100字范文 > 眶壁骨折 orbital fracture英语短句 例句大全

眶壁骨折 orbital fracture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-28 21:46:31


眶壁骨折 orbital fracture英语短句 例句大全

眶壁骨折,orbital fracture

1)orbital fracture眶壁骨折

1.Results 4 cases were complicated withorbital fracture and 2 cases with scleral laceration in the 5 cases of semi-luxation of the eyeball.结果眼球半脱臼5例中,4例合并眶壁骨折,2例合并巩膜裂伤。


1.Orbital fracture restitution combined with dacryocystorhinostomy眶壁骨折整复联合泪囊鼻腔吻合术

2.The Clinical Characteristics of Extraocular Muscle Function Changes in Orbital Blowout Fracture Patients;爆裂性眶壁骨折患者眼外肌功能变化的临床特点

bined surgery of orbital wall fracture repair and vitrectomy forthe complex ocular trauma:case report眼眶壁骨折修复联合玻璃体切割手术治疗复杂眼外伤1例

4.Disturbances of Ocular Motility Functions and the Related Biomechanic Mechanism in Orbital Fractures -A Dynamic Biomechanics and Clinical Studies;眼眶壁骨折病人眼外肌功能损伤及相关生物力学系列临床与基础研究

5.The Subtype Classification of Medial-inferior Orbital Wall Blowout Fractures According to Computed Tomography;眶内下壁爆裂性骨折CT亚型分类的探讨

6.Surgical Treatment for Enophthalmos after Orbital Blowout Fractures眼眶壁爆裂性骨折合并眼球破裂内陷的矫治

7.Prothetic treatment of blow-out fracture in medial orbital wall with nasoseptal cartilage under nasal endoscope鼻内镜下鼻中隔软骨修复治疗爆裂性眼眶内侧壁骨折

8.Methods A total of 56 cases of blowout orbital fracture were treated by surgically implanting padding materials under the orbital periosteum.方法 眼眶壁爆裂性骨折56例,采用眼眶骨膜下垫压填充术修复治疗,并总结分析其疗效。

9.The orbital periosteum is elevated from medial wall of the orbir.眼眶骨膜从眼眶内侧壁剥离。

10.Clinical value of CT in diagnosing the simple fracture of lamina papyracea单纯筛骨眶板骨折的CT临床诊断价值

11.Infraorbital Approach in the Treatment of Zygomatic Complex Fractures眶下进路在颧骨复合体骨折中的应用

12.Transconjunctival approach to the fractures of the orbital floor and infraorbital rim经结膜切口在眶底和眶下缘骨折中的应用

13.Clinical Observation and Nursing of Orbital Reconstruction for Complicated Orbital Fractures复合性眼眶骨折行眼眶重建术的观察与护理

14.Interal fixation with titanic micro-plates in orbital fractures微型钛板坚强内固定术治疗眼眶骨折

15.A Clinical Analysis of 120 Patients of Zygomatic Orbital Complex Fractures;颧-眶复合体骨折120例临床分析

16.Imaging diagnosis and forensic appraisal of orbital fracture;眼眶骨折的影像学诊断及法医学评定

17.Application of computer avigation technique for assisting surgery of orbitalfracture计算机导航技术辅助眼眶骨折整复术

18.Clinical investigation in the repair and reconstruction of zygomatio-orbital fractures颧-眶复合体骨折修复重建的临床观察


nasal endoscope眶内壁骨折

1.Treatment of explosive medial orbital fracture through the ethmiod sinus undernasal endoscope;鼻内窥镜下经筛窦治疗爆裂性眶内壁骨折

3)Corit recoup orbital tracture对冲性眶壁骨折

4)orbital wall blow-out fracture眶壁爆裂性骨折

1.Treatment of advanced stage oforbital wall blow-out fracture combined with traumatic dacryocystitis and enophthalmos;眶壁爆裂性骨折晚期合并外伤性泪囊炎及眼球内陷的治疗

5)fracture of the medial orbital眶内侧壁骨折

6)Orbital fracture眶骨骨折

1.Orbital fractures are a common result of facial injury.眶骨骨折是面部创伤后骨折的常见种类,主要是由于高速撞击引起,以男性为主。


