100字范文 > 配套环境建设 construction of outside environment英语短句 例句大全

配套环境建设 construction of outside environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-18 15:04:07


配套环境建设 construction of outside environment英语短句 例句大全

配套环境建设,construction of outside environment

1)construction of outside environment配套环境建设


1.The Related Surroundings Construction of the Resource Circulation-typed Housing Industry;资源循环型住宅产业的配套环境建设

2.Aligned environment building research to the quantity bill valuation;工程量清单计价配套环境的建设研究

3.Constructing Legal Environment and Supporting Measures to Accountability Mechanism;试论问责制的法制环境与配套措施建设

4.The role of the system of check and acceptance of planning for construction projects is to find, stop and handle illegal construction, finalize supporting projects for public buildings and implement environmental construction.它的作用是发现,制止和处理违法建设,落实公共建筑配套项目,实施环境建设。

5.border highways be built and supportive highway facilities at border checkpoints improved;建设边境公路,完善配套边境口岸公路设施;

6.Thoughts on China"s Environment Tax System and Corresponding Policy Design对我国环境税制及其配套政策设计的思考

7."With respect to all newly-constructed projects, it shall be imperative to ensure that both the supporting facilities for preventing and remedying environmental pollution and the principal part of the project are put into operation simultaneously."一切新建项目,必须做到防治环境污染的配套设施与主体工程同时投入使用。

8.Creating complete surroundings for winning the bidding in the reasonable low price;营造合理低价中标法配套环境的探讨

9.VII. HGST was approved to construct supporting kitchen within the lot in SEPZ.七、同意日立环球公司在加工区用地范围内配套建设厨房。

10.2. Ecological Environment Development(二)生态环境建设

11.1. Cultural Environment Development(一)文化环境建设

12.3. Legal Environment Development(三)法治环境建设

13.Study on Resources Allocations of Forestry Ecosystem Development in Western China;对西部林业生态环境建设资源配置方式的探讨

14.On the Construction of the Athletics Facilities of the Village Community对农村社区体育设施配套建设的研究

15.After completing the whole hardware architecture, the circuit driver is developed to record and save seafloor environmental parameters in real-time mode.在硬件架构搭建完成后,开发出相配套的电路驱动软件,实现对海底环境参数的实时记录与存储。

16."If the technology or equipment to be introduced from abroad will cause pollution and no means is yet available at home to tackle it, the corresponding environmental protection facilities shall be introduced simultaneously."对产生污染,国内又不能配套解决的,应当同时引进相应的环境保护设施。

17.Research On Some Problems Of Constituting Relative Environmental Resources’ Regulations;制定配套法规若干问题研究——以环境资源法为例

18.the lowest tender price;浅谈"经评审的最低投标价法"的配套环境


related surroundings配套环境

1.Therelated surroundings for implementing"reviewed method of the lowest tender price" were discussed in terms of the owner, the construction enterprise, the tendering agencies and the government supervision agencies for tendering and bidding.从业主、施工企业、招标代理机构和政府招投标监管机构等多个方面论述了实施"经评审的最低投标价法"的配套环境。

3)peripheral configuration建设配套

4)supporting construction配套建设

1.It makes for children s comprehensive development that kindergarten has wellsupporting construction.幼儿园良好的配套建设有利于儿童的全面发展。

2.Through investigation and surveying related documents,this paper analyzes the condition of sports facility in residential community in middle and big city in China,sums up four basic models and four supplement forms,puts forward the necessity of puttingsupporting construction of sports facility into city development program.通过实地调查和文献资料 ,在分析我国大中城市居民住宅区体育场地设施现状的基础上 ,归纳出城市居民区体育设施的 4种基本模式和 4种补充形式 ;提出把城市居民住宅区体育场地设施的配套建设纳入城市发展规划并付诸实施是必要的、也是可行的 ;同时 ,借鉴发达国家和地区的经验 ,对我国相关的法规政策和政府的责任提出了建议。

5)environment construction环境建设

1.Promoting informationenvironment construction of physical chemistry experimental teaching by founding top-quality courses;打造精品实验课程,促进物理化学实验信息化教学环境建设

2.The measures of theenvironment construction to kill snails and their effect on controlling Schistosomiasis;环境建设灭螺措施及对血吸虫病的影响

3.Law-based decision-making and itsenvironment construction by grid enterprises;电网企业依法决策与环境建设

6)environmental construction环境建设

1.A Preliminary Study of the Application of the Circular Economy to the Environmental Construction of "Green University" Campus;浅议循环经济在“绿色大学”校园环境建设中的应用

2.Foreign Language Immersion and the Environmental Construction;外语浸没教学法及其环境建设

3.Plan forenvironmental construction of new campus in university;大学新校区环境建设规划


《新的环境和新的经济建设任务》斯大林论述改善国民经济管理工作的演说。1931年 6月联共(布)中央召开经济工作人员会议,研究苏联第一个五年计划时期工业发展中的新情况和领导工业的新方法。斯大林在会上作了这个演说,强调工业发展的新条件要求按照新方式来工作。他阐述了七个问题:①工业要有组织地招收劳动力,要采用同集体农庄签订合同的办法招收工人,而不能再依靠劳动力的自流,同时要实行劳动机械化。②企业中的工人要固定,消灭劳动力的流动现象。为此,必须打破旧的工资等级制,取消平均主义,合理规定工资,改善工人的消费品供应和居住条件。③改善劳动组织,消灭无人负责现象。在企业中合理配置劳动力,使工人能有效地工作,提高劳动生产率。④应当造就工人阶级自己的生产技术人员和知识分子,一方面由受过高等教育的人所组成,同时也要由企业中的实际工作人员、熟练工人、工厂和矿井的工人阶级中有文化的人来补充。⑤改变对旧的工程技术人员的态度,多多关心和照顾他们,更大胆地吸收他们参加工作。⑥实行并巩固经济核算制,消灭不善于经营的现象,不断降低成本,使工业的各部分毫无例外地加强工业内部的积累,以保证工业和农业的进一步发展。⑦经济工作的领导者要用新方法来领导经济建设。领导者要了解新的环境,研究新的条件来改造自己的工作;要有实事求是的精神;要精通业务和深入实际;必须把公司划小,分为几个公司,使公司接近工厂,了解工厂;要把公司委员会管理制改为一长制;领导要深入群众,向群众学习。斯大林的讲话对于苏联第一个五年计划的完成和改善国民经济的经营管理,有着重要意义。
