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平衡方法 balance method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-10 05:32:57


平衡方法 balance method英语短句 例句大全

平衡方法,balance method

1)balance method平衡方法

1.Reason andbalance method of the axial propulsive force ofthe centrifugal pump;浅析离心式水泵产生轴向推力的原因及其平衡方法

2.The characters,advantages and system composing of workshop dynamicbalance method are introduced,the test princi- ple andbalance method of workshop balance are emphasized discussed in this article.介绍现场动平衡技术特点和优势及系统组成,重点论述现场平衡检测原理及平衡方法。

3.The feasibility of thebalance method was verified through test.为此,对混抽泵的轴向力进行了分析计算,提出了平衡轴向力的具体方法,并通过试验验证了平衡方法的可行性,总结出轴向力的变化规律。


1.cash balance approach现金平衡方法现金余额学说

2.Load Balancing Analysis of Server Cluster to Streaming Media Server流媒体服务的集群负载平衡方法分析

3.Method of Tension Balance of Wire Rope with Hydraulic Spiral Adjuster螺旋液压调绳器钢丝绳张力平衡方法

4.A Balance Method for the Static Gait of a Quadruped Robot over a Slope四足机器人坡面静步态平衡方法研究

5.Summarize of Steel Wire Tensility Balance Methods for Multi-rope Friction Hoisting Machinery多绳摩擦提升机钢丝绳张力平衡方法

6.Research on Method of Dynamic Balance to different axis on dynamic balance machine动平衡机对异方位轴进行动平衡的方法研究

7.Study on the Calculation of Chemical and Phase Equilibrium in Complex System;复杂体系化学平衡及相平衡计算方法的研究

8.Statistical method of energy balance in enterprisesGB/T16614-1996企业能量平衡统计方法

9.heat balancing of kiln and furnace for lime烧石灰用立窑热平衡测定与计算方法

10.Static unbalance test method for aircraft tyreGB/T13655-1992航空轮胎静平衡差度试验方法

11.And what is more, it is a good way to keep balance of status mind.而且,它是一种保持心态平衡的好方法。

12.Methods of drawing up energy balance table in enterpuisesGB/T16615-1996企业能量平衡表编制方法

13.Optimal Balance of Textuality: An Approach to Translation Criteria;语篇性的最佳平衡—一种翻译批评方法


15.Calculation of the Solubility of Precipitation by the Principle of Controlling Equibrium;控制平衡原理方法计算沉淀的溶解度

16.Increasing Line Balancing Rate by Applying FOG Method;应用FOG方法提高生产线平衡率浅析

17.Business Process Evaluation Method Based on Balanced Scorecard;基于平衡计分卡的经营过程评价方法

18.Research into the Factors Affecting Garment Balance and Work-out Method;衣身平衡的影响因素及处理方法研究


balancing method平衡方法

1.Study and application ofbalancing method for ring hammer coal crusher;环锤式碎煤机平衡方法的研究与应用

3)balancing technique平衡方法

1.Applying theory of rotor balancing, the paper analyses the main facets of balancing processing how to select the number of correcting plane, confirm the position of correcting plane and selectbalancing technique, offers guidance for tooling system"s designing, manufacturing and using.运用转子平衡理论 ,对工具系统实施平衡技术时 ,分析了校正面数量的选择、校正面位置的确定、平衡方法的选择等平衡工艺的主要方面 ,为工具系统的合理设计、制造和使用提供指

4)potential equilibrium method势平衡方法

5)the front loaded method不平衡方法

6)the new method of balance平衡新方法


