100字范文 > 裘皮服装 fur clothing英语短句 例句大全

裘皮服装 fur clothing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 14:06:37


裘皮服装 fur clothing英语短句 例句大全

裘皮服装,fur clothing

1)fur clothing裘皮服装

1.Key techniques of womenfur clothing based on made to measure;基于量身定制的女式裘皮服装关键技术探讨

2)fur garment裘皮服装,毛皮服装

3)fur and leather garments裘皮服

4)fur or leather garment裘革服装


1.The Technology of Dechromed Fur Production;反硝裘皮制品的加工技术

2.Study on the Feasibility to Distinguish the Fur Fiber by Optical Microscope;应用光学显微镜鉴别裘皮毛纤维可行性研究

3.This article mainly talks about the function offur-clothes,such as allure,grade from the point of view of clothes emblem and function.从服装的符号功能的角度探讨了裘皮服装的裘皮诱惑、风尚、品位等功能,并运用格式塔心理理论探讨了这些功能产生的基础。


1.Fur--Raccoon dog skinsGB/T14788-1993裘皮貉皮

2.Fur--Yellow weasel skinsGB/T14787-1993裘皮黄鼬皮

3.Fur--Raw mink skinGB/T14789-1993裘皮水貂皮

4.Fur--Persin lamb skiGB/T14629.2-1993裘皮三北羔皮

5.Fur--Raw goatling skinGB/T14629.4-1993裘皮猾子皮

6.Fur--Cheki and lamb skinGB/T14629.1-1993裘皮小湖羊皮

7.how much is the fur coat?这件裘皮大衣多少钱?

8.International Fur Trade Federation国际裘皮贸易联合会

9." Fur--Sheep kivskin,sheep lambskin"GB/T14629.3-1993裘皮滩二毛皮、滩羔皮

10.New-pattern fur coat enaBles you to have an outstanding manner.新款裘皮大衣,令您风度非凡。

11.We have some fur coats on sale today.今天有一些特价裘皮大衣。

12.The furs you ordered have be shipped ( dispatch ) per airfreight .贵方所订购的裘皮已由空运发货。

13.She loves to parade all her furs.她喜爱炫耀她所有的裘皮衣物。

14.Dressed in this fur coat, one will look dignified and graceful.穿这种裘皮大衣,显得雍容华丽。

15.We specialize in fur scarves: rabbit scarf, fox scarf, mink scarf. all those products are supremely elegant and fashionable,sell well in Russia, South Korea, and North American.主营裘皮围巾:獭兔编制围巾,水貂编织围巾等各种裘皮编织围巾.欢迎与我们洽谈.

16.My wife"s been going on at me for a month to buy her this fur coat我妻子缠了我一个月要我给她买这件裘皮大衣。

17.She was wearing a new fur coat and felt like a million dollars.她穿着一件新裘皮大衣,觉得自己非常漂亮。

18.Both bone meal and blood meal give mourishing value as high as that of the imported fish meat.品种有:裘皮大衣、洗猪鬃和半成品猪鬃、粉、毛粉、粉。


fur garment裘皮服装,毛皮服装

3)fur and leather garments裘皮服

4)fur or leather garment裘革服装


1.The Technology of Dechromed Fur Production;反硝裘皮制品的加工技术

2.Study on the Feasibility to Distinguish the Fur Fiber by Optical Microscope;应用光学显微镜鉴别裘皮毛纤维可行性研究

3.This article mainly talks about the function offur-clothes,such as allure,grade from the point of view of clothes emblem and function.从服装的符号功能的角度探讨了裘皮服装的裘皮诱惑、风尚、品位等功能,并运用格式塔心理理论探讨了这些功能产生的基础。



