100字范文 > 合理低价法评标 selecting bid with reasonable low price英语短句 例句大全

合理低价法评标 selecting bid with reasonable low price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-04 18:28:23


合理低价法评标 selecting bid with reasonable low price英语短句 例句大全

合理低价法评标,selecting bid with reasonable low price

1)selecting bid with reasonable low price合理低价法评标

1.It researched how to perfect the tendering without base price of bidding and theselecting bid with reasonable low price in our county now.本文对现阶段如何规范我国的无标底招标和合理低价法评标进行研究,以建筑招投标理论为基础,紧紧围绕无标底招标和合理低价法评标展开论述。

2)Evaluation Method of Lowest Price Limited合理低价评标法

1.Studies onEvaluation Method of Lowest Price Limited in project tendering;工程招标中合理低价评标法分析


1.On the project quantities list and reasonable evaluation method in low price;工程量清单和合理低价评标法的探讨

2.Application of the Algorithm of Maximizing Deviations in Bidding Evaluation with Reasonable Low Price;离差最大化算法在合理低价评标法中的应用

3.On the Rational Decision at the lowest Cost in Inviting to Bid for a Project;工程招标采用合理最低评标价法初探

4.Improving the bid evaluation methods and promoting“ successful bid by reasonable low price ”;改进评标办法 推行“合理低价中标”

5.Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Winning Bidding in Reasonable Low Price;层次分析法在合理低价评标中的应用

6.Improvement of Rational Low Price Method in Highway Engineering Construction Bidding;公路工程施工招标评标合理低价法的改进

7.Problems and Suggestion of Reasonable Lowest Price Bidding Method by Judgment;经评审的合理最低价评标法存在问题及建议

8.Application of information of construction works in evaluating the bid of reasonable low price winning the bid;工程信息在经评审合理低价中标法中的应用

9.Reasonable Suggestion on the Lowest Price Bidding Evaluation Methods in Highway Construction Project;对公路建设项目最低评标价法的合理建议

10.Research on assessing bid method of selecting bid with a reasonably low price in calling for tender with bill of quantities;工程量清单招标采用合理低价中标法评标的探索

11.The Application of Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation in Lowest Bid;模糊综合评价法在最低标中标评标中的应用

12.The discussion about the application of the method of the reasonable lowest evaluated bid price in Chinese engineering bids-inviting and bids合理最低评标价法在我国工程招投标中应用的探讨

13.On the Evaluation Index System of “Rational Low Price” in the Bid on a Construction Project;建设工程招标中“合理低价”的评价指标体系研究

14.On the Bid for Construction Project with Reasonable Low Price after the Appraisal建筑工程招投标中的经评审合理低价中标

15.An Approach to the Rationality of Being chosen for Low-price Bidding of the Bidding Laws;关于招标投标法中低价中标合理性的探索

16.Creating complete surroundings for winning the bidding in the reasonable low price;营造合理低价中标法配套环境的探讨

17.Winning Bidding in Reasonable Low Price:The Current Practical Situation and Measurement合理低价中标法:实施现状与保障措施

18.Evaluating Model in the Method of Reasonable Low-Price in Highway Engineering;用于公路工程合理低价法的评分模型


Evaluation Method of Lowest Price Limited合理低价评标法

1.Studies onEvaluation Method of Lowest Price Limited in project tendering;工程招标中合理低价评标法分析

3)the Lowest Reasonable Method of Evaluating Bid Price合理最低价评标价法

4)Lowest Price Bidding Method by Judgment(LPBMJ)经评审合理低价中标法

5)rational and most low to comment law of marking a price合理最低评标价法

1.Pursuerational and most low to comment law of marking a price,make building to be market more riply to open.推行合理最低评标价法,使建筑市场更加成熟开放。

6)evaluating a bid in a reasonable low price合理低价评标


低价区 低价区——多头市场的初期,此时为中短期投资的最佳买点。
