100字范文 > 热退火处理 thermal annealing英语短句 例句大全

热退火处理 thermal annealing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-15 13:50:32


热退火处理 thermal annealing英语短句 例句大全

热退火处理,thermal annealing

1)thermal annealing热退火处理

1.In order that ZnS films can be applied in various optoelectronics devices, it is necessary that we should improve (or change) physical and chemical properties of ZnS thin films, both doping andthermal annealing are very important means.为了使得ZnS薄膜能广泛应用于各类光电器件,有必要改善(或者改变)ZnS薄膜的物理、化学等性能,在ZnS薄膜中掺入杂质元素和热退火处理就是其中两种重要的方法,尤其是ZnS薄膜的p型掺杂显得尤为重要。

2)annealing treatment退火热处理

1.5)hydrogen storage alloys at high temperature (333K)was investigated;Second,the effect ofannealing treatment (1173K)on the electrochemical properties of La_(0.5)储氢合金,第一步研究B/A比的变化对该系列材料的高温(333K)电化学性能的影响;第二步研究了1173K退火热处理对La_(0。


1.Influence of Annealing Heat Treatment on Properties of Nano-tungsten Powder退火热处理对纳米钨粉体性能的影响

2.Effects of Annealing Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of TA15 Titanium Alloy退火热处理对TA15钛合金组织性能的影响

3.High temperature annealing treatment on Co doped ZnO bulksCo掺杂的ZnO稀磁半导体块体的退火热处理研究

4.Optimization of parameters in electric impulsed spheroidizing annealing process of Cr12MoV steelCr12MoV模具钢电脉冲球化退火热处理工艺参数的优化

5.There are three main operations in the heat treatment of steel: hardening, tempering and annealing.钢的热处理操作主要有三种,即:淬火,回火和退火。

6.This hear treatment of metal is called annealing .金属的这种热处理叫退火。

7.The procedures of heat treatment of steel include hardening,tempering,annealing and case hardening.钢的热处理工序包括硬化、回火、退火和表面硬化。

8.HT Sub-factory : complete process of annealing, quenching, tempering, quenching and tempering, solution treatment etc.热处理厂:可完成退火,正火,回火,调质,固溶处理等工艺.

9.Study on Heat Treatment Techniques for Homogenizing the Annealed Structure of H13 SteelH13模块退火组织均匀化热处理工艺试验研究

10.Microstructure and Properties of AZ31 Sheet during Hot Rolling and Annealing Treatment热轧及退火处理对AZ31镁合金板材组织的影响

11.Anneal Treatment and Thermal Oxidation Aging Study of Poly(chloro-para-xylylene) Films聚氯代对二甲苯膜的退火处理及热氧老化研究

12.Effect of Electropulsing and Annealing Treatment on Thermal Fatigue Property of HHD Steel Weld;电脉冲与退火处理对热作模具钢焊缝热疲劳性能的影响

13.It can replace traditional isothermal anneal as advance heat treatment of roughcast of bearing rings.可部分替代传统的等温退火作为轴承套圈毛坯的预先热处理。

14.Implantation damage can be removed by annealing, i.e. heating in flowing gas.注入损伤可以通过退火,即在流动空气中热处理来消除。

15.Phenomenon of Strip Steel Heat Buckle in Vertical Continuous Annealing Furnace and Treatment Methods立式连续退火炉内带钢的热瓢曲现象及处理办法

16.Effect of Overaging Temperature in Continuous Annealing on Microstructure and Properties of Heat-Treated DP Steel连续退火过时效温度对热处理双相钢组织性能的影响

17.flame-treating head火焰热处理用焰炬头

18.In the process known as annealing, we heat the steel above the critical temperature and permit it to cool very slowly.在通常所说的退火的热处理过程中,我们把钢加热到临界温度以上,再让它慢慢冷却。


annealing treatment退火热处理

1.5)hydrogen storage alloys at high temperature (333K)was investigated;Second,the effect ofannealing treatment (1173K)on the electrochemical properties of La_(0.5)储氢合金,第一步研究B/A比的变化对该系列材料的高温(333K)电化学性能的影响;第二步研究了1173K退火热处理对La_(0。


1.The Co-Pt alloy thin films have been successfully synthesized on the substrate of copper and single crystal Si(110) wafer by electrodeposition from the alkaline plating bath containing ammonium tartrate as complexing agent and by subsequentannealing.本论文采用电化学恒电流法,通过改变阴极电流密度和电镀液中不同金属盐组分,在铜和单晶Si(110)基底上沉积制备得到了不同Pt摩尔分数的Co-Pt合金薄膜,并对制备得到的Co-Pt合金薄膜进行了不同温度的退火热处理使其转变为L1_0型超晶格结构的Co-Pt合金。

2.Co-Pt alloy thin films have been successfully synthesized on a copper substrate by electrodeposition from an alkaline plating bath containing ammonium tartrate as complexing agent followed by subsequentannealing.采用酒石酸铵为络合剂,碱性溶液作为电解液沉积体系,利用电化学共沉积法在铜基底上制备得到了Co-Pt合金薄膜,并对制备得到的合金薄膜进行了不同温度的退火热处理。

4)annealing treatment with electric field电场退火热处理

5)postweld annealing heat treatment焊后退火热处理

6)isothermal annealing heat treatment等温退火热处理


玻璃退火(见玻璃热处理)玻璃退火(见玻璃热处理)annealing of glass瓣严巍艺棘洪薰l鬓
