100字范文 > 检测评估 test and evaluation英语短句 例句大全

检测评估 test and evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-13 12:30:13


检测评估 test and evaluation英语短句 例句大全

检测评估,test and evaluation

1)test and evaluation检测评估

1.A digital television tracker and the system for itstest and evaluation;数字式电视跟踪器与跟踪性能检测评估系统


1.A System for Measuring the Heat Transfer Performance of Heat Pipe and Its Evaluating Method;热管传热性能检测系统及其检测评估方法

2.The Detection and Evaluation of Continuous Box Girder Bridge Base on Nondestructive Testing and the Study on Strengthening Optimization基于无损检测的连续箱梁桥检测评估及加固方案优化研究

3.Application of CCTV inspection technology in public drainage pipeline闭路电视检测技术在公共排水管道检测评估中的应用

4.The Detection, Evaluation and Improvement of Perstressed Concrete Cable-Stayed Bridge;预应力混凝土斜拉桥检测评估与加固技术研究

5.An Approach to Improve Accuracy of Intrusion Detection Evaluation;入侵检测系统检测精度评估方法研究

6.Method Design of Test and Evaluation for Intrusion Detection System;入侵检测系统测试与评估方法的研究

7.Measured in blood by laboratory to assess function of liver.在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。

8.Research on Internal Pressure Estimation and Lifetime Evaluation of Vacuum Switches;真空开关真空度检测及寿命评估研究

9.Durable Detection and Evaluation of Existing Concrete Structures;现有混凝土结构耐久性的检测与评估

10.The Methods of Dim Target Detection and Performance Evaluation;红外弱小目标检测方法及其性能评估

11.Inspection,Maintenance and Assessment of Buried Oil Pipeline埋地输油管道检测、维修与评估的探讨

12.Structural inspection and evaluation of railway bridge in over-subsidence area超量塌陷区铁路桥结构的检测与评估

13.The Detection,Evaluation and Strengthening of Overfire Bridge Damage过火桥梁受损后的检测、评估和加固

14.Detection and Evaluation Method of Bearing Capacity of High-piled Wharf Structures高桩码头结构承载力检测与评估方法

15.Exploration of Testing and Evaluating the Intrusion Detection System;入侵检测系统的测试评估及存在问题的探讨

16.The test of HIV and assessment of VCT service for venereal outpatients in Shanxi province山西省性病就诊人群艾滋病病毒检测及自愿咨询检测服务的评估

17.An evaluation on methods of quantitative determination of serous melatonin几种血清褪黑激素水平检测方法的简要评估

18.Study on Evaluating Wood Properties of Poplar Plantation Using Non-destructive Testing Methods;无损检测方法评估人工林杨树木材性质的研究


detection and assessment检测评估

1.The present status of bridges damage in China, methods and key techniques for bridgedetection and assessment is discussed in detail.对我国目前桥梁的损伤现状、检测评估方法及其关键问题进行了较为详细的论述,并对当前桥梁检测评估方法中亟待解决的问题——损伤识别和剩余承载能力评定进行了探讨。

3)test and evaluation检测与评估

4)Evaluation of detection methods检测方法评估

5)bridge test and evaluation桥梁检测评估

1.Dynamical load test used inbridge test and evaluation;动力荷载试验在桥梁检测评估中的应用

6)safety inspection and evaluation安全检测与评估

1.Study onsafety inspection and evaluation of steel penstocks of hydroelectric stations;水电站压力钢管安全检测与评估研究


