100字范文 > 移动组合单元 travelling and combined units英语短句 例句大全

移动组合单元 travelling and combined units英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-15 07:30:00


移动组合单元 travelling and combined units英语短句 例句大全

移动组合单元,travelling and combined units

1)travelling and combined units移动组合单元


1.Conceptual Design of the Travelling and Combined Units of Life Support Based on Mine Disaster基于矿难的生保移动组合单元概念研究

2.The Research of GPS/DR Integrated Navigation System and the Development of the Mobile Terminal on Vehicles;GPS/DR组合导航系统的研究及车载移动单元的研制

3.Based on displacement-based finite element models proposed, a finite element (FE) method of steel and concrete composite beams considering slip between steel girder and concrete plate is presented.利用考虑滑移的钢-混凝土组合梁单元,建立了考虑滑移的钢-混凝土组合梁有限单元法。

4.Study and Application on the Combined Element Model Considering the Bond-slip;考虑粘结滑移的组合式单元模型研究与应用

5.Study and Exploration of a New Cell Cascaded PWM Control Scheme单元组合式移相新型控制电路的研究与开发

6.dynamic shift register cell动态移位寄存器单元

7.DDZ-Ⅲ series process electronic control system-Frequency converterGB/T13635-1992DDZ-Ⅲ系列电动单元组合仪表频率转换器

8.Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell.在数组的首列中查找并在行间移动以返回单元格的值。

9.Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell.\0在数组的首列中查找并在行间移动以返回单元格的值。\0

10.Single-species Aggregation --Migration Model;单组元聚集体的聚集——迁移的模型

11.Made up of two units.二分组合由两个单元组成

bined finite element model of prestressed concrete structure and its mesh generation预应力混凝土组合单元及其单元信息生成

13.Study of ANSYS modelling on the combination of 3D entity unit and plate-shell unitANSYS三维实体单元与板壳单元的组合建模研究

14.charge-coupled shift register cell电荷耦合移位寄存器单元

15.Exchange Rate Fluctuation Study Based on a Cluster Drifting Model of Orders;基于组合漂移模型的订单流变化条件下汇率波动研究

16.Software Architecture & Synchronization Acquisition in TETRA Mobile Radio;TETRA移动单元的软件结构及同步设计

17.Operative combined with postoperative silver needle treatment for the lumbar motor unit instability soft tissue pain手术配合术后银质针治疗腰椎运动单元失稳的软组织疼痛

18.Unicast Address Autoconfiguration Approaches in MANET移动自组网的单播地址自动分配方案


moving unit移动单元

1.The realization of themoving unit in the monitoring positioning system;监控定位系统中移动单元的实现

3)cell moving单元移动

4)combined element组合单元

1.In order to simplify the work of pre-process in finite element analysis of large scale bolted rock discontinuities,acombined element model of bolted rock discontinuities is presented based on the displacement interpolation function of discontinuity element and the stiffness matrix of bolt element.为了简化大规模加锚岩体结构面有限元分析的前处理过程,通过结合结构面单元的位移插值函数和虚拟锚杆单元的刚度矩阵,提出了加锚岩体结构面组合单元模型。

2.Since pre-stressed concrete box girders usually have a large number of curve pre-stressed tendons,a type ofcombined element is presented to simulate the prestressed tendons of box girders,and then the number of elements can be significantly reduced.由于预应力混凝土箱梁中通常存在大量曲线预应力钢筋,提出一种组合单元,并用该单元模拟箱梁中的预应力钢筋,该方法可使结构分析时单元数量大大降低。

5)composite element组合单元

1.Through contrastive analysis of calculated value and test data, it is proven feasible and correct to usecomposite element and externally prestressed element together to analyze externally prestressed concrete structure, while providing support and experience to the numerical simulation in bridge structure.采用组合单元模拟钢筋混凝土结构,能全面考虑混凝土的开裂、塑性等问题;并推到一种体外预应力单元:在忽略摩擦的情况下,能够考虑体外筋在转向块处的滑移作用,从而对其变形与受力做出更准确的模拟。

2.To analyze the performance of reinforced concrete structures numerically, thecomposite element is developed, which inherits and expands the features of the original isoparametric element, and can consider contributions of concrete and steel to the element stiffness separately.组合单元是一种针对钢筋混凝土结构数值计算而产生的单元形式,是对原有实体等参元的继承和拓展,能够分别考虑混凝土和钢筋各自对单元刚度矩阵的贡献。

3.Based on thecomposite element,3D model of concrete creep is created firstly.以组合单元为基础,建立混凝土徐变的三维计算模型:将结构的变形、内力状态、结构形式及约束情况均沿时间轴进行划分,再根据结构在每个时间点上各参数的变化值,推导出了混凝土徐变计算的递推公式;又基于虚功原理建立混凝土徐变刚度矩阵,绕过应力与应变,直接通过位移增量计算自由徐变应变增量的等效荷载,提高了徐变数值计算精度;组合单元是对原有实体等参元的继承和拓展,能够分别考虑钢筋和混凝土各自对单元刚度矩阵的贡献,而两者又通过自由度变换的方法有机的结合在一起,构成一种可专门用于模拟钢筋混凝土结构的单元形式。

6)cell cascaded单元组合

1.A new kind of PWM control circuit module of thecell cascaded multilevel inverter which is based on the CPLD is explored,in allusion to the blank actuality of special purpose PWM control IC which the multilevel inverter is faced with at the present time.针对目前多电平变频器在国内、外所面临的脉宽调制(PWM)控制专用IC的空白现状,研究开发了一种基于CPLD的单元组合式多电平变频器拓扑的移相PWM控制专用电路模块。


移动1.改换原来的位置。 2.调动。
