100字范文 > 心房起搏 atrial pacing英语短句 例句大全

心房起搏 atrial pacing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-29 07:20:56


心房起搏 atrial pacing英语短句 例句大全

心房起搏,atrial pacing

1)atrial pacing心房起搏

1.Objective: This study was designed to analyze the effects on the atrial electrophysiologic properries and the mecha-nism in treatment of atrial fibrillation withatrial pacing.目的:分析心房起搏对心房电生理学特性的影响,探讨其治疗房颤的可能作用机制。

2.Right atrial appendage is the traditional site ofatrial pacing,but with the development of physiological pacing,it was discovered that pacing this site repeatedly mought change the normal electrophysiology pathway, which led to biatrial electrical activity loss of synchronization and mought promote the atrial tachyarrhythmia frequency.右心耳是传统的心房起搏位点,但随着生理性起搏认知的深入,人们发现长期起搏该部位改变了正常的电生理传导途径,导致左、右心房电活动的不同步,将可能促使房性快速性心律失常的频发。


1.programmable atrio-pacemaker可编程序心房起搏器

2.The vagus nerves have an inhibitory action on atrial pacemakers.迷走神经对心房起搏点有抑制作用。

3.Quantitative analysis of collagen fiber in pulmonary veins and atria in dog models with rapid atrial fibrillation犬快速心房起搏房颤模型肺静脉及心房组织心肌纤维化定量分析

4.Tetrandrine Prevents Tachycardia-induced Acute Atial Electrical Remodeling;粉防己碱对快速心房起搏引起心房急性电重构的影响

5.Effects of Angiotensin-(1-7) on Acute Atrial Electrical Remodeling Induced by Rapid Atrial Pacing in Dogs;Ang-(1-7)对犬快速心房起搏急性电重构的影响

6.Effects of Losartan on Remodeling in Rapid Atrial Pacing in Rabbits;氯沙坦对家兔快速心房起搏心房电重构的干预研究

7.The Mechanisms of Atrial Fibrillation by Rapid Atrial Pacing in Rabbits and the Treatment of it with Puerarin快速心房起搏致家兔心房颤动的发生机制及葛根素干预的效果

8.Effect of verapamil on the structural and electrical remodeling of atria reduced by rapid intra-atrial pacing in rabbits维拉帕米对家兔快速心房起搏所致心房结构和电重构的影响

9.Effect of cyclosporine-A on electrophysiological properties of atria in the long-term rapid atrial tachypacing canine model环孢素A对持续心房起搏犬心房电生理特性的影响

10.Effects of losartan on atrial electrical remodeling and L-type calcium channel in rabbits by rapid atrial pacing氯沙坦对家兔快速心房起搏心房电重构及L-型钙通道的影响

11.atrioventricular sequential pacemaker"房室顺序型心脏起搏器

12.A Comparison of Efficacy between Atrial Pacing and Dual-Chamber Pacing in Patients with Slow-fast Syndrome心房按需起搏或房室顺序起搏治疗慢快综合征疗效比较

13.Expressions of MAPKs in rapidly paced atrial myocytes快速起搏心房肌细胞中MAPKs表达的变化

14.Pacing Therapy For the Patients with Chronic Congestive Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation with Slow Ventricular Rate慢心室率心房颤动伴心力衰竭患者的起搏治疗

15.The changes of plasma brain natriuretic peptide in the patients with high-grade AV block after dual and single chamber pacing房室双腔起搏与心室单腔起搏对血脑钠素水平的影响

16.Relation Between Different Parts of Cardiac Pacing and Atrial Fibrillation不同部位心脏起搏与心房颤动关系探讨

17.Electrophysiological characters in a noble model of atrial fibrillation induced by left atrium pacing after right atrial infarction右心房梗死伴左心房高频起搏诱发慢性房颤的电生理特性研究

18.Effect of optimal AV delay of DDD pacing on cardiac function双腔起搏房室延迟时间对心功能的影响


Left atrium pacing左心房起搏

3)atrial pacemaker心房起搏器

4)Rapid atrial pacing快速心房起搏

1.Influence of rapid atrial pacing on the expression of α1c subunit of L-type calcium channel and the protective effect of verapamil;快速心房起搏对家兔L型钙通道α1c亚单位表达的影响及维拉帕米的保护作用

2.The potassium channel gene expression of myocardial sleeves of pulmonary vein in rabbits with rapid atrial pacing;快速心房起搏兔肺静脉肌袖细胞膜Kv1.5钾通道mRNA的表达

3.Effects of losartan on atrial electrical remodeling and L-type calcium channel in rabbits by rapid atrial pacing氯沙坦对家兔快速心房起搏心房电重构及L-型钙通道的影响

5)Atrial programmed pacing therapy心房程序起搏

6)Transesophageal atrial pacing食道心房起搏

1.Objective The combining color Doppler echocardiography with transesophageal atrial pacing in improving the detection rate of coronary artery disease(CAD) was studied.目的通过食道心房起搏负荷试验 ,使用彩色多普勒超声心动图对左心室室壁运动状态及左心室舒缩功能改变进行评价 ,以提高冠心病诊断的检出率 ;方法使用心脏程序刺激仪经食道起搏导管调整心率达次极量 ;同时使用彩色多普勒超声心动仪进行左心室室壁运动记分并记录二尖瓣口及主动脉瓣环部血流频谱 ;结果经食道心房起搏增加心脏负荷 ,应用左心室每搏量 (SV)、主动脉瓣环部流速积分 (VTIAO)、等容舒张时间 (IVRT)、二尖瓣口流速积分(VTIMV) )、快速充盈分数 (RFI)及室壁运动记分指数 (WMSI)作为指标在冠心病诊断中可提高检出率 ,以WMSI结合其它两项左心室舒缩功能阳性指标 ,其冠心病诊断的检出率为 95 % ,假阳性率为 3% ;结论经食道心房起搏彩色多普勒负荷超声心动图 (TPDE)在冠心病诊断中有较高的应用价值 ,因其简便、实用和安全 ,宜在临床广泛推广使


经食管心房调搏检查经食管心房调搏检查transesophag?eal atrial pacemaker check食管下端贴近左房,故该方法为间接左房调搏。近年儿科已广泛应用于心脏电生理检查。临床应用于下列情况:①检查窦房结功能:可测定窦房结恢复时间,校正窦房结恢复时间及窦房传导时间。儿童正常值分别为913.3±139.7ms,(247.7±51.3)ms及(102.5±18.6)ms。②评价房室传导功能:可测定文氏阻滞点、2∶1阻滞点、房室功能不应期和有效不应期。③检测房室结双径路:正常儿童23.6%存在房室结双径路。④研究室上性心动过速的折返机制:经食管心房调搏可诱发窦房结、房内、房室交界区及房室旁路折返性室上性心动过速。同步描记食管心电图及V1导联心电图,可分辨P波形态、心房激动顺序,测定RP、PR间期及房室传导曲线,明确室上性心动过速的不同折返机制,并选择有效的药物治疗。⑤对预激综合征可进行以下检查:检出房室旁道,确诊隐性预激综合征;测定旁道不应期,初筛高危患者。儿童旁道不应期<220ms者,房颤发生率高,易致室颤,为高危患者。⑥应用食管心房调搏超速抑制方法终止室上性心动过速发作。⑦研究抗心律失常药的电生理作用,并观察疗效。
