100字范文 > 眼眶骨折 orbital fracture英语短句 例句大全

眼眶骨折 orbital fracture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-06 03:16:39


眼眶骨折 orbital fracture英语短句 例句大全

眼眶骨折,orbital fracture

1)orbital fracture眼眶骨折

1.Clinical analysis of the visual acuity and the diplopia of 220 patients withorbital fracture;220例眼眶骨折患者复视的临床分析

2.Value of three dimensional reconstruction of high resolution computerized tomography in imaging diagnosis oforbital fractures;高分辨率CT三维重建图像在眼眶骨折影像诊断中的价值


1.Clinical Observation and Nursing of Orbital Reconstruction for Complicated Orbital Fractures复合性眼眶骨折行眼眶重建术的观察与护理

2.Interal fixation with titanic micro-plates in orbital fractures微型钛板坚强内固定术治疗眼眶骨折

3.Imaging diagnosis and forensic appraisal of orbital fracture;眼眶骨折的影像学诊断及法医学评定

4.Application of computer avigation technique for assisting surgery of orbitalfracture计算机导航技术辅助眼眶骨折整复术

5.Orbit blow-out fracture reposited of 45 cases through sinus operation鼻窦进路行眼眶骨折复位45例报告

6.A clinical study on 13 cases exophthalmos with orbital fractures after craniocerebral injury.颅脑损伤后眼眶骨折致眼球突出13例临床分析

7.Analysis on 50 cases of orbital fractures in forensic medical examination;眼眶骨折的法医学鉴定研究(附50例分析)

8.Surgical correction of residual diplopia after orbital fracture repairment眼眶骨折修复手术后残余复视的手术矫正

9.Establishment of standard CT slices for diagnosis of orbital fractures眼眶骨折标准诊断CT层面的确定与应用研究

10.The Clinical Characteristics of Extraocular Muscle Function Changes before and after Reconstruction in Orbital Blowout Fracture Patients;爆裂性眼眶骨折修复术前后眼外肌功能变化临床特点

11.Methods 26 cases were treated by interal fixation with titanic micro-plates in orbital fractures and followed up 6-12 months after operation.方法对26例眼眶骨折施行微型钛板坚强内固定术,术后随访6~12月。

12.The Value of the Multi Planar Reconstruction and Three-dimensional Images of Multi-slide Spiral CT in Diagnosing Orbit Fracture;多层螺旋CT多平面重建及三维重建图像在眼眶骨折中的价值探讨

13.The treatment of late orbitozygomatic fracture with enophthalmos陈旧性眶颧骨折合并眼球内陷的治疗

14.MPR"s Application for the Diagnosis of Orbital Blowout FractureMPR在眼眶爆裂骨折诊断中的应用价值

15.Surgical Treatment for Enophthalmos after Orbital Blowout Fractures眼眶壁爆裂性骨折合并眼球破裂内陷的矫治

16.The Experimental and Clinical Study of Correcting Enophthalmol Caused by Orbital Fracture;眶骨骨折继发眼球内陷的临床治疗研究

17.The orbital blowout fracture CT characteristic and its forensic medicine appraisal;眼眶爆裂骨折的CT表现及法医学鉴定分析

parative study of reconstruction and repositioning of orbital blow-out fracture with various repair materials不同修复材料在眼眶爆裂性骨折整复中的比较


orbital fractures眼眶骨折

1.Interal fixation with titanic micro-plates inorbital fractures;微型钛板坚强内固定术治疗眼眶骨折

2.A clinical study on 13 cases exophthalmos withorbital fractures after craniocerebral injury.颅脑损伤后眼眶骨折致眼球突出13例临床分析

3.Objective To investigate the operation time methods and results of eliminating diplopia in the main functions field of vision after the surgical repair oforbital fractures.目的探讨眼眶骨折修复手术后主要功能视野内消除复视的手术时机、方法和效果。

3)Orbit fracture眼眶骨折

4)Orbital-Zygomatic Fracture眼眶颧骨骨折

5)Orbital-Naso-Maxillary Fracture眼眶上颌骨骨折

6)Complicated orbital fractures复杂性眼眶骨折


