100字范文 > 职业测评 occupational test and evaluation英语短句 例句大全

职业测评 occupational test and evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-01 22:26:12


职业测评 occupational test and evaluation英语短句 例句大全

职业测评,occupational test and evaluation

1)occupational test and evaluation职业测评

1.In the educational field,the introduction of theoccupational test and evaluation system is the necessity for the development of the system of teacher s admittance.在教育领域内引入职业测评机制是教师职业准入制度发展的必然要求。


1.Vocational Evaluation-the Lack and Construction of Vocational Training about Retired Athletes职业测评——退役运动员职业培训的缺失及其构建

2.A Study on the Mental Examination Index System of Professional Competence;职业胜任心理素质测评指标体系研究

3.Application and development of personnel assessment in career guidance;人员测评在职业指导中的应用与发展

4.Measurement and Evaluation of Occupational Hazards in A Beverage Factory某饮料厂职业病危害因素检测与评价

5.On Vocational Skill Tests in Higher Vocational College Evaluation;如何做好高职评估中的职业技能测试工作

6.Evaluation of Detection of Occupational Hazards in A Coal Workplace某煤矿作业场所职业病危害因素检测评价

7.Quality Evaluation System for Vocational Training in Power Industry电力行业职业培训的质量测评体系研究与实践

8.Assessment of the Visually Impaired College Students Vocational Aptitude and Ability and Their Career Planning Guide;视障大学生的职业性向和能力测评及其职业规划指导

9.A Survey of the Application of the Professional Quality Assessment System to College Students Career Planning;职业素质测评系统在大学生职业规划中的应用探讨

10.Skill Cultivation and Measurement of Computer Accounting Specialty in High professional School;高职会计电算化专业的职业技能培养、训练与测评

11.Application of Talent Assessment in College Student Career-Planning;人才测评在大学生职业生涯规划中的作用分析

12.Launch the Test and Evaluation of Vocational Tendency and Promote the Realization of High Education Function;开展职业倾向测评 促进高等教育功能的实现

13.Problem-solving Competency Training and Evaluation Research on Vocational talents;职业人才“解决问题能力”培训与测评研究

14.Practical way to teaching quality measuring and estimating in Harbin Electric Power Vocational Technology College;哈尔滨电力职业技术学院教学质量测评

15.Study on Structure of Vocational Mental Inclination and Its Measurement Model;职业心理倾向结构及其测评模型的研究

16.On Construction of the Base for Appraising the Comprehensive Qualities of Higher Vocational Students;职业学院学生综合素质测评基地的建设

17.The Research Of Comprehensive Quality Measurement and Salary Model on Professional Managers职业经理人综合素质测评及薪酬模型研究

18.The Construction of Scoring Standards for English Writing Test of Business English Majors of Polytechnic高职商务英语专业写作测试的评分标准


vocational potential assessment职业素质测评

1.As the psychological test movement developed since 20 s of the 20th century,vocational potential assessment,playing an important role in human selection and evaluation,has gradually been one important part of human resource development and management.伴随着20世纪代心理测验运动的大力发展,职业素质测评便逐渐成为人力资源开发与管理的重要组成部分,在各类人才选拔和评价中发挥着重要的作用。

3)test of professional ability职业能力测评

4)Career Assessment Inventory职业评估测验

5)Vocational Aptitude Test职业倾向测评

1.Application of theVocational Aptitude Test to Vocational Education职业倾向测评在职业教育中的运用

6)instrument for vocational potential assessment职业素质测评工具

1.As one core content,research and development ofinstrument for vocational potential assessment have gained much attention which consist of synthetic instrument and simplex instrument.作为一项核心内容,职业素质测评工具的研制得到了研究者们的高度重视,其从本质上包括综合型和单项型两类工具。


