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气排球 Balloon Volleyball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-19 07:14:39


气排球 Balloon Volleyball英语短句 例句大全

气排球,Balloon Volleyball

1)Balloon Volleyball气排球

1.Domestic Brands ofBalloon Volleyball and its Interaction with Physical Education Culture;国产气排球品牌及其与体育文化的互动

2.On the value and practice of balloon volleyball;关于气排球的价值思考与实践


parative Analysis of the Rules Between Indoor Volleyball and Balloon Volleyball;气排球与室内排球竞赛规则的比较分析

2.The Study of Physical Effect about the Balloon Volleyball Exercise for the Aged;气排球运动对老年人体质影响的研究

3.Sociological Research on Air Volleyball Emergence of Putian City;莆田市气排球运动兴起的社会学研究

4.An Investigation of Balloon Volleyball in Putian Municipality in Fujian Province;福建省莆田市气排球运动的调查研究

5.On the Tactics and Basic Formations of Creative Balloon Volleyball五人气排球技战术及基本阵型的研究

6.Analysis on Condition of Our Balloon-Volleyball Scientific Research Between 1999-1999—我国气排球科研状况分析

7.On Research and Countermeasures of Implementing the Air volleyball Project for Senior Citizens in Southern Part of Fujian;实施品牌战略 把气排球品牌做大做强——闽南地区老年人气排球项目调研与对策研究

8.A Research into the Value, Promotion, Popularizing Strategy of Balloon Volleyball;气排球运动的价值与推广、普及策略的研究

9.Domestic Brands of Balloon Volleyball and its Interaction with Physical Education Culture;国产气排球品牌及其与体育文化的互动

10.The Major Factors of Influencing the Development of the Gas Volleyball in Fujian Province;影响福建省气排球运动开展的主要因素研究

11.Research on Innovational Feature of Balloon Volleyball Sport Originated in China;论我国首创气排球运动项目的创新特色

12.A Research into Balloon Volleyball from the Perspective of Mass Fitness and Sports Culture;全民健身与体育文化视角下的气排球研究

13.A comparative analysis of the non-charging soft volleyball and bard volleyball;免充气软式排球和硬排球比赛实验比较分析

14.The large inflated ball used in this game.排球这种运动中用的大充气球

15.an inflated ball used in playing volleyball.排球运动中使用的充气球。

16.Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems.例如,温室气体排放是个全球性的问题。

17.Impotance of Morale in Competitions from the Apocalypse of Liang jian;论“亮剑”精神对排球比赛士气的促动

18.Influence of Different Air Pressure,Wind Speed and Symmetry on Floating Serves;不同气压、不同风速及对称性对排球飘球的影响


gas volleyball气排球

1.Investigation and Analysis on Sports Injury of Our Elite Old-age Gas Volleyball Players;我国优秀老年气排球运动员运动损伤调查分析

2.The Training Value About the Gas Volleyball Exercise for the Aged;老年气排球运动的健身价值

3.The Survey and Analysis of Carrying out the Gas Volleyball of Current Status in Zhangzhou City漳州市气排球运动开展现状的调查分析

3)air volleyball气排球

1.By means of literature and experts interview,researches current situation ofair volleyball development in Putian city,Fujian province.运用文献资料法和专家访谈法对莆田市气排球运动发展的现状进行研究,结果表明:闲暇时间的增多、健康的需求、轻体育化的活动、多层次的竞赛、自发组织与社会赞助、高水平专业人员的参与等是促进莆田市气排球运动兴起的主要原因。

2.This paper analyzes the new features and characteristics ofair volleyball sports activity.分析气排球运动的创新特色和特点,在于技术难度较低、短时间内掌握程度高,并以其创新的技术动作和独特的魅力深受大众的喜爱,也适合不同层次、水平的人参加,尤其适合在高校开展。

3.This paper makes a tentative study of the background, adaptability and basic athletic laws of the newly-inventedair volleyball in China, and probes into both its novelty and athletic value.分析我国自主创新气排球的产生背景、实用性及基本运动规律,探析气排球的新颖性和运动价值。

4)gas releasing of the earth地球排气

1.Some researchers believe that satellite thermal infrared anomaly before earthquake is related togas releasing of the earth.一些研究者认为地震前卫星热红外增温与地球排气有关。

5)balloon volleyball气排球运动

1.This paper,by means of literature,questionnaire and interview,discusses the basic situation ofballoon volleyball sport in Putian Municipality,including its organization form and scale,and the basic conditions of its participants and athletic teams.通过文献资料检索,问卷调查和随访等研究方法,对莆田市气排球运动开展的基本情况;组织形式和组织规模;参与人员及运动队的基本概况;开展的经费、场地设施、活动点以及2001年以来取得的比赛成绩进行阐述。

2.Based on the investigation and research on the present situation about the its development and popularity and its prospect in Yulin city, this article puts forward the suggetion and offers scientific direction to the popularity and improvement ofballoon volleyball in Yulin city.气排球运动是一项集娱乐、健身、技巧、竞赛为一体的群众性体育项目。

3.The article,based on documentation,questioner,interview and statistics,exemplified by the new leisure sportballoon volleyball,investigates into the status quo of fitness program in Nanning,and provides insights into its development tendency.气排球运动作为人们理想的休闲娱乐运动,具有运动器具(气排球)重量轻、体积不同、球体多样化的特性,不受性别、年龄、体质、技术水平的限制,深受广大人民群众的喜爱,具有广阔的发展前景。

6)Double Opening Exhaust Valves双口排气球


