100字范文 > 平衡态能量 Equilibrium energies英语短句 例句大全

平衡态能量 Equilibrium energies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-09 19:31:42


平衡态能量 Equilibrium energies英语短句 例句大全

平衡态能量,Equilibrium energies

1)Equilibrium energies平衡态能量

2)dynamic energy balance动态能量平衡

3)energy balance能量平衡

1.Research ofenergy balance stabilization control technology to the aluminum electrolytic cell and its application;铝电解槽能量平衡稳定控制技术研究及其应用

2.Immediate adjusting short termenergy balance of aluminium cell;铝电解槽短期能量平衡的即时调整

3.A method for immediate adjustingenergy balance of aluminum cell with change of alumina feeding quantity;随氧化铝加料量变化即时调整铝电解槽的能量平衡


1.Research of CFB Boiler s Static Model Based on the Energy Balance and Ash Balance;基于能量平衡和灰平衡的CFB锅炉静态模型研究

2.The Important Role of the Tropical Cyclones in the Energy Balance and Water Mass Balance of the Ocean;热带气旋在海洋能量平衡和水团平衡中的作用

3.energy balance and transformation of general circulation大气环流的能量平衡和转换

4.Statistical method of energy balance in enterprisesGB/T16614-1996企业能量平衡统计方法

5.The general principles for energy balance of industrial enterpriseGB/T3484-1993企业能量平衡通则

6.Methods of drawing up energy balance table in enterpuisesGB/T16615-1996企业能量平衡表编制方法

7.Energy equilibrium of heating devices--Common rulesGB/T2587-1981热设备能量平衡通则

8.The Research on Engine Energy Balance of the 50 Wheel Loader;50型轮式装载机发动机能量平衡研究

9.Research on Energy-Balanced Variable Transmission Adjustment Algorithms in WSNsWSNs中能量平衡的变长传输算法研究

10.Analysis of Energy Balance Closure of Shouxian Wheat Field寿县地区麦田能量平衡闭合状况分析

11.Energy Balance Equation at Perigee and Apogee of Satellite Orbit卫星轨道近地点和远地点能量平衡式

12.Effects of Glycerin on Energy and Nitrogen Balance of Ration for Simmentals甘油对西门塔尔牛日粮能量平衡和氮平衡的影响

13.Evapotranspiration and energy balance analysis for Tamarix ramosissima stands under extreme arid conditions;极端干旱区柽柳林地蒸散量及能量平衡分析

14.Research on the Descaling High-pressure System"s Energy-Balance and Energy-Saving;除鳞高压水系统能量平衡与节能措施的研究

15.A weight that acts to balance another;a counterpoise or counterweight.衡重体能与另一个平衡的重量;衡重体或平衡锤

16.The distinction is a measure of bias, not of level of ability.其区别是衡量偏性,而不是衡量能力水平。

17.Analysis on the Balance and Steady State of"Energy Flow"in Athletic Ability System竞技能力系统“能量流”平衡与稳态探析

18.Evaluation of balance ability in standing persons with hemiplegia偏瘫患者站立位平衡能力定量研究


dynamic energy balance动态能量平衡

3)energy balance能量平衡

1.Research ofenergy balance stabilization control technology to the aluminum electrolytic cell and its application;铝电解槽能量平衡稳定控制技术研究及其应用

2.Immediate adjusting short termenergy balance of aluminium cell;铝电解槽短期能量平衡的即时调整

3.A method for immediate adjustingenergy balance of aluminum cell with change of alumina feeding quantity;随氧化铝加料量变化即时调整铝电解槽的能量平衡

4)energy equilibrium能量平衡

1.Predicting theenergy equilibrium in system is the basis for enterprise to produce energy saving plan;预测系统能量平衡是企业制定节能方案的依据

2.Anenergy equilibrium model of uniform sediment pick-up flux;均匀沙上扬通量的能量平衡模型

5)balance of energy能量平衡

1.A new technique for long transmission line protection based on thebalance of energy principle is described in this paper.提出了一种应用能量平衡关系实现远距离输电线路保护的新原理。

2.According to features that the offshore sea has a smaller thermal capacity and shallow depth,a one-dimension model based on thebalance of energy was used in the simulation of the mean annual SST of the East China Sea.根据近海深度浅、热容量小的特点,建立了一个一维能量平衡模式,对东中国海年平均海温进行了模拟。

6)energy budget能量平衡

1.Based on the experiment dataset investigation, the characteristics of surface atmospheric varia-bles andenergy budget were analyzed during a sandstorm.利用在敦煌进行的“我国典型干旱区陆-气相互作用试验”观测资料,分析了2000年6月4日在我国西北所发生的沙尘暴过境时的地面气象要素的变化以及地表能量平衡变异特征。

2.In laboratory experiments, Resting Metabolic Rate(RMR),energy budget in caged Crossoptilon mantchuricum and some results based on the above data were determined.2000年9月~2002年1月,对笼养褐马鸡的静止代谢率(RMR)和能量平衡进行了测定,并根据实验所得到的结果进行了一系列的数学计算。


