100字范文 > 苔色 fur color英语短句 例句大全

苔色 fur color英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 15:16:11


苔色 fur color英语短句 例句大全

苔色,fur color

1)fur color苔色

1.Objective: To explore the method of tong color andfur color\"s standard establishment in digital tong diagnosis.目的:探讨数字化舌诊舌色、苔色标准建立的思路方法。


1."Here in the quiet of the priest"s templecourtyard, Mosses add their climbing colour to the thick Bamboo;"道人庭宇静,苔色连深竹;

2.The reddish dyestuff obtained from any of these organisms.苔色素由此类植物提出的红色染料

3.Research on Computerized Classification of Tongue Color in Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医舌色苔色的计算机自动分类研究

4.Feature Extraction and Selection of Tong Color and Fur Color in Digital TCM Tong Image数字舌图的舌色苔色特征提取和选择

5.Any of various green, usually small, nonvascular plants of the class Musci of the division Bryophyta.苔藓任一种苔藓植物门苔藓纲绿色植物,通常较小且无导管

6.an agate with brown, black, or green moss-like markings.一种带有褐色、黑色或绿色苔藓状斑纹的玛瑙。

7.On the Plot Structure in Tess of the dUrbervilles;试析《苔丝》结构与情节的两点特色

8.Lichen Planus Pigmentosus:Meta-analysis of 10 Case Reports in China色素性扁平苔藓:病例报道及文献分析

9.Effects of Seed Size and Seed Coat Colour on Seed Quality and Yield of Flower Stalks from Palnts in Brassica Campestris. L. var. Purpurea Bailey红菜苔种子大小和种皮颜色对种子质量及苔产量的影响

10.She also features special eye colors: sky blue, violet, moss green, and auburn.她也拥有特别的瞳色,分别为:天蓝色,紫色,苔绿色和红褐色。

11.brown or blackish Alpine mosses having a dehiscent capsule with 4 longitudinal slits.棕色或浅黑色的阿尔卑斯山苔藓,有开裂蒴果。

12.Cytological Study of Some Important Liverworts and Index to Bryophyte Chromosome Counts Update一些重要苔类植物的染色体研究和世界苔藓植物染色体数目索引更新

13."It is well," replied Mercédès, with her eloquent glance;“很好,”美塞苔丝说,眼里露出高贵而动人的神色。

14.Normally there is a thin coating on the surface of the tongue, produced by the Gastric Qi.正常情况下舌上均有白色薄苔,由胃气所生。

15.On Pictorial and Musical Arts in Tess of the D Urbervilles;绘画和音乐—《德伯家的苔丝》中的两个艺术特色

16.The 3D Distribution Characteristic Description of Six Tongue Coating Colors6种舌苔颜色数据的三维分布特征的描述

17.Sequence Analysis and Function Predication of Cyt C from Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dum.蛇苔细胞色素C(Cyt C)的序列分析及功能预测

18.The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.原丝体由叶苔或苔藓的孢子萌芽发展而成的绿色丝状生长物,最终发展成配子体


Purple bolt紫色菜苔

3)orsellinic esters苔色酸酯

1.Synthesis and anti-fungal activity oforsellinic esters;苔色酸酯的合成及抗真菌作用的研究

4)gyrophoric acid三苔色酸


6)orchil; orseille; orselle苔色素


