastric Pacing on Nerves Containing 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Antral Myenteric Plexus of Rats;胃起搏对大鼠胃窦肌间神经丛5-羟色胺能神经的影响

2.Effects ofGastric Pacing on Gastric Myoelectrical Activity and the Plasma Level of Motilin in the Canine Model with Gastric Motor Disorders;胃起搏对胃动力紊乱犬胃肌电活动和血浆胃动素水平的影响

3.The relation of gastric emptying and plasm motilin level before and after gastric pacing in a canine model of gastroparesis;胃起搏前后胃瘫犬胃排空和血浆胃动素的关系

6)short pulse gastric electrical stimulation胃电起搏

1.Objective This study was to observe the effect ofshort pulse gastric electrical stimulation on diabetic gastroparesis.方法雄性Wistar大鼠30只,随机分为对照组、糖尿病组和胃电起搏组,分别予空白溶剂(对照组)和链脲霉素(糖尿病组和胃电刺激组)腹腔注射,同时于各组大鼠胃浆膜面埋设两对电极,于给药前1周和给药后第4周记录大鼠胃肌电活动,6周后采用酚红排空方法检测各组大鼠胃液体排空,同时取胃幽门区组织作nNOS神经染色,胃电起搏组于检测同时通过胃近端电极给予短波胃电刺激。


