100字范文 > 低价中标法 low-price bidding英语短句 例句大全

低价中标法 low-price bidding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-18 09:36:57


低价中标法 low-price bidding英语短句 例句大全

低价中标法,low-price bidding

1)low-price bidding低价中标法

1.Embodying openness,fairness and fair competition,low-price bidding is a necessity of reforming bidding and inviting public bidding.作为评标方法之一的低价中标法体现了公开、公正、公平竞争的原则,是招投标制度改革的必然。


1.Study on "bid price-probability of win"model based on winning the bid with low-priced;低价中标法中“标价—中标概率”模型研究

2.The Method of Winning the Bidding at the Lowest Price: Orbit·Environment·Adaptation·Improvement;最低价中标法:轨道·环境·适应·改善

3.Creating complete surroundings for winning the bidding in the reasonable low price;营造合理低价中标法配套环境的探讨

4.A Study on Reasonable Lowest Price in Bid as Well as Analysis on Its Guarantee Mechanism“最低价中标法”研究及其保障机制探析

5.Winning Bidding in Reasonable Low Price:The Current Practical Situation and Measurement合理低价中标法:实施现状与保障措施

6.Analysis of the Reasonable Low Price Method in Developments Engineering Recruits to Bid建设工程招投标中合理低价中标法的分析

7.Interpretation of "Reasonable successful low-cost Method" on the Job of Bidding and Tendering招投标工作中关于“合理低价中标法”的解读

8.Bidding Mechanism and the Lowest Price in Bid: An Economics Analysis;招投标机制及最低价中标法的经济学分析

9.Nature of Bidding Mechanism and Analysis of Lowest Bids;招投标机制的本质及最低价中标法的理论分析

10.Improving the bid evaluation methods and promoting“ successful bid by reasonable low price ”;改进评标办法 推行“合理低价中标”

11.A Probe into Adopting"Bid-winning at a Low Price"in Construction Engineering Tendering and Bidding建筑工程招标采用“低价中标”法的探讨

12.The Application of Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation in Lowest Bid;模糊综合评价法在最低标中标评标中的应用

13.An Approach to the Rationality of Being chosen for Low-price Bidding of the Bidding Laws;关于招标投标法中低价中标合理性的探索

14.Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Winning Bidding in Reasonable Low Price;层次分析法在合理低价评标中的应用

parison and analysis of winning the bid with a reasonable low price and the lowest price;合理低价中标与最低价中标对比分析

16.The Discussion on the Least Project Bidding;经评审的最低投标价法中标问题的探讨

17.Analysis of Lowest Bid Evaluation Method in Highway Engineering Tendering and Bidding;浅析高速公路工程招投标中的最低评标价法

18.Analysis of the Evaluation Method of Winning Bid at the Lowest Price Based on Information Economics;对最低价中标评标方法的信息经济学分析


method of winning bidding in reasonable low price合理低价中标法

1.The paper discusses the connotation and practical significance of themethod of winning bidding in reasonable low price, deeply analyses its existing problems, puts forward feasible measure to determine the reasonable low price.详细论述了合理低价中标法的内涵和现实意义,深入分析合理低价中标法在实践中存在的问题,提出界定合理低价的可行办法以及在现行的建筑市场环境下为保证合理低价中标法平稳运行所需的措施建议。

3)the lowest price in bid最低价中标法

1.Based on that,the lowest price in bid is further analyzed.基于拍卖理论从经济学的角度分析了招投标机制的本质与特点,根据建设市场的信息特征,剖析了招投标机制的功能,在此基础上对最低价中标法进行了深入分析,最低价中标法是市场经济下的最优招标机制,是我国建设市场交易方式的发展趋势。

2.Based on this,the lowest price in bid is further analyzed, this is the best mechanism under market economic condition.根据建设市场的信息特征,剖析了招投标机制的本质与功能,在此基础上对最低价中标法进行了理论分析,最低价中标法是市场经济条件下的最优招标机制,结合目前我国建筑市场的大环境,探讨了最低价中标法在我国建设市场中的应用与前景,最低价中标法是我国建设市场交易方式发展的必然趋势。

4)lowest-bid approach最低中标价法

5)lowest award低报价中标法

ments on the theory oflowest award and its operability;合理低报价中标法的理论评述与可操作性探讨

6)A Brief Talk on the Low-price Bidding浅议低价中标法


低价区 低价区——多头市场的初期,此时为中短期投资的最佳买点。
