100字范文 > 权益落实 fulfilling rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

权益落实 fulfilling rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-02 07:11:10


权益落实 fulfilling rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

权益落实,fulfilling rights and interests

1)fulfilling rights and interests权益落实


1.On an Exploration and Countermeasures of Workers and Staff Members Situation of Labor Economic Rights and Interests in Enterprises;企业职工劳动经济权益落实状况的探析与对策

2.Research on Fulfilling Social Insurance Rights and Interests of Construction Industry Practitioners对建筑业从业人员社会保险权益落实的思考

3.Remove the Discrimination Implement the Equality;消除歧视 落实平等——浅谈农民工的权益保护问题

4.The Premise that Raises the Urban and Rural Development:Rrights of "the Practical Agriculture, Villages with Farmer";统筹城乡发展的前提思考:落实"三农"权益

5.We will conscientiously implement the programs for the development of work concerning women and children and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women and minors.认真落实妇女、儿童发展纲要,保护妇女和未成年人合法权益。

6.Investigation on women′s rights during the rural social security policies implementation农村社会保障政策落实过程中妇女权益状况的分析

7.Intensify the Sense of Authority and Implement the Strategy to Defend the Authority;强化权益意识 切实维护大学生权益

8."The political, economic and cultural rights and interests of the people will be respected and guaranteed in real earnest."依法治国基本方略得到全面落实,人民的政治、经济和文化权益得到切实尊重和保障。

9.Eight pieces of labour legislation were enacted in 1999. They gave effect to certain reviews undertaken on the respective areas of employees" rights and benefits as well as occupational safety and health.一九九九年,当局共制定八条劳工法例,以落实在雇员权益和职业安全及健康检讨中提出的建议。

10.Improving the Benefit of Training Talented People.;落实科学发展观,提高人才培养效益

11.To implement these agreements will give the people of the two countries a real benefit.落实这些协议将给两国人民带来实际利益。

12.The UN advances human rights in many ways:联合国以多种方式推动落实人权:

13.era of application落实的时代指各项人权公约的执行

14.To Ensure the Key Point of Protection for the Workers Rights--The Strengthening of the Power on Implementing;落实工会维权观的关键——强化执行力

15.Major Impediments to Implementation of the Decision-Making Power of Tertiary Colleges in School Running;高校落实办学自主权的主要障碍分析

16.Law on the Protection of Women s Rights and Interests and Construction of Realizing Mechanisms for Women s Rights and Interests;妇女权益保障法与妇女利益实现机制的构建

17.Fulfilling the Family Planning Interest-oriented Mechanism, Serving People Better;落实计划生育利益导向机制,做好为民服务工作

18.On the Large Shareholder′s Excessive Benefits of Control and Reasonable Private Benefits of Control;大股东超控制权收益与合理控制权收益实现途径


beneficial interests实益权益

3)substantial interest实体权益

4)beneficial interest in property财产的实益权益

5)beneficial ownership实益所有权

6)beneficial ownership实益拥有权


