100字范文 > 水热组合 Combination of water and heat英语短句 例句大全

水热组合 Combination of water and heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-26 12:23:06


水热组合 Combination of water and heat英语短句 例句大全

水热组合,Combination of water and heat

1)Combination of water and heat水热组合

1.The effect of the combination of water and heat to the status of vegetation cover was revealed.本文以位于我国三大气候分区过渡带中的河西走廊南部的祁连山为研究对象,借助遥感数据中的植被指数方法定量地描述该地区植被的生长状况和空间分布,结合相应的降水与气温的空间化栅格数据,通过GIS空间叠加与多因子复合分析,合理地揭示了水热组合对于植被分布的影响。


1.Application of Hydrothermal Combinative Technique to Synthesis of Gallium Phosphite水热组合方法在合成亚磷酸镓中的应用

2.The Relationship Between Vegetation Growth and the Combination of Water and Heat in the Qilian Mountain祁连山区植被生长与水热组合关系研究

bination dryer of heat-pump and hot-air for drying of dehydrated vegetables脱水蔬菜热泵-热风组合干燥装置设计

4.Seasonal Energy Efficiency Assessment of Air Source Heat Pump Water Heaters空气源热泵热水机组全年综合能效评定

5.Application and analysis of solar energy and air-source heat pump hot water system太阳能和空气源热泵组合热水系统应用与分析

6.Cold Heat of Hotel Constitutes Energy-efficient Technology某酒店空调、热水系统冷热组合节能技术改造

7.Flood and composite frequence caculation of the topical cyclone storm tide洪水与热带气旋暴潮组合频率计算

8.Research on the Assembled Large Capacity Gas Instantaneous Water Heater;组合式大流量燃气快速热水机的研究

9.Study of Drying and Forming Film of PVA Hydrosols by Hot Air-Infrared;PVA水溶胶的热风/红外组合干燥成膜研究

10.Simulation and Experimental Study on Solar Combisystem for Space and Water Heating;太阳能供暖/热水组合系统的实验与模拟研究

11.Circuit Design for Sprinkler Controlled by Pyroelectric Infrared and Acousto-optic Aggregate;热释红外与声光组合控制喷水系统电路设计

12.A neutron-kinetics/thermal-hydraulics analysis of the fast zone assembly in the SCWR mixed core超临界水冷混合堆快谱区组件物理——热工分析

13.Neutron-Kinetics/Thermal-Hydraulics Performance Analysis of Fast Zone Assembly in Supercritical Water Reactor Mixed Core超临界水混合堆快谱区组件物理-热工性能分析

14.Apply SUNHEAT and HEAT PUMP to hot water system of architecture太阳能及空气源热泵组合热水系统在建筑中的应用

15.air to air heat recovery unit空气 空气热交换式热回收组合机组

16.A combination anode rod/hot water outlet nipple has been installed to extend tank life.为了延长内胆使用寿命,本热水器安装了组合型阳极棒/热水出口螺纹接头。

17.Hydrothermal Synthesis of NASICON-type Zirconium Phosphate Crystals and Their Characteristics of Ion-exchange Assembly;NASICON构型磷酸锆盐晶体的水热合成及其交换组装性能研究

18.Hydrothermal Synthesis, Self-assembly on Solid/Water Interface and Phase Behavior of Suspensions of LDH NanoparticlesLDH纳米粒子水热合成、固液界面自组装及其分散体系的相行为


water-heat-wind combination水热风组合

1.Thewater-heat-wind combination rule and its relationship with blown-sand activity in Minqin were analyzed based on the seasonal and annual meteorological data from 1956-.利用民勤50年来的气象数据,对各季、年的水热风组合状况及其与风沙活动的关系进行了分析,得到的结论为:1)民勤春季以暖湿弱风蚀和暖干强风蚀组合出现较多,基本不存在冷干组合、湿强风蚀组合和冷强风蚀组合;夏季以暖干弱风蚀组合出现较多,水热组合具有明显的反相位对应关系;秋季和冬季水热风组合均比较复杂,各种组合均有出现,且都不占优势;从全年来看,民勤基本不存在冷干组合,很少出现湿强风蚀组合。

3)hydrothermal combinative technique水热组合合成

4)combined water-heat conditions水热组合条件

5)water-heat combination水热组合多样

1.There are plentiful land resources, variability ofwater-heat combination and large amount of natural prairie etc.具有土地辽阔,水热组合多样,天然草场面积大等有利条件。

6)radiator with combination of water and oil水油组合散热器


