100字范文 > 五人气排球 creative balloon volleyball英语短句 例句大全

五人气排球 creative balloon volleyball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-06 10:43:55


五人气排球 creative balloon volleyball英语短句 例句大全

五人气排球,creative balloon volleyball

1)creative balloon volleyball五人气排球

1.Based on documentation and on-site observation statistics,this paper probes into the innovative tactics and basic formations ofcreative balloon volleyball.采用文献资料、现场观察统计法对五人气排球技战术及基本阵型进行分析研究。


1.On the Tactics and Basic Formations of Creative Balloon Volleyball五人气排球技战术及基本阵型的研究

2.The Study of Physical Effect about the Balloon Volleyball Exercise for the Aged;气排球运动对老年人体质影响的研究

3.Analysis on Prospect of Balloon Volleyball Development among Elder People in China;我国老年人中开展气排球运动的前景分析

4.On Research and Countermeasures of Implementing the Air volleyball Project for Senior Citizens in Southern Part of Fujian;实施品牌战略 把气排球品牌做大做强——闽南地区老年人气排球项目调研与对策研究

5.Analysis and Research on Five-factor Model of First Division Volleyball Coaches in China;我国甲级队排球教练员人格五因素的分析与研究

6.The Relationship Between Sunzi"s "Generals" Five Virtues" and Volleyball Coaches" Quality论孙子“将备五德”与排球教练员的素质

parative Analysis of the Rules Between Indoor Volleyball and Balloon Volleyball;气排球与室内排球竞赛规则的比较分析

8.A comparative analysis of the non-charging soft volleyball and bard volleyball;免充气软式排球和硬排球比赛实验比较分析

9.The large inflated ball used in this game.排球这种运动中用的大充气球

10.an inflated ball used in playing volleyball.排球运动中使用的充气球。

11.But many of their compatriots are already busily( and sometimes voluntarily) buying and selling emissions of the greenhouse gases that are heating up the planet.然而,许多英美人已经忙于购销引起地球升温的温室气体排放。

12.Discusion on relationship between player,ball and net in volleyball strokes;论排球击球过程中的"人—球—网"关系

13.five-a-side football五人一队的足球比赛

14.Conference on Global Humanitarian Demining全球人道主义排雷会议

15.She was 5th favourite in illinois the same year and won her 2nd career ITF tournament.同年她在伊利诺伊斯州夺冠热门人选中排名第五,并在国际网球联合会锦标赛上再度获胜。

16.But with luck, in the middle of the crowd, it would be safe to talk for a quarter of an hour and arrange another meeting.可要是运气好,他们便可以安全混在人群当中,说上十五分钟话儿,另安排一次约会。

17.It is pleasantly warm in May.五月的天气温暖宜人。

18.A Study of the Teaching Method of Combining Six-person Volleyball with Soft Volleyball六人制排球与软式排球结合教学方法的探讨


gas volleyball气排球

1.Investigation and Analysis on Sports Injury of Our Elite Old-age Gas Volleyball Players;我国优秀老年气排球运动员运动损伤调查分析

2.The Training Value About the Gas Volleyball Exercise for the Aged;老年气排球运动的健身价值

3.The Survey and Analysis of Carrying out the Gas Volleyball of Current Status in Zhangzhou City漳州市气排球运动开展现状的调查分析

3)air volleyball气排球

1.By means of literature and experts interview,researches current situation ofair volleyball development in Putian city,Fujian province.运用文献资料法和专家访谈法对莆田市气排球运动发展的现状进行研究,结果表明:闲暇时间的增多、健康的需求、轻体育化的活动、多层次的竞赛、自发组织与社会赞助、高水平专业人员的参与等是促进莆田市气排球运动兴起的主要原因。

2.This paper analyzes the new features and characteristics ofair volleyball sports activity.分析气排球运动的创新特色和特点,在于技术难度较低、短时间内掌握程度高,并以其创新的技术动作和独特的魅力深受大众的喜爱,也适合不同层次、水平的人参加,尤其适合在高校开展。

3.This paper makes a tentative study of the background, adaptability and basic athletic laws of the newly-inventedair volleyball in China, and probes into both its novelty and athletic value.分析我国自主创新气排球的产生背景、实用性及基本运动规律,探析气排球的新颖性和运动价值。

4)gas releasing of the earth地球排气

1.Some researchers believe that satellite thermal infrared anomaly before earthquake is related togas releasing of the earth.一些研究者认为地震前卫星热红外增温与地球排气有关。

5)Balloon Volleyball气排球

1.Domestic Brands ofBalloon Volleyball and its Interaction with Physical Education Culture;国产气排球品牌及其与体育文化的互动

2.On the value and practice of balloon volleyball;关于气排球的价值思考与实践

6)single volleyball单人排球

1.Through the investigation on the developmental situation of village volleyball in parts of Hainan Han region, the author probes into its developmental prospects and characteristics, and presents a concept of initiating the athletics ofsingle volleyball.对海南汉区部分乡村排球发展情况进行了调查,探讨海南乡村排球发展的前景及特点,并提出开创单人排球竞技的构


