100字范文 > 课堂教学机智 teaching wits in class of high school英语短句 例句大全

课堂教学机智 teaching wits in class of high school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 11:17:14


课堂教学机智 teaching wits in class of high school英语短句 例句大全

课堂教学机智,teaching wits in class of high school

1)teaching wits in class of high school课堂教学机智

2)classroom-teaching wisdom课堂教学智慧

1.As a teacher who has some experience in classroom-teaching and who is stundying theroies of education,the author puts forward some ways,on the personal view,which are about the generation of theclassroom-teaching wisdom of primary and secondary school : reading,practicing,reflecting,researching and writing,with the hope of offering some suggestion for teachers.教师课堂教学智慧是近几年来教师教育研究的热点话题。


1.A Probe into Elementary Problems in Classroom-Teaching Wisdom of Primary and Secondary School Teachers;中小学教师课堂教学智慧基本问题探析

2.On the Generation of Classroom-teaching Wisdom of Primary and Secondary School Teachers--Based on the personal view of teachers themselves中小学教师课堂教学智慧生成的途径——基于教师个体层面的视角

3.The Tact of Teaching: An Improvised Quality Making the Wisdom Class;教学机智:成就智慧型课堂的即兴品质

4.Teachers Practical Intelligence:the Headspring of Classroom Teaching;教师实践智慧:课堂教学的活力之源

5.On Pedagogical Wisdom in Classroom Teaching;关于课堂教学中教育智慧的几点思考

6.Presentation and Formation Strategy of Teaching Wisdom in Primary Chinese Class小学语文课堂中教学智慧的呈现及养成策略

7.On Game Teaching in History Classes in Normal Colleges:A Case Study on "Wisdom PK" in Class高师历史课堂中的游戏教学刍议——以课堂上的“智慧PK”为个案

8.Promoting Culture Reconstruction in Classroom by Letting Wisdom into Class;让智慧走进课堂 推动课堂文化重建

9.On the Formation of Teaching Wisdom in the New Curriculum Reform;论新课改背景下教师教学智慧的生成

10.New Comments on Teaching Tact--Concurrently Talking about the Transformation of Classroom Teaching;教学机智新论——兼谈课堂教学的转型

11.Application of Quick Witted Teaching Used in Classroom;小议“教学机智”在课堂教学中的运用

12.Design the Class Teaching Carefully and Help the Students Develop Intelligence精心设计课堂教学 促进学生智力发展

13.Mathematic Classroom Teaching from the Perspective of Multiple Intelligence Theory;多元智能理论视角下的数学课堂教学

14.On "The Doctrine of Wisdom" in Language Teaching--reading "The Theory of Speech Teaching;试述语文课程性质"智慧说"——兼读《言语教学论》

15.Fairness in the Classroom Teaching from an Angle of Theory of Multiple Intelligence;多元智力理论视野下的课堂教学公平

16.Meditation on English Classroom Teaching Guided by Multi-Intelligence Theory多元智能理论下英语课堂教学的思考

17.On Practice of Class Teaching Evaluation in School for the Mentally retarded;培智学校“以学评教”的课堂教学评价实践

18.Wisdom from Metasynthetic Theory--Preliminary Analysis on Qian Xuesen s Theory of Metasynthetic Wisdom and Thinking of Metasynthetic Wisdom Education;集大成,得智慧——试析钱学森的大成智慧学和大成智慧教育思想


classroom-teaching wisdom课堂教学智慧

1.As a teacher who has some experience in classroom-teaching and who is stundying theroies of education,the author puts forward some ways,on the personal view,which are about the generation of theclassroom-teaching wisdom of primary and secondary school : reading,practicing,reflecting,researching and writing,with the hope of offering some suggestion for teachers.教师课堂教学智慧是近几年来教师教育研究的热点话题。

3)SCM course teachig单片机课堂教学

4)computer classroom teaching计算机课堂教学

5)mechanism of classroom instruction课堂教学机制

1.The structure ofmechanism of classroom instruction should be adjusted under the practice of innovative education in order to strengthen the metality of students and build a new state of unbalanced study, and cultivate students thinking and innovative abilities.学生主体地位和培养创新人才已成为人们的共识 ,教育者应从学生个体发展需要和社会、经济发展的需要出发 ,研究在教育创新条件下课堂教学机制内在诸因素的结构性调整 ,强化学生学习主体性功能 ,构建一种新的非平衡学习状态 ,培养学生创新思维品质与能力 ,启迪学生智慧 ,适应知识经济社会发展对人才的需

6)classroom teaching课堂教学

1.Construction of multimedia teaching software and its application inclassroom teaching;多媒体教学软件建设和在课堂教学应用实践中的思考

2.Problem and countermeasures of information-basedclassroom teaching;信息化课堂教学存在的问题及对策

3.Some experiences on theclassroom teaching of Medicinal Chemistry;药物化学课堂教学研究初探


