100字范文 > 正平衡法 positive balance method英语短句 例句大全

正平衡法 positive balance method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-12 20:40:03


正平衡法 positive balance method英语短句 例句大全

正平衡法,positive balance method

1)positive balance method正平衡法

1.This paper adoptspositive balance method to measure and calculate the working efficiency of heat resource in the boiler house of Urumqi.本文采用正平衡法对乌鲁木齐市某锅炉房热源工作效率进行实测、计算,同时分析造成热效率偏低的主要原因,并提出可行的节能改造措施,以便提高锅炉的热效率,节约能源,改变该锅炉房每年耗煤量偏高的现状。

2)heat balance by direct method正热平衡法

3)balanced tangential平衡正切法

4)Direct heat balance method正平衡试验法

5)balance modifying algorithm平衡修正算法

6)positive equilibrium正平衡点

1.In this paper,We studypositive equilibrium kind of n-species food chain model under pollutde environment.本文研究了污染环境中n阶食物链系统的正平衡点问题,得到了该系统存在唯一正平衡点的充要条件,并且在n=2和n=3时证明了正平衡点的稳定性。

2.New sufficient conditions for the global attractivity of thepositive equilibrium of equation is obtained, which improve some recent results in literature.讨论平方Logistic差分方程xn + 1-xn=rnxn(1 +bxn -kn-cx2 n -kn) ,n =0 ,1 ,… ,其中 {rn}是非负实数列 ,{kn}是非负整数列 ,{n -kn}非单调递减 ,且limn→∞(n -kn) =∞ ,b∈ (-∞ ,∞ ) ,c∈ (0 ,+∞ ) ,给出了保证方程每一正解趋于正平衡点的充分条件 ,所得定理推广和改进了已有结果。

3.The results obtained prove that a locally stablepositive equilibrium point also contains global stability.考虑了n维Lotka Volterra捕食被捕食链型系统 ,证明了正平衡点的局部稳定性蕴含了全局稳定


1.Global stability of a positive equilibrium point on two-species competition model两种群竞争模型正平衡点的全局稳定性

2.Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of globally stable positive equilibrium points of n-dimensional Lotka-Volterra circle systems一类n维环型Lotka-Volterra系统正平衡点全局渐近稳定的充要条件(英文)

3.ii) the positive equilibrium points of this system is global asymptotically stable if and only if-A∈P.ii)系统的正平衡点全局渐近稳定的充要条件是-A∈P.

4.The Stability and Global Hopf Bifurcation of Classes of Delay Differential Systems;两类时滞微分系统正平衡点的稳定性与全局Hopf分支

5.The Perturbation Solution of Multi-molecular Model of Biochemistry Reaction at the Positive Equilibrium Points多分子生化反应模型在正平衡点的二阶近似摄动解

6.The paper is regarding a fourth-order rational difference equation, proving that the positive equilibrium point of the equation is globally asymptotically stable.研究了一个四阶有理差分方程,证明了该方程的正平衡点是全局渐近稳定的.

7.In this paper, a stage-structured predator-prey model is studied. Sufficient conditions for the globally asymptotical stability of positive equilibrium are established.文章研究了具有年龄结构和时滞的捕食-食饵模型,建立了正平衡点全局稳定的充分条件.

8.breakeven point盈亏平衡点, 平均转效点

9.But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.我正努力在执着与妥协之间找到平衡点。

10.Just as I was about to take a sip of coffee the whole building jolted upwards and nearly knocked me off balance.正当我要嘬口咖啡时,突然整个建筑向上晃动起来,我差点失去平衡。

11.The Conflict and Balance between Lawsuit Efficiency and Justice-Legal Principles of the "System of Selecting Policemen" and Analysis of Relevant Cases;诉讼效率与公正的冲突及衡平——“点选警察制”的法理与实证分析

12.Distinguish tri-port sinusoidal oscillator phasic balance by reactance line基于电抗性质线判定三点式正弦波振荡器的相位平衡

13.equilibrium point algorithm for computing计算中的平衡点算法

14.marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action.以平衡、均衡并且准备好了行动为特点。

15.” It holds that balance and gradual change is normal, whereas imbalance is abnormal.认为平衡、变是正常的,不平衡则是反常的。

16.Sometimes it sounds a little stubborn but I am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.有时候,这显得有点固执,因此,我正努力在执著与妥协之间寻找平衡点。

17.On Conflict and Balance between Conflict Justice and Material Justice;冲突正义与实质正义间的冲突及衡平

18.Balance of Conflict between General Justiceand Specific Justice by Law;普遍正义与个别正义冲突的法律衡平


heat balance by direct method正热平衡法

3)balanced tangential平衡正切法

4)Direct heat balance method正平衡试验法

5)balance modifying algorithm平衡修正算法

6)positive equilibrium正平衡点

1.In this paper,We studypositive equilibrium kind of n-species food chain model under pollutde environment.本文研究了污染环境中n阶食物链系统的正平衡点问题,得到了该系统存在唯一正平衡点的充要条件,并且在n=2和n=3时证明了正平衡点的稳定性。

2.New sufficient conditions for the global attractivity of thepositive equilibrium of equation is obtained, which improve some recent results in literature.讨论平方Logistic差分方程xn + 1-xn=rnxn(1 +bxn -kn-cx2 n -kn) ,n =0 ,1 ,… ,其中 {rn}是非负实数列 ,{kn}是非负整数列 ,{n -kn}非单调递减 ,且limn→∞(n -kn) =∞ ,b∈ (-∞ ,∞ ) ,c∈ (0 ,+∞ ) ,给出了保证方程每一正解趋于正平衡点的充分条件 ,所得定理推广和改进了已有结果。

3.The results obtained prove that a locally stablepositive equilibrium point also contains global stability.考虑了n维Lotka Volterra捕食被捕食链型系统 ,证明了正平衡点的局部稳定性蕴含了全局稳定


正-正晒片法正-正晒片法(Positive-positive printing process),针对负-正晒片法而言,从彩色反转片晒制照片时所采取的方法。
