100字范文 > 能量 Energy英语短句 例句大全

能量 Energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-23 15:22:05


能量 Energy英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of the process parameters on energy and deformation of the steel tubes during explosive compaction;爆炸压实工艺参数对钢管能量与变形的影响

2.A rockburst energy release model and energy release spectrum for coalmines in layered grounds;分层开采煤矿的矿震能量释放模型与能量释放谱

3.New Progress of Studying on ChemicalEnergy Exchanging to MechanicalEnergy Directly in Polymer Chain through Cooperative Excitation between Information andEnergy of Mechanical Chemical Reaction;高分子链通过机械化学反应的信息、能量协同激发实现化学能直接转换为机械能研究的新进展


1.The capacity of a physical system to do work.能量,能物理系统做功的容量能力

2.Energy, work, or power used to drive a machine.能量,功用于驱动机器的能量,功或能

3.maxwell energy stress tensor麦克斯韦能量应力张量

4.laws of conservation of energy and momentum能量和动量守恒定律

5.Momentum and energy have been united.动量和能量统一了起来。

6.The positive energy develops into fundamental particle, and the negative energy develops into negative energy field.正能量形成基本粒子,负能量形成负的能量场.

7.Functional gaugesGB/T8069-1998功能量规

8.nuclear energy regarded as a source of power.把核能做为能量的来源。

9.The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.运动的能量称为动能。

10.Energy can exist in a variety of modes.能量能以各种形式存在。

11.electron energy loss spectroscopy电子能量损失能谱法

12.Her ability to master masculine energy remains intact.她征服男性能量的能量仍然完整无缺。

13.specific energy of nerves神经特定能量 神经特定能量

14.activation energy for fission裂变临界能量裂变的激发能量

15.Can I use instrument to measure out the energy in the energy chamber?能量屋的能量是否可用仪器测出来?

16.preternatural power,force,ability,etc超乎一般的能量、力量、能力等

17.1. Power-dissipation: This is the power consumed by the gate.1.能量耗散:是指栅门消耗的能量。

18.The corona gains and loses energy continuously.日冕总是不断地获得能量和损失能量。



1.Distributedpower aware topology control algorithm for self-organizing networks;自组织网络中的分布式能量感知拓扑控制算法

2.New Contactless Power Transmission System;新型无接触能量传输系统

3.The theory about intensity,rigidity,power and impacting direction of rock burst occurrence is introduced and briefly assessed.介绍了冲击地压发生的强度、刚度、能量、冲击倾向和失稳理论,并对其进行了简单评价。


4)power of strategic action量能

1.Focusing the enterprise strategic action and integrating enterprise resource and enterprise competence,the author presents thepower of strategic action as the thinking factor of the diversification strategy selecting,and then analyses the component,valuing and using this method.以企业战略活动为中心,结合企业资源和企业能力,提出以企业量能作为多元化战略选择的战略思考因素,随后分析了量能构成和量能评估及使用方法,在此基础上提出了量能决策模型。

5)energetic property能量性能

6)energy property能量性能


