100字范文 > 城镇企业职工 enterprise employees of enterprises in cities and towns英语短句 例句大全

城镇企业职工 enterprise employees of enterprises in cities and towns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-16 13:25:25


城镇企业职工 enterprise employees of enterprises in cities and towns英语短句 例句大全

城镇企业职工,enterprise employees of enterprises in cities and towns

1)enterprise employees of enterprises in cities and towns城镇企业职工


1.Quantitative Analysis on Sex Differenceof Retirement Pension for Urban Employees in China;城镇企业职工养老金性别差异的定量探讨

2.Research on the Improvement of Endowment Insurance System of Urban Workers in China完善我国城镇企业职工养老保险制度研究

3.Research on Informal System in the Reform of the Endowment Insurance System in China;我国城镇企业职工基本养老保险改革中的非正式制度研究

4.Mechanism of Audit Supervision on Basic Endowment Insurance Fund of Town Enterprises Employees城镇企业职工基本养老保险基金审计监管机制研究

5.Urban Basic Old-age Insurance System for Enterprise Workers in China:Problems and Advice我国城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度:问题与建议

6.Social security coverage should be expanded by upgrading basic old-age pensions and medical insurance for workers of enterprises in urban areas.完善城镇企业职工基本养老、医疗保险制度,继续扩大各项社会保险覆盖面。

7.A: At present, there are 11.51 million laid-off workers nationwide, and the urban registered unemployment rate is 3.1 percent.答:当前全国企业下岗职工1151万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。

8.The Causes for Township Unemployment in China and the Countermeasures upon It;我国城镇职工失业的成因及相关对策

9.Discussion on Scientific Fitness Method of Employee from Enterprises in Zhenjiang;镇江市企事业职工科学健身方法探讨

10.Analysis of Medical Expenditure and Measure of Insurance Premium Rate of Private Enterprise Employee and Self - Employee Laborer in Shanghai City;上海市城镇私营企业职工和个体工商户及其帮工医疗费用分析与费率测算

11.Last year, the basic living allowance of the laid-off employees of state owned enterprises, the unemployment insurance and the minimum living security standard for the urban and township residents were up by 30 per cent;去年,国有企业下岗职工基本生活费、失业保险金、城镇居民最低生活保障水平提高了30%;

12.The workman went from town to town, working when he could find employment.那个工人从一个城镇流浪到另一个城镇,找到职业时就干点活。

13.Rural Vocational Education in the Process of Urbanization and Industrialization;城镇化和工业化过程中的农村职业教育

14.We must spare no effort in promoting democracy at the grass-roots level and bring into play the role of the workers" conferences of enterprises, urban neighborhood committees and rural villagers" committees.大力推进基层民主建设,切实发挥企业职工代表大会、城镇居民委员会和农村村民委员会的作用。

15.System of medical insurance for urban workers城镇职工医疗保险制度

16.Research On Problem of Laid-off Workers’ Latent Employment In Towns of Hebei Province河北省城镇下岗职工隐性就业问题研究

17.The Research for the Problem of Chinese City Officers and Workers Unemployment Insurance in Present Stage;现阶段我国城镇职工失业保险问题研究

18.Empirical Study on Gender Wage Gap and Occupational Segregation for Urban Workers职业隔离与城镇男女工资性别歧视的实证分析


The workers in township enterprises乡镇企业职工

1.The workers in township enterprises need more protection by the trade unions.乡镇企业的蓬勃发展造就了一支庞大的乡镇企业职工队伍。

3)urban workers城镇职工

1.On reason ofurban workers difficulty in seeing the doctor and the countermeasures;城镇职工看病难的原因及对策思考

2.significance and bad influnce of unemployment ofurban workers from economic demogrphy,and puts forward the measures and suggestions.本文从人口经济学的角度分析了城镇职工下岗的原因、意义和不良影响 ,并提出了对策和建

3.It particularly introduces the emergence,development,reform and the main problem of Medical insurance forurban workers in China.本文阐述了医疗保险的相关基础原理,介绍了国外医疗保险制度几种代表性模式的历史发展、特点及优缺点,详细分析了我国城镇职工医疗保险的产生、发展、改革及目前存在的主要问题,说明了我国城镇职工医疗保险制度进一步改革的必要性。

4)urban employee城镇职工

1.Consideration ofurban employee s endowment insurance reform tendency;关于城镇职工养老金制度改革现实取向的若干思考

5)Industry cities工业城镇

6)enterprise employees企业职工

1.At the same time, the authors have applied the model to predict basic pension insurance forenterprise employees of Shaanxi province in the following 55 years.以中国现行企业职工基本养老保险制度为依据,构建了统账结合的企业职工基本养老保险供给模型,利用陕西省社会保障局提供的统计数据对模型进行检验,并运用模型对未来55年陕西省基本养老保险供给能力进行了预测;通过敏感性分析,进一步明确了工资增长率、平均退休年龄是影响基本养老保险供给的主要因素。


