100字范文 > 瓦斯梯度 gas gradient英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯梯度 gas gradient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-16 23:29:54


瓦斯梯度 gas gradient英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯梯度,gas gradient

1)gas gradient瓦斯梯度

2)mine gas emission rate gradient瓦斯涌出量梯度

3)gas pressure gradient瓦斯压力梯度

4)gas concentration瓦斯浓度

1.Relation between the circle air andgas concentration;循环风与瓦斯浓度的关系

2.Forecast of coalminegas concentration based on the immune neural network model;基于免疫神经网络模型的瓦斯浓度智能预测

3.The paper introduced composition,working principle,design of hardware and software of a monitoring system ofgas concentration based on AT89C2051 single-chip microcomputer and VB6.0的瓦斯浓度监测系统的组成、工作原理及硬件、软件设计方法。


1.Investigate on Influence of Gas Concentration on Gas Explosion Propagation瓦斯浓度对瓦斯爆炸传播的影响研究

2.Research on Related Technologies of Methane Concentration Second Harmonic Detection;瓦斯浓度二次谐波检测相关技术研究

3.Experiment research of gas density impacting on explosion propagation influence瓦斯浓度对爆炸传播影响的实验研究

4.Design of Wireless Monitoring System for Temperature and Gas Concentration of Coal Mine煤矿温度和瓦斯浓度无线监测系统的设计

5.Research & Realization of Coal Gas Concentration Collection System Based on the ZigBee Technology;基于Zigbee的瓦斯浓度采集系统的研究与实现

6.The Research of Filter Model Against Large-Number in the Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System;煤矿安全监控瓦斯浓度的大数滤波器模型研究

7.Design and Realization of Methane Concentration Detecting System Based on Tunable Diode Laser;可调谐激光瓦斯浓度检测系统的设计与实现

8.The Research of Gas Concentration Prediction Based on Chaotic Time Series基于混沌时间序列的瓦斯浓度预测研究

9.Model of early warning of mine gas concentration based on extreme statistics theory基于极值统计理论的矿井瓦斯浓度预警模型

10.Research on Concentration Detection in Mine Based on Spectra Analysis of CH_4 MolecularCH_4分子光谱分析在井下瓦斯浓度监测中的研究

11.The research of gas concentration forecast model based on the theory of extreme statistics基于极值统计理论的瓦斯浓度预测模型研究

12.Design and Realization of Emergency Wireless Gas Concentration Acquisition Front-end Based on VxWorks基于VxWorks应急无线瓦斯浓度采集前端设计实现

13.Analysis on Gas Content Distribution Law of 7601 Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face in Wuyang Mine五阳煤矿7601综放面瓦斯浓度分布规律分析

14.The Intelligent Detecting and Early Warning System of the Gas Concentration by Infrared Device and PC Software Realization;智能化红外瓦斯浓度检测预警系统与上位机的实现

15.Research on Methane Concentration Harmonic Detection Technology in Coal Mines Based on Narrow-band Light Source基于煤矿瓦斯浓度的窄带光源谐波检测技术研究

16.Design of Gas Density Detector Based on Non-dispersive Infrared Spectrum Absorptive Fundamentals基于非色散红外光谱吸收原理的瓦斯浓度检测仪设计

17.A Study on Prediction of Coalmine Gas Concentration based on Comparisons between Gray System and Statistics基于灰色理论和统计学比较的煤矿瓦斯浓度预测研究

18.In this way, we can simulate the normal zero adjustment in air by taking down the data of “zero” at this time and compensate the following data with this “zero”.通过这种方法模拟大气环境下的正常校零过程,并在以后瓦斯浓度的检测中加以补偿。


mine gas emission rate gradient瓦斯涌出量梯度

3)gas pressure gradient瓦斯压力梯度

4)gas concentration瓦斯浓度

1.Relation between the circle air andgas concentration;循环风与瓦斯浓度的关系

2.Forecast of coalminegas concentration based on the immune neural network model;基于免疫神经网络模型的瓦斯浓度智能预测

3.The paper introduced composition,working principle,design of hardware and software of a monitoring system ofgas concentration based on AT89C2051 single-chip microcomputer and VB6.0的瓦斯浓度监测系统的组成、工作原理及硬件、软件设计方法。

5)concentration of gas瓦斯浓度

6)methane concentration瓦斯浓度

1.Based on contrast ofmethane concentration from calculation with one from experiment, a simulation onmethane concentration in tunnel is completed.给出巷道气体分层流的数值计算模型,在与实验结果对比基础上,进行了计算机数值模拟,并分析了巷道气体分层流的特征,讨论了影响瓦斯积聚层气体速度降低和积聚层瓦斯浓度稳定的因素。

2.Through determiningmethane concentration distribution in goaf of 3211 coal face in Yicheng coal mine,methane concentration distribution law in goaf of room and pillar mining coal face is found out preliminarily, thus providing scientific basis for methane drainage and methane accidents prevention and control in goaf.通过对义城煤矿 32 1 1回采工作面采空区瓦斯浓度分布的测定 ,初步查明了房柱式回采工作面采空区瓦斯浓度的分布规律 ,为今后采空区瓦斯抽放治理 ,防止采空区瓦斯事故的发生提供了科学的依据。

3.This paper achieved the methane control system can realize undergroun mining well by microcomputer,methane concentration real time control and have easy structure,low cost,high relia bility and strong control ability.设计的单片机瓦斯监控系统 ,实现对井下瓦斯浓度的实时控制。


