100字范文 > 降瓦斯 decrease gas英语短句 例句大全

降瓦斯 decrease gas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-28 10:41:00


降瓦斯 decrease gas英语短句 例句大全

降瓦斯,decrease gas

1)decrease gas降瓦斯

2)Decreasing gas"s pressure瓦斯压力降低法


1.Directional Drilling for Methane Drainage in Advance of Mining;采前瓦斯抽放定向钻进技术

2.Controlling measures ofmethane and coal dust and ventilation method in fully mechanized excavation face;综掘工作面治理瓦斯煤尘通风方法的探索

3.Integrated control technology formethane in mining faces;回采工作面瓦斯综合治理技术


1.Gas is escaping from the range.瓦斯从瓦斯炉灶漏出。

2.be sent to the gas chamber进瓦斯室[用瓦斯毒死

3.Schwassman-Wachmann comet施瓦斯曼-瓦赫曼彗星

4.Gas Control Technology of Gas Abnormal Area in the Mining Process on Low-gas Coal Mine低瓦斯矿井高瓦斯区域瓦斯综合治理技术

5.an air [a gas] turbine空气[瓦斯]涡轮机.

6.catalytic gas oil催化(裂化)瓦斯油

7.a wood coal, gas, oil, electric ] stove柴煤、瓦斯、油、电]炉

8.The gas stove has only two burners.这瓦斯炉只有两个瓦斯头。

9.You put the kettle on the gas stove, and then light the gas.你先把水壶放在瓦斯炉上,再点瓦斯。

10.Investigate on Influence of Gas Concentration on Gas Explosion Propagation瓦斯浓度对瓦斯爆炸传播的影响研究

11.Gas comprehensive way technology for fully mechanized top high gassy coal caving mining face高瓦斯综放工作面瓦斯综合治理技术

12.The ventilating and methane monitoring technology of Yunding high methane tunnel云顶高瓦斯隧道通风及瓦斯监测技术

13.Gas Prevention and Control Technology with Hydraulic Pressing and Pushing for Fully Mechanized High Gassy Coal Mining Face高瓦斯综采面水力压挤瓦斯防治技术

14.Technology of "Coal and Gas Simultaneous Extraction" for High Gassy Coal Seams Group高瓦斯煤层群“煤与瓦斯共采”技术研究

15.Application of Gas Drainage Pump to Tunnel Gas Emission瓦斯抽放泵在巷道排放瓦斯中的应用

16.Prediction on Gas Emission and Gas Drainage base on Elevation根据标高预测瓦斯涌出量和瓦斯抽放

17.tandem gas engine串排复缸瓦斯发动机

18.sigma recording methanometer瓦斯火焰连续记录仪


Decreasing gas"s pressure瓦斯压力降低法


1.Directional Drilling for Methane Drainage in Advance of Mining;采前瓦斯抽放定向钻进技术

2.Controlling measures ofmethane and coal dust and ventilation method in fully mechanized excavation face;综掘工作面治理瓦斯煤尘通风方法的探索

3.Integrated control technology formethane in mining faces;回采工作面瓦斯综合治理技术

4)coal gas瓦斯

1.The Analysis of Geological Factors to the Existence of Coal Gas in the Sunan Coal Mining Area and Xutuan Coal Field;浅析宿南矿区和许疃井田瓦斯赋存的地质因素

2.Dilution process of thecoal gas in the laneway with pressured-injection ventilation and extracted methods had been analyzed comparatively.本文对煤矿瓦斯治理中压入式与抽吸式通风方式对掘进面附近瓦斯浓度稀释规律进行了对比分析,主要考察两种通风方式对于瓦斯析出量出现变动的适应能力。

5)mine gas瓦斯

1.Influence factors ofmine gas hydrate formation in surfactant solution containing coal;瓦斯水合物在含煤表面活性剂溶液中生成影响因素

2.Design and practices on network system of wireless sensors formine gas monitoring and measurement;煤矿瓦斯监测无线传感器网络系统设计与实现

3.Design on wireless sensor network formine gas measurement;煤矿瓦斯监测无线传感器网络系统设计


1.Key issues of coal andgas co-mining in thick seam;厚煤层煤与瓦斯共采的关键问题

2.Theoretical research on propagation law of acoustic emission wave in coal seam containinggas;含瓦斯煤体声发射应力波传播规律理论研究

3.Prediction ofgas emission time series based on W-RBF;基于W-RBF的瓦斯时间序列预测方法


