100字范文 > 养老权益 pension right and interest英语短句 例句大全

养老权益 pension right and interest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-31 20:02:29


养老权益 pension right and interest英语短句 例句大全

养老权益,pension right and interest

1)pension right and interest养老权益

1.The substance of the endowment insurance relationship based on the labor relation is to enjoy thepension right and interest of financial security in their old age from their country or society.劳动者的养老保险关系在流动中难以实现顺利转移接续,必然损害其养老权益,进而影响其老年生活,同时也影响着养老保险制度自身的健康发展,因此,这一问题倍受关注,成为社会保障领域一个重要的研究课题。

2)old-age right养老权

1.Jurisprudence pays its attention toold-age right from the perspective of right.理论法学对养老问题的关注是从权利的角度出发,考察养老权的生成与制度化,探讨养老权的权利属性。

2.Theold-age right is one of basic human rights.养老权是一项基本人权。

3.The connotations ofold-age right and the necessity of realizingold-age right under the present economic and social condition are discussed.探讨了公民养老权的涵义,以及在当前经济社会条件下,公民养老权实现的必要性。


1.The old-age right has several characteristics, such as its universality, qualification, foundation, sociality and comprehensiveness.养老权具有普遍性、资格性、基础性、社会性、综合性的特点。

2.A Study of China s Pension Trust Property;中国养老金信托的财产权属问题研究

3.The Research of Pension Fund Auction Mechanism in China;我国养老基金投资权的拍卖机制研究

4.The Dilemma of Property Rights on the Organs for Old-age Run by the Local People;民办养老机构的产权困境——以爱地颐养中心为例

5.If the supporters do no perform their duties of providing for the elderly, the latter shall have the right to ask the former for alimony.赡养人不履行赡养义务,老年人有要求赡养人付给赡养费的权利。

6.The author only dips into the social old age security rights, which stands as the aim of RSPF.第四部分:龄养老保险权益的实现和保障。

7.Pension Funds Operating in the Rights Configuration;浅析养老基金营运主体之间的权利配置

8.The Right to Know and the Building of a System for Collecting Endowment Insurance Fund in China;知情权与我国养老保险基金征缴制度建设

9.On the Policy of Transferability of Basic Pension Based on Vesting Formula基于既得受益权的养老保险关系转续政策研究

10.Analysis on property rights in inefficient operation for personal accounts of endowment insurance养老保险个人账户低效运行的产权制度分析

11.my wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free.我的老婆将抚养孩子,对他们全权负责。这样我就可以无牵无挂。

12.Necessity to Introduce Accurual System in Pension Funds Adjust Accounts“权责发生制”在养老保险基金会计核算中的必要性

13.The Constitutional Right to Material Assistance of Chinese Peasants:A Case Study of the Rural Endowment Insurance;试论中国农民获得物质帮助的宪法权利——以农村社会养老保险为例

14.On the Determination of the Main Exercise of Fund Collection Power of the Basic and Its Theory Basis;基本养老保险筹资权行使主体的确定及其理论依据

15.Institutional Arrangement for Management and Supervision of Old -age Social Insur ance Funds;论养老保险基金分权式管理和制衡式监督的制度安排

16.homes tailored to the needs of the elderly专为老人建立的养老院.

17.aged-dependency ratio老年人抚养〔比〕率

18.Datio in adoptionem他权人收养,纯正收养


old-age right养老权

1.Jurisprudence pays its attention toold-age right from the perspective of right.理论法学对养老问题的关注是从权利的角度出发,考察养老权的生成与制度化,探讨养老权的权利属性。

2.Theold-age right is one of basic human rights.养老权是一项基本人权。

3.The connotations ofold-age right and the necessity of realizingold-age right under the present economic and social condition are discussed.探讨了公民养老权的涵义,以及在当前经济社会条件下,公民养老权实现的必要性。

3)rights for the elderly老年人权益

4)defined-benefit plan定益养老金计划

5)Guarantee the rights of the elderly保障老年人权益

6)Rights and Interests of Elderly Population老年人口权益


